Eastern Continent

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The Eastern Continent is a continent on CivMC located on the +,+ and +,- quadrants on the map. Variously called Totec (in Yoahtl), Oriente (in Lusitania), Vinteria (In Pavia), mehylorfro (In djani'hweh), Dornyn (in The Khaganate), and Kerote (in Ila'Kyavul). Eastern Continent stretches across the lower +,- and the northern +,+. It is the second largest continent by land mass and is diverse. The northwestern portion of the landmass is known as the Lyrean Subcontinent.

List of Nations

Active Nations
Name of nation/territory Other names Capital Form of Government Head of Government Alliance
Accra Accra N/A Accra City Provisional directorial republic Forged_TK, sadchamp GLHF
Exyria Exyria N/A Exilus Empire Spenduh GLHF
Griffin Griffin N/A Adria Monarchy Seekinq Lyrean Commonwealth
Iaumea Iaumea N/A Santiago Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy JPM_Stalin EAST
Ila'Kyavul Ila'Kyavul N/A Kay'evenya Absolute monarchy Suleisil EAST
Iria Iria N/A Iria City Republic Wolfmontjuic None
Kallos Kallos N/A Karaya Kalloism Troll_Bebek, K0mmi EAST
Lambat Lambat N/A Poblacion, Lambat City Monarchy Kaprediem Lyrean Commonwealth
Lusitania Lusitania N/A Portucale Constitutional monarchy PCRato06 EAST
Mery Mery Mehri Port O' Mery None Pythius Lyrean Commonwealth
Moloka Moloka N/A Stonegate One party state boywar03 Lyrean Commonwealth
Pavia Pavia N/A Pavia City Semi-constitutional monarchy Gobblin Lyrean Commonwealth
Rivia Rivia N/A Rivia City Syndicalism Jaydon EAST
Yoahtl Yoahtl N/A Altepetl Unitary constitutional democratic council x1025 ASN, Dawn Guard Pact