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Syferau Elyriani
Capital cityElyris
TerritoriesMyhfaer Fylaena
GovernmentElven Monarchy (Rule By Decree)
• Aelthori
Laethyris Myni Taerys, (IGN: matanic1107)
Foundation date19th December 2023
ReligionNature Worship, Worship of Elyris
IdeologyHarmony, Prosperity, Strength
MottoMir Elyris Solsyr!

Elyras also known by the names Elyriani Realm (Syferau Elyriani in Elyriani) or Elyria, is a small polity located in the west of Deluvia. Currently Elyras is under the Kingdom of Groveheart with special privledges granted by the Treaty of Elyris

Elyras is also a cultural institution for all Elyriani living everywhere and the laws made by Elyras apply to every Elyriani settlement. It can be seen as the 'Sovreignty of the Elyriani elves'

Currently Elyras is ran by Aelthori Laethyris, who has undone much of the progressive reforms of Aelthori Fylaena. House Taerys looms large over the city. The Taerys family business, the Solsyra Corporation is now essentially indistinguishable from the government of Elyras. Elyras is branded as 'An Elven Corporate Dominion'.


Tyras Lysar - Era of Surviving, Foundation of Elyras 19th to 30th December 2023

The Elyriani were forced to travel the seas once more following the destruction of Elyris due to the invading armies of the Grand Lichdom. Those who survived and escaped including the Aelthori, were forced to set sail with the Elyriani fleet beyond the edge of Alathra once more.

Determined to find a new safe harbour the Elyriani fleet sailed to the edge of the world where they passed over into a new plane (CivMC) in a great storm. The ships managed to find refuge in a nearby bay, laying anchor at one of the islands.

Although this island was unsuitable for habitation, the Elyriani found a hidden luscious cave which kept them safe from the elements. The arrival of these new elfs is spreading throughout the region and Elyriani scouts report other human settlements nearby. The Elyriani have begun construction of their new Elyris.

Myhfaer Fylaena was acquired by Aelthori Fylaena after a deed (In game book by Rocketboy100) was given to her by the last dying inhabitant of the fort discovered by scouts. This map is in the region known as Otonabee Bay. During this time Elyras became a vassal of the Imperial Federation per the Treaty of Elyris

By the end of this era the Elyriani were established on Deluvia, still fairly undeveloped but were known by most inhabitants of the Otanobee Bay area. There was further integration with Imperial Federation following Aelthori Fylaena's run for the chancellor elections of December 2023 and the establishment of the Progressive Trade Union. This is a political party in the Imperial Federation which has a strong prescence in the Otanobee Bay area.

Tyras Haethmar - Era of Praying and Hoping 31st December 2023 - 28th April 2024

This Era was declared by Aelthori decree:

''I Fylaena Draeni Ilaeri Aelthori of the Elyriani Realm do declare the end of our era of survival and declare that we the Elyriani are reclaiming our own prosperity in these new lands, we as Elyriani have stood together before Elyris and followed her guidance therefore we must trust in her still. May she deliver us onto a new era. I declare the end of the Tyras (Era) Lysar (Surviving)and the start of the  Tyras (Era) Haethmar (Praying/Hoping). Mir Elyris Solsyr!''

This new era was due to the increasing integration of Elyras into the Imperial Federation and the subsequent end of the Treaty of Elyris as Elyras had developed sufficiently to fulfill the requirements to become a state of the Imperial Federation. This is when Aelthori Fylaena submitted an application to join the IF in the form of The Termination of the Treaty of Elyris.

During this period integration with Groveheart was increasingly sought due to the economic benefits and was promised land to be given to Elyriani settlers in the main Groveheart state, what is now Vyrmyhra.This lead to the vassalage of Elyras to Groveheart.

Tyras Fylae - Purple Era 28th April - 16th July

Following Elyras' further integration into the Imperial Federation and Groveheart it is clear the grand realm of Ellyria is a distant memory and a misguided dream. Additionally the hierarchal traditional way of life for the Elyriani has been challenged with their numbers dwindling and the more egalitarian community focused approach they have had to take to survive. This therefore led Aelthori Fylaena with the guidance of members of the community to seek to reform Aelthori society to properly acknowledge these changes. The Purple Spring has been declared, Elyriani society will be reformed into a more democratic, communalist and representative version. It is a time of rebirth and change!

Much of the aristocracy had their privledges revoked in this period, trade unions and worker co-operatives started to be implemented in particular for the mining and pickaxe production industries that Elyras was famous for. Additionally the previous political party founded by Aelthori Fylaena; the progressive trade union (PTU) as a compromise had become split into its right wing which became the progressive party (PP) and the left wing which became the Western Bay People's Party (WBPP). This notably placed Elyras as a staunch stronghold of Western Bay Separatism and a centre for left wing thinkers.

''The Dissolution of the Elyriani Hierarchy

“Radical reform is needed to reshape Elyriani society to help us thrive in our current situation. We must throw off the shackles of arrogance and accept our new reality. We are no longer rich, we are no longer powerful but we are together. Only together can we get through this. Therefore I announce the following Decree:

The Fylae Talmus (Purple Council) will be created. This will debate and pass Elyriani laws, customs and manage all aspects the Aelthori once did.

The Aelthori will now serve a speaker role, to organise the debates of the Fylae Talmus (Purple Council) and serve a spiritual unifying role.

The Fylae Talmus will be composed of Elyriani elected by Elyriani and Elyras.”

Aelthori Fylaena (matanic1107) ran with the infamous Thanis007 in the Imperial Federation chancellor elections who achieved 14 first choice votes, the 2nd highest among the candidates. However after this, Fylaena resigned from IF politics believing she had done all she could to attempt to get independence. Thanis007 later took over the WBPP which became violent, advocating for terrorist attack in New Callisto. This led to the party's subsequent collapse.

Tyras Solsyra - Solsyra Era 16th July - 16th November August

Within Elyras a shadowy corporation began to rise in power primarily through corruption of state officials and the discontent of the aristocracy with Fylaena's reforms. This corporation, the Solsyra Corporation was based out of the now abanonded Solsaera in Reggio ran by the Taerys family which became abandonded during the expedition North to the Butternut mesas. However in particular it was the rise of one member of the Taerys family which stood out. His name was Laethyris Myni Taerys (matanic1107).

Laethyris was born shortly after the arrival of the Elyriani to Deluvia.  The name means, one with flaming eyes. Born into the wealthy Taerys family who managed to become the majority owners of the quarries of Elyris he was brought up to be ambitious.

He received the best educations his family could buy, excelling in mathematics and economics. Soon he entered the family business learning the ways of commerce, becoming so successful his father retired early to leave the business to him.

Unfortunately during the Purple Reforms of Aelthori Fylaena, the Taerys’ were forced out of Elyris fleeing with their wealth to find sanctuary. Laethyris was able to find sanctuary in Reggio after negotiating the Solsyra Corporation’s (the Taerys’ family business) entry to Reggio Corp. As part of this deal he was permitted to establish an Elyriani settlement, named Solsaera.

Slowly Laethyris rebuilt the family’s base and as Aelthori Fylaena’s reforms proved to be more and more unpopular, he was able to infiltrate the ranks of Elyras government. Culminating in the surprise quasi-coup whereby Fylaena was put under house arrest then mysteriously died under suspicious circumstances naming Laethyris as successor.

Despite his shady dealings, Laethyris is seen as a competent administrator and has rebuilt Elyriani prosperity after the disastrous Purple Reforms. He is seen as a unifier, uniting the disparate communities of Elyriani be they in Solsaera, Vyrmyhra or Elyris! He looks to the future of making the Elyriani into an economic powerhouse through and enriching himself through the Solsyra Corporation. Younger Elyriani who have never known life before the great evacuation which lead them to the Great Western Bay, look to him as the leader of their new generation.

His full name, Laethyris Myni Taerys can be translated as “The Flame Eyed Merchant of the Quarries”.

During this time Aelthori Fylaena (matanic1107) died under mysterious circumstances with it not fully understood what really happened to this day. This is a taboo topic in Elyras with everyone understanding that Solsyra Corp. would not be pleased by any rumours around the death. This is the only official news given about Fylaena's death:

It was with great sadness Elyras announces the death of Aelthori Fylaena Draeni Illaeri. She was found face down on her desk, it seems she has passed away from a heart attack no doubt due to the immense pressure she has been under with her Purple Reforms

She made it clear in her will that Laethryis Myni Taerys will be her successor. This is in agreement with the Fylae Talmus. She was a great leader who led the Elyriani to prosperity. Elyras shall continue to operate in its communal system of government but the Solsyra Corporation has agreed to lighten the load and will now take over management of exports and Worker’s Co-op shops.

Mir Elyris Solsyr!

This era was ended after Solsyra Corp voted to abandon Solsaera after facing increasing disputes with Reggio Corp. as well as believing they could strike gold in the Butternut mesas. This expedition was extremely unsuccessful the distance away from the Elyras heartland was unsustainable. This resulted in Solsyra Corp. coming back to Elyras and starting a new Era.

Tyras Aelth - Era of Power

Following Laethyris' return to Elyras, he began redeveloping Elyras. This was marked by a notable increase in the number of farms on the surface with plans to turn every avaliable space into farms. It also saw the economic output of Elyras skyrocket as Solsyra Corp. took over the XP industry in the Great Western Bay. It saw the settlement of new districts and the introduction of a new human settlement for the first time in Canoif (formerly Myhfaer Fylaena). Elyras is now essentially a corporate dominion of Solsyra Corp. and the Taerys family. This era also saw the foundation of the Elyriani Bay Party, which advocates for reunification of the Great Western Bay with Elyriani guidance and leadership. The believe humans are responsible for the dissolution of the Great Western Bay.

The Elyriani

Elyriani Elves are a distinct subgroup of Elves who came from another plane of existence, Alathra. Before Alathra they came from a sunken continent. Elyriani Elves live for approximately 300-400 years although for some individuals they mave live longer but no Elyriani has been documented to live more than 600 years. Elyriani will age the same as humans up to the age of 25 from which they will stay that age appearance until approx 270 where their physical appearance may begin to decline depending on the individual. On average a 370 year old Elyriani will look like a 60-65 year old human.

Elyriani Naming conventions; (First Name) (Middle Name) (Last name)

  • First Name; commonly a word to do with a characteristic a person has eg Blond - Saeryl “yellow”
  • Middle Name; commonly a word to do with this person’s profession and can change over time eg Hunter - Cernani “The one who hunts”
  • Last Name; commonly a familial name, it can be maternal or paternal usually the name with higher status takes precedent. Family names are typically associated with an ancestor’s name or an ancestral /spiritual place for that family. They may also be a charactersitic common to members of the family. Sometimes Elyriani also combine their paternal and maternal names to make a new one. Eg. Elyris (would not rlly ever be this person as nobody is descended from Elyris)
  • Example name: Saeryl Cernani Elyris meaning “The yellow hunter from the stars”
  • If you want to create your own Elyriani name please join our discord and we will help you

Origins of the Elyriani

Please note the Elyris mentioned here refers to Old Elyris in the Alathra plane, however it is interesting to note the similarity in both tales. Many believe it is a cyclical prophecy that Elyriani will never be able to find a permenant home. Elyris is also credited with guiding the Elyriani to the Great Western (aka Otonabee) bay. She is still worshipped and the Elyriani believe through bringing water and soil from Old Elyris that Elyris the goddess has taken root in New Elyris. She is the most important figure in Elyriani culture and further information can be found her section in Deities of the Bay.

''Passed down by those who fled and now passed onto ink. The great epic of the Elyriani begins.

In our ancestor’s land all of  the elves lived in harmony with themselves and with nature. We became the keepers of the garden and the creatures. We grew wise and knowledgeable. We prospered. The Gods however were not pleased. They had grown conceited and became jealous of the elfs’ achievements; their grand cities, their great libraries and especially their connection to the mortal realm in a way they never could be. Over time so green did their jealous become, they elected it was better to sink them all and the garden too than have to let the elves have it.

Great waves of water from beyond the mortal realm crashed upon the shores, in an instant all of the garden was sunk. However the gods had underestimated the elves. For they knew of the Gods’ plans and had sent 100 ships away before the land was sunk. The great storms which had delivered this unworldly apocalypse had unfortunately split the ships up.

One ship was lucky enough to be swept by the winds and tide into a bay where an ethereal woman met them. She guided them to a safe spot to settle. When the people asked who she was. She said had come down from the heavenly stars above down into the mortal realm and embedded herself becoming the river and lakes, the very life blood of the land. She said she had done this upon witnessing the great cataclysm unloaded onto our ancestors. In her honour we named her ‘Elyris’, from the stars and to her we dedicate ourselves''


The Elyriani Realm has always been ruled by Aelthori and during the golden era of the Elyriani Realm in Alathra there was also the Talmus council which oversaw the governship of the expansive domains of the Elyriani. However these days are behind the Elyriani due to their flight from Alathra at the hands of the Grand Lichdom's armies. Due to this Aelthori Fylaena instated rule by decree, something not done for several centuries. This has however persisted and following the succession of Aelthori Fylaena by Aelthori Laethyris, the position of Aelthori has been consolidated to hold all powers within Elyras


The word Aelthori has no clear direct translation from Elyriani. It can be translated literally to mean 'the mighty power' in reference to the power the Aelthori wield over the Elyriani. This position is comparable to a dual monarchy. There have usually been two Aelthori ruling together throughout Elyriani history. However the position is not always hereditary, it can be left to a descendent but sometimes if this is an unsuitable option the Aelthori will choose who succeed them based on preference. For example this is the case with Aelthori Fylaena. Fylaena was seen as a suitable 'neutral' candidate due to the lack of political engagement from her family thus far (at least this is how her family is percieved) and her extensive knowledge and popular works on Elyriani culture. However many rumours abound that she seduced the previous Aelthori however others state this is simply a political tactic by her rivals to delegitimise her. And still further others claim her acension to Aelthori is merely an attempt by the University to extend its influence further over the Elyriani Realm.