Walled City of Surmadri

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City State of Surmadri
Surmadri Council Political Insignia
Location-4800, +7300
Capital citySurmadri
National Colors
  Deep Saffron
GovernmentDirect Democratic State
• Governing Body
The People's Council of Surmadri
• State Founder
• Current Council Representative
Foundation date12 January 2023

The City-State of Surmadri was previously a state in the western Imperial Federation founded on the 12th of January, 2023. It formed during a period of relative emptiness in the Western regions of the Federation, primarily built to serve as a hub for the mainland. However, since the Imperial Federation Secession Crisis, the city of Surmadri has remained separated from the Imperial Federation.


Imperial Federation Involvement

Surmadri, over the course of it's inclusion in the Federation, had been involved involved in a number of events. The IF-Thoria western border dispute being the most substantial of them.

Humanitarian Efforts

Surmadri in cooperation with the Blue Cross has supplied multiple efforts for easing limited access to food during wartime. Most prominent of which being the Butternut–SEC War support campaign involving large amounts of food related supplies being delivered to Icenia citizens

Politics within the Federation

Surmadri played a a large role in the hosting of various political parties within the Imperial Federation, primarily the Accelerationist party and the isolationist oriented Imperial Stronghold Party (ISP-DSF). Largely exerting a primarily neutral and hands-off political scene to the federation, valuing isolationism, infrastructure building and non-involvement in war abroad.

Involvement in the Imperial Federation Succession Crisis

Surmadri played the role as one of the first illegally separating states, following in the footsteps of the departure of Grenada. At the time of this incident, the Surmadri people's council voiced overwhelming support for the separation, citing an extremely probable likelihood that the Imperial Federation was unlikely to survive, and due to such circumstance, Surmadri was required to take self-preservation into it's own hands. To avoid potential involvement in a wider conflict, Surmadri ratified it's ruling and departed the federation on August 5, 2023.

The Orange Revolution

The Orange Revolution, or more formerly known as the Surmadrian Cultural Revolution, taking place on June 27, 2024, was a drastic shift in cultural understanding towards the state and the culture surrounding it. This revolution largely being brought on by stagnating population growth, a drastic reduction in tourism, and a general uninterest in Surmadri at large by not just surrounding citizens within the Imperial Federation, but the citizens of Surmadri itself. The results of this revolution have largely been architectural, in addition to rapid shifts in the local industries of food and entertainment.



Imperial Federation

Relations have since normalized since the Imperial Federation Secession Crisis, often harboring neutral or positive opinions mutually, despite concerns of aggressive IF expansionism in the region.


Grenada and Pride Isles have remained closed partners of Surmadri following the Secession Crisis, assisting in various minor projects together in the region.