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The Republic of Khalkedonia
DemonymKhalkedon, Khalkedonian
Alliance Lotus Alliance
Foundation dateMay 22nd 2024
Preceded by Gang Shi, Derzavia
IdeologyLibertarian Marxism

Khalkedonia, officially the Republic of Khalkedonia is a country in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. Its only land border is to Exyria to its south. Via it's dominions, it also borders Estalia, Fempire, Yoahtl and Artonia. Its constitution and state were declared on May 22nd 2024 as the Yuan-Derzavia conflict came into a close. As time passed and the country grew, it came to buy or claim the entire peninsula by the end of July 2024. Located on what was once Gang Shi territory, the capital and main city of the region is placed in where Norflund once was, though the city has been renamed to Bashkent since.

Every İl and State of Khalkedonia on a map

The country has 9 administrative divisions which are called "İl"s or "State"s depending on where you are:

  • The İl of Bashkent (Capital)
  • The İl of Norflund.
  • The İl of Derzavia
  • The İl of Melonia
  • The İl of Aragonia (Aragonia)
  • The State of Dunestone (Kabela)
  • The State of Habrock (Kabela)
  • The State of Sabbath (Kabela)
  • The State of Templeplex (Kabela)


Khalkedonian Government Users Ideology Portrait
President itslara13 Marxism
"I opened my door but the sink wont go in" - itslara13, referring to TophatAlexYT telling her to let the situation "sink in"
Deputy President TophatAlexYT Democratic Socialism (CCP)
"I fucking hate uhh women" - TophatAlexYT
Prime Minister Lolxd3527 Neutral (Conservative)
"I'm going to invade poland if they stole something important" - Lolxd3527
People’s Representative LEOfficial Neutral (Conservative)
"When I am old and crippled later, and I go to the doctor, and they start saying stuff like skibidi Ohio, arsons are going to be commited" - LEOfficial
Minister of Defense max_wall Marx-Leninism
"iactuallybrokemyspacebar" - max_wall
Minister of Finances and Economy Innatee Neutral (Conservative)
"ᛁᚾᚡᚨᛞᛖ ᛖᛪᚤᚱᛁᚨ ᛈᛚᛖᚨᛋᛖ" - Innatee

There are 6 positions in the government of Khalkedonia:

  1. President: The leader and face of the country, responsible for organizing the government, conducting foreign diplomacy, appointing and dismissing Commissars, recruiting/accepting citizens into the country and organizing and financing internal projects.
  2. Deputy President: The second in command, does the same thing as the President, will automatically assume power as the "Acting President" for the time being if the president is deemed unable to rule.
  3. Prime Minister: Acting as the prime minister, this position is responsible for managing internal projects and distributing the labour and resources necessary for those projects as well as the population if need be, resolving internal disputes and keeping track of farm outputs.
  4. People’s Representative: Every 2 months, an election will be held to decide which suitable candidate will assume this role for the term, there is no limit to the term as of now. The People’s Representative assumes the job of passing the message of the people to the government to efficiently pass bills that the people want.
  5. Minister of Defense: The defense minister of the country, responsible for construction of military infrastructure and leading the army.
  6. Minister of Finances and Economy: This position is responsible for managing economic related plans/missions.

Regions of Khalkedonia Proper

Kingdom of Aragonia

The Kingdom of Aragonia is a monarchy located south of Khalkedonia, inbetween Whiterun, Blacklight and Yoahtl. It encompasses roughly 50% of the Gransud[1] Region. Its King is Lolxd3527, who is also the Commissar for the Interior of the Republic of Khalkedonia. The Kingdom also has Nobles, of which are: HRH, Duke of Melonia, namely BenzoEG, Madhatling and the Prince of Aragonia, namely Majorwormx. Its capital is Jarquia, and its greatest monument is the Parliament building.

Il of Bashkent

The Il of Bashkent, south of the Vinnish Isles and north of Derzavia. It inhabits many Khalkedonians. It is also where the major exp productions, god prot enchanting and infra occurs, making the Il a driving force that runs Khalkedonia's economy and military. It's also by far the most active state out of the many states in Khalkedonia.

Il of Derzavia

The Il of Derzavia, north of Norflund. It used to be a mountainous region and a farming district up until Innatee, the Minister of Finances and Economy. Carved out a whole portion of the mountain in North Derzavia, turning it into a mound for town development and a settlement for newfriends alike. Currently the Governor of Derzavia is Innatee, the Il has 2 cities, Steelmeld and Derzavia. Derzavia itself is a quick developing town, growing in population whilst Steelmeld is a research center, containing Innatee's wild experimentation with TNT.

Il of Norflund

The Il of Norflund, north of Whiterun Exyria. Is a mountainous region containing abandoned buildings belonging to Zatoka. Who inhabit the land after the SEC–Gang Shi War, but was kicked out of the region by Gang Shi during the Butternut–SEC War in June 2023. Khalkedonia has promised to preserve and restore the many architecture to preserve Zatokan culture. Currently there is only 1 town in Norflund, which is Shady Sands.

Il of Hisar

The Il of Hisar, west of Norflund. Is a heavily restricted area of Khalkedonia, nobody knows of why its restricted or it's special purpose to have imposing restriction there. It used to be mistakenly called "Hisja" after the Salernite player Hisja, but this mistake was noticed a few days later and has been quickly changed to avoid misunderstanding.

Il of Melonia

The Il of Melonia, east of Yoahtl and South of Melongrad. Is a farming area that specializes in producing melons, this area is a important area for Khalkedonia, as melons is a highly important material used to produce EXP, without Melonia. Khalkedonia EXP itself won't function.

Regions of Kabela


  1. Unconfirmed name of the region that Aragonia occupy. Also a area where Kat formerly occupied as well.