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Holy Empire of Exyria
Flag of Exyria
Land claims
Location4800, -2000
Activity levelHigh
Capital cityExilus
SettlementsZephyr, Whiterun, C.F.A, Potistan
National Colors
  Obsidian Purple
• Emperor
• Emperors Right Hand Man
• Imperial Council
Big_Mac_645, Sheeve_, Arconis000
• Ethics Advisor
Preceded byExilus, Zephyria

Founding of Exyria

The Holy Empire of Exyria, formerly named Exilus, is a nation located along the Lyrean Sea, between Lambat and Yoahtl. Originally founded early in the servers history by Arconis000 and his brother, Vectoran__, Exilus was a homestead within Yoahtl. For most of its history, it functioned as Arconis' personal project during his time as Yoahtls Alcuahtl. The homestead saw a population surge in the aftermath of the Post-Nut clarity war and Doom City conflict as Arconis welcomed former Gang Shi combatants. Initially, Exilus was to serve as a place for Gang Shi remnants to live and rebuild after the war with the aim of "rehabilitating the shitters" and eventually allowing integration into Yoahtl.

There was a noticeable cultural clash and a difference in opinion on how Exilus should be managed. Arconis maintaining that Exilus should be allowed to remain autonomous and Yoahtl believing that they reserve the right to control aspects such as citizenry, local government, infrastructure and economic development. After a month of debate on the state of Exilus, on January 31st 2024, Exilus became a independent nation.

Soon after it was announced that Exilus was to merge with the neighboring nation of Zephyria, combining governments and land claims. The decision to do so stemming from the two nations feeling they were in similar positions developmentally and working with the goal of mutually developing under the new name of Exyria.


Pre-independence, Exilus was a city-state led by Arconis who oversaw the city's trench development and building projects since its creation. An informal council was adopted in the aftermath of the Put Nut Clarity as Gang Shi refuges (refu-shi's) caused a spike in population. The "council" was not recognized as a legitimate entity under Yoahtl rule and was still subject to Yoahtlan influence.

Post-independence a formal government was established with Arconis assuming the title of Emperor and a council being appointed. Soon after, the title was passed to Butter_villager and later to Spenduh. Establishing the protocol of emperors selecting the new leader themselves after resigning.

Provincial leaders are able to become apart of local government after claiming and managing land under the Empire. Provinces are awarded autonomy over the provincial leadership, economy and civilian builds but works under the Empire for matters including military infrastructure and agriculture.

Emperors of Exyria
Name Reign begins Date of resignation
Arconis000 Founding member February 4th 2024
Butter_villager Febuary 4th 2024 June 5th 2024
Spenduh June 5th 2024 June 25th 2024
Butter_villager June 25th 2024 July 12th 2024
Spenduh July 12th 2024
Councilors of Exyria
Name Date of acceptance Date of departure from Council Department
Arconis000 Founding member Head of Economics and Diplomacy
Butter_villager Founding member Head of Infrastructure and Defence
Jindosh Founding member June 24th 2024 Ethics Advisor
Sqopenspellbook Founding member January 14th 2024 N/A
Pqrrot January 31st 2024 March 26th 2024 N/A
Ascant January 31st 2024 April 22nd 2024 Head of Finance
Intelligences January 31st 2024 May 24th 2024 Head of Land Development
Big_Mac_645 March 26th 2024 Head of Agriculture and Land Development
Spenduh March 26th 2024 Head of Defence
Sheeve_ May 22nd 2024 Head of Technology
Provinces of Exyria
Province Leadership Title Date of establishment
Zephyr Intelligences, Ascant, Pqrrot Zephyrian Emissary Founding province
Potistan Intelligences, Ascant, Pqrrot Founding Province
Whiterun SirFrenchie_ Jarl of Whiterun Febuary 3rd 2024
Common Fleet Alliance (C.F.A) Therewalker, Slothinasuit, Jarltalos CFA Lead April 22nd 2024
