Timeline of CivClassic
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The following is a timeline of the events of CivClassic's long and eventful history. This timeline includes the foundation date of most nations (where known), the foundation date of major cities (where different), major server updates, changes to the mod/admin team, major community events, major conflicts, and events which led to major conflcts.
The timeline relies entirely on primary sources and will be updated to include them, as well as other revisions.
More information can be found on Gjum's timeline here.
Full Date | Category | Event |
23 July 2016 | Administration | CivClassic 1.0 is first announced to the public. |
24 July 2016 | Administration | CivClassic 1.0 is first opened to the public. |
25 May 2017 | Administration | CivClassic 2.0 is first announced to the public, including the launch date and official Discord. |
01 June 2017 | Administration | CivClassic Admins give more detail about the server in a Reddit AMA. |
02 June 2017 | Administration | CivClassic 2.0 is first opened to the public. |
02 June 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Hjaltland is established. |
04 June 2017 | Settlement | The nations of Lexington, Polaris, Lotus Monastery, Melbourne, Westeros, Lenin Isle, Greenmarsh, Walt Disney World, Northland, and Savion are established by this point. |
08 June 2017 | Community | The first CCMap is released. |
08 June 2017 | Settlement | The nations of Luxemburg, Pinnacle, Narkis, Kraken, Gensokyo, Normandy, Redhouse, Comixao, Aznazia, Alpoko, Commonwealth, and New Jerusalem are established by this point. |
12 June 2017 | Settlement | The nations of Coventhia and Pacem are established. |
16 June 2017 | Settlement | The nations of Vzis, New Antioch, Roma, Nevada and Polska are established by this point. |
19 June 2017 | Settlement | Lotus Monastery merges with Coventhia. |
19 June 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Carpathia is established. |
20 June 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Appomattox is established. |
23 June 2017 | Settlement | Greenmarsh and Pinnacle merge to form Verda. |
25 June 2017 | Settlement | Southshire is established as a Borough of the Commonwealth. |
25 June 2017 | Settlement | Concord is abandoned, becoming the server's first major abandoned settlement. |
01 July 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Nyasaland is established. |
04 July 2017 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The beginning of the First Yoahtl-Laconia War. |
07 July 2017 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The end of the First Yoahtl-Laconia War; Laconia is victorious. |
09 July 2017 | Settlement | The nation of the Jefferson Confederacy is established. |
11 July 2017 | Settlement | The city of New Yoahtl is established in its current location. |
15 July 2017 | Somber War | Westerosi griefers are pearled by Hjaltland, while the survivors flee to Lexington. |
21 July 2017 | Somber War | Griefers from Lexington attack the Commonwealth. |
13 August 2017 | Somber War | Lexington turns over the griefers to the Commonwealth. |
15 August 2017 | Settlement | The first Mayor of Mount Augusta is elected. |
18 August 2017 | Somber War | A Hjaltland spy is captured trying to join Anguish and griefs Lexington builds in the End. |
21 August 2017 | Somber War | Lexington griefers attack Impasse. |
22 August 2017 | Somber War | Commonwealth accidentally releases a Lexington griefer, who seeks sanctuary in a Lexington bunker; Commonwealth fighters destroy the bunker. |
30 August 2017 | Community | The first political map is released. |
31 August 2017 | Settlement | The nation of England is established by this date. |
02 September 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Lusitania is established. |
07 September 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Columbia is established. |
21 September 2017 | Somber War | Lexington griefers attack the Commonwealth again. |
22 September 2017 | Somber War | The Hjaltland spy compromises Lexington security, using a modified bot script to give Hjaltland access to Lexington builds. |
25 September 2017 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The beginning of the Second Yoahtl-Laconia War. |
30 September 2017 | Settlement | The nation of Tierra de Conciencia is established. |
04 October 2017 | Somber War | The Commonwealth reports Lexington's iron farm to moderators, who remove the build but compensate Lexington. |
08 October 2017 | Somber War | Lexington attacks the Commonwealth. |
09 October 2017 | Somber War | Lexington declares war on Hjaltland and Commonwealth. |
12 October 2017 | Somber War | Anguish is captured by Mir. |
18 October 2017 | Somber War | Lexington City is captured by Commonwealth, Hjaltland and Mir. |
22 October 2017 | Somber War | A bedrock-level attack on the Lexington Vault is defeated. |
05 November 2017 | Administration | Dsclouse joins the admin team. |
30 November 2017 | Settlement | The city of Mount Augusta is established in its current location. |
30 December 2017 | Somber War | A sky-level attack on the Lexington Vault is defeated. |
14 January 2018 | Jurisdiction | Southshire secedes from the Commonwealth to become an autonomous town of Yoahtl. |
22 January 2018 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The Yoahtl-Konigsberg War begins. |
26 January 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Okashima is established. |
30 January 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Vinland is established. |
25 February 2018 | Community | First CivBall Map. |
02 March 2018 | Alliances | The SATO alliance is founded by Yoahtl, Vinland, Okashima and Hjaltland. |
01 April 2018 | Administration | CivClassic updates to 1.12.2, bringing updates to pearling and breaking diamond mining, gold farming, and minecart elevators. |
08 April 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Nro'meagh is established. |
08 April 2018 | Somber War | A sky-level attack on the Lexington Vault is successful in breaking Lexington's vault. Lexington's leader is killed. |
09 April 2018 | Somber War | Lexington's captives are released and the Somber War is declared over. |
17 May 2018 | Community | First Reputation Thread. |
19 May 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Bloom is established. |
20 May 2018 | Pinkertown Conflict | The Pinkertown Conflict begins (Pinkertown vs. Holy Jaded Empire) |
25 May 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Aurora is established. |
25 May 2018 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The Yoahtl-MtA Trade War begins. |
27 May 2018 | Settlement | Lusitania briefly annexes Columbia. |
29 May 2018 | Settlement | Lusitania annexes the city of Rotterdam. |
05 June 2018 | Administration | TealNerd steps back from his role as Owner. |
10 June 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Gabon is established. |
14 June 2018 | Settlement | Jewish Quarter conflicts begin in Mount Augusta. |
17 June 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Maltovia is established. |
22 June 2018 | Community | The First Olympics are held in Yoahtl. |
07 July 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Varkonia is established. |
09 July 2018 | Alliances | The FRIENDS alliance is founded by Columbia, Hallow, the Holy Jaded Empire, Rhodesia and Vitelia. |
17 July 2018 | Somber War | The Lexington Memorial Museum is opened. |
24 July 2018 | Settlement | The Condominium of Luxembourg is established between the nations of SPQR and Lusitania. |
03 August 2018 | Alliances | The UNC alliance is founded by SPQR, Nevrast and Varkonia. |
18 August 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Kaltsburg is established. |
26 August 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Vitelia is established by the union of the Thalassocracy and Pruthenia. |
26 August 2018 | Jurisdiction | Southshire secedes from Yoahtl, becoming independent. |
02 September 2018 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The Second Yoahtl-Laconia War ends; Laconia is victorious. |
04 September 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Caledonia is established. |
19 September 2018 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The Third Yoahtl-Laconia War begins. |
20 September 2018 | Yoahtl's Campaigns | The Third Yoahtl-Laconia War ends; Laconia is victorious. |
21 September 2018 | Vinland Conflict | The Vinland conflict begins (Vinland vs. Chanseatic State & Vitelia) |
24 September 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Odresh is established. |
08 October 2018 | Vinland Conflict | The Vinland conflict ends; Chanseatic State and Vitelia are victorious. |
14 October 2018 | Settlement | Vinland merges with Mir. |
24 October 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Tel Aviv is established. |
09 November 2018 | Gabon Civil War | 'Red Night': The Queen of Gabon declares independence from Varkonia against the opposition of her government. |
09 November 2018 | Gabon Civil War | The Gabon Civil War begins: the royalist faction of Gabon declares war on Varkonia and Hjaltland. |
10 November 2018 | Settlement | Vinland declares its independence from Mir. |
13 November 2018 | Gabon Civil War | The Gabon Civil War ends; Gabon remains a province of Varkonia. |
11 December 2018 | Community | The community votes on World Wonders. |
18 December 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Valyria is established. |
21 December 2018 | Phylon-Odresh Conflict | The Phylon-Odresh Conflict begins. |
22 December 2018 | Phylon-Odresh Conflict | The Phylon-Odresh Conflict ends; Odresh is victorious. |
29 December 2018 | Settlement | The nation of Polska is established. |
04 January 2019 | Alliances | Hallow leaves the FRIENDS alliance. |
06 January 2019 | Alliances | The NATO alliance is founded by Annwyn, Columbia, Gensokyo, Hallow, Polska, Tel Aviv, and Valyria. |
06 January 2019 | Settlement | The unoccuped Vitelia Vault is breached by SATO and Mir fighters. |
07 January 2019 | Community | The Second Olympics are held in the Commonwealth. |
20 January 2019 | Alliances | The FRIENDS alliance collapses after the Holy Jaded Empire leaves to join NATO. |
29 January 2019 | Infinity War | NATO occupies the Mir bunker in Mount Augusta, starting conflict with Mir. |
30 January 2019 | Infinity War | Mir griefs NATO rails. |
31 January 2019 | Administration | LordOfMarzipan becomes an Admin. |
31 January 2019 | Infinity War | Mir declares war on NATO. |
02 February 2019 | Infinity War | The Pinkerton Vault is captured by Mir. |
03 February 2019 | Settlement | Citizens of Mount Augusta vote down a bill giving dictatorial power to the Mayor. |
10 February 2019 | Administration | Several bugs caused by the update to 1.12.2 are fixed. |
17 February 2019 | Infinity War | The First Siege of Sempiternal (Mir attack Columbia's vault); NATO victory. |
23 February 2019 | Infinity War | The Second Siege of Sempiternal (Mir attack Columbia's vault); Mir victory. |
24 February 2019 | Infinity War | Mir fighters prepare to attack Hallow. |
26 February 2019 | Settlement | Mt. Augusta's vault hole is griefed by the plot owner. |
02 March 2019 | Infinity War | Hallow accuses SPQR and UNC of (knowingly or unknowingly) harbouring Mir fighters. |
11 March 2019 | Settlement | The nation of Icenia is established. |
15 March 2019 | Alliances | Valyria leaves NATO. |
15 March 2019 | Infinity War | The Sack of Hallow (Mir vs. NATO) begins. |
17 March 2019 | Infinity War | The Sack of Hallow (Mir vs. NATO) ends; Mir victory. |
19 March 2019 | Administration | CivClassic rules are changed. |
01 April 2019 | Settlement | The nation of Imperial Truidence is established. |
01 April 2019 | Settlement | An agreement is reached, and Mt. Augusta's vault hole is cleaned up. |
10 May 2019 | Community | The Third Olympics are held in Gensokyo. |
22 May 2019 | Settlement | The monarchist Commonwealth of Nyasaland is overthrown by the communist SFR Nyasaland. |
20 June 2019 | Clown Wars | The Clown Wars (Icenia vs. New Sovia) begin. |
21 June 2019 | Infinity War | NATO attempts to retake Sempiternal (Columbia's vault) but is repelled by Mir the following morning. |
23 June 2019 | Alliances | Annywn leaves NATO. |
26 June 2019 | Clown Wars | The Clown Wars end; no clear victor. |
30 June 2019 | Settlement | The nation of Astonia is established. |
12 July 2019 | Alliances | The Entente alliance is formed by Gensokyo, Hjaltland, Nyasaland, and Varkonia. |
13 July 2019 | Alliances | The UNC alliance is dissolved after members joined the Entente. |
18 July 2019 | Alliances | The UDF alliance is formed by Icenia, Bloom and Imperial Truidence. |
09 August 2019 | Community | The Fourth Olympics are held in Mount Augusta. |
18 August 2019 | Administration | Paper becomes a reinforcing material after a donation by Wjkroeker. |
19 August 2019 | Community | Shardore Tower in Mount Augusta opens its doors. |
19 August 2019 | Entente-Laconia War | The infamous Chick-fil-A, a Sovian-owned build in Icenia, is protested for being an eyesore and security risk. |
30 August 2019 | Settlement | Vinland, Okashima and Odresh merge with Yoahtl. |
01 September 2019 | Alliances | The LSD alliance is formed by Adina, Nudist Beach, Unitas and New Sovia. |
07 September 2019 | Entente-Laconia War | Nudist Beach's vault is attacked and captured by Entente fighters who believed the LSD alliance was preparing to raid Icenia. |
24 September 2019 | Infinity War | Columbia and Mir declare peace. |
28 September 2019 | Entente-Laconia War | LSD and Laconian players attempt to evacuate diamonds from the captured Nudist Beach vault to Laconia; half of the expedition is killed by Mir and Entente pursuers. |
05 October 2019 | Entente-Laconia War | ` |
09 October 2019 | Settlement | The nation of CCCP is established by the union of Maltovia and Pripyat. |
17 October 2019 | Entente-Laconia War | Siege of Eternity: Laconia launches an attack on Hjaltland's vault, seriously damaging it. |
04 December 2019 | War of the Coalition | A previously-unknown group of griefers attack SPQR, Coventhia, Gensokyo, Icenia, Okashima, and the Commonwealth. |
06 December 2019 | Settlement | The nation of Armenia is established. |
07 December 2019 | War of the Coalition | Battle of Lusitania: Lusitania and its allies, including SATO, UDF, Entente, Mir and others, successfully defend against Ransackistan. |
18 December 2019 | Columbian Bush War | Kdeeks removes almost every Columbian unaffiliated with Rhodesia from the nation's main namelayer groups after hearing he was plotting to assassinate him, exiling many members. |
18 December 2019 | War of the Coalition | Battle of the Ransacki Vault: SATO, UDF, Entente, Mir and other allies successfully breach the Ransacki Vault and kill the remaining griefers. |
23 December 2019 | Settlement | The nation of the Grand Imperium is established. |
29 December 2019 | Columbian Bush War | The Valyria Defence: Columbians-in-exile and their UDF allies successfully repel a Rhodesian attack and sack Rhodes. |
01 January 2020 | Entente-Laconia War | Battle of Mt. Doom: Mirian forces attack Laconia's vault, defended by Laconia and NATO fighters. Mir victory; Laconia is captured and its citizens flee to the HJE. |
01 February 2020 | Settlement | The nation of Panem is established. |
01 February
2020 |
Infinity War | UDF Security Council vote to declare war on NATO passes |
07 February 2020 | Infinity War | Fall of Corvus: Hjaltland, Columbia and Mir successfully disable the Corvus vault. |
14 February 2020 | Settlement | The nation of Namhan is established. |
16 February 2020 | Settlement | The nation of Kaltsburg-Leuven is established by the merging of Kaltsburg and Leuven. |
17 February 2020 | Infinity War | Battle of the Crucible: NATO attacks Columbia's vault and is repelled. |
23 February 2020 | Settlement | Pacem regains independence from Yoahtl. |
24 February 2020 | Community | The first issue of the Liberty Gazette is published by Pacem. |
27 February 2020 | Community | The 1000 Days Event is held in Commonwealth. |
03 March 2020 | Community | The first issue of Civ Monday Mornings is published by CivThinkTank. |
28 March 2020 | Politics | Mount Augusta votes to leave CivClassic. |
11 April 2020 | Community | Commonwealth hosts an international PvP tournament. |
11 April 2020 | Community | Pacem hosts a public debate: 'is Civ good?' |
11 April 2020 | Settlement | Caesar's Legion unites the disparate tribes of Nro'meagh into a single unified state. |
13 April 2020 | Settlement | The Union of Socialist Augusta declares independence from Mount Augusta. |
14 April 2020 | Settlement | The nation of Tungsten is merged with Lusitania. |
18 April 2020 | Community | Pacem hosts the first Pacem War Games. |
24 April 2020 | Administration | The server updates to 1.14.4. |
18 May 2020 | Settlement | The area of Ancapistan is established. |
6 June 2020 | Settlement | The Kro'ev War in Nro'meagh |
25 July 2020 | Infinity War | The last NATO vault (the Litterbox) is broken, ending the war. |
13 January 2021 | Settlement | Lambat established as the Free State of Lambat |
15 January 2021 | Community | Unified Map Project initiated, begins maintaining CCMap. |
13 February 2021 | Politics | Lambat re-established as the Republic of Lambat |
18 February 2021 | Conflict | Columbia-Cascadia War erupts over violation of Treaty of Valyria by Cascadia. |
22 February 2021 | Politics | Collapse of Empire of Eddie Murphy. |
23 February 2021 | Conflict | Sack of Lambat |
12 March 2021 | Politics | Kallos founded. |
13 March 2021 | Politics | Augustan Federation established. |
30 March 2021 | Politics | IMC founded. |
4 April 2021 | Administration | CivClassic adds netherite and a new factory type. |
24 April 2021 | Politics | Annexation of Bloom by Icenia. |
24 April 2021 | Politics | Migration of Acadia from CivUniverse to CivClassic |
4 May 2021 | Politics | Lambat constitution ratified |
2 June 2021 | Politics | CES established. |
2 June 2021 | Politics | The Kingdom of Fish is established, a successor to the earlier nations of Nymph, Kraken, and Wyvern. |
13 June 2021 | Community | NIG renames to KANI, propelling the rail standard to mainstream dominance. |
15 June 2021 | Administration | CivClassic adds elytra. |
10 July 2021 | Politics | Icenia ratifies new constitution, which reduces democratic procedures. |
26-28 July 2021 | Conflict | Kayla-minemaster933 Bounty Crisis. |
29 July 2021 | Politics | Start of the Acadia-TNSC Conflict between Acadia and The No-State Commune. |
10 August 2021 | Politics | PMC established. |
14 August 2021 | Conflict | Bombing of Antietam. |
17 August 2021 | Politics | Annexation of Socialist Commune of Islands (Greater Duskwood) by Lambat |
21 August 2021 | Politics | AF-CES Partnership established. |
26 August 2021 | Politics | Mount September Ice Road Conflict. |
3 September 2021 | Politics | Äggland founded |
24 September 2021 | Politics | Two major concurrent minemaster933 lawsuits in Mount September across 21 days, concerning the latter's breaking of the former's house-bunker over extrajudicial pearling. |
18 October 2021 | Politics | Caledonia-Asahigaoka Non-Aggression Agreement established, dramatically reducing tension between CES and Kallos. |
16 November 2021 | Administration | CivClassic unreachable for over 24 hours due to delayed payment. |
19 November 2021 | Conflict | Jomsviking-England Incident, collapse of PMC. AMIGOS established. |
20 November 2021 | Community | The Second Fish Festival in Fish is a great success, bringing a large crowd of visitors and participants together in one location. |
21 November 2021 | Administration | Long-time lead admin Wingzero54 announces his retirement from CivClassic. |
21 November 2021 | Conflict | Battle of Eddie Murphy |
30 November 2021 | Politics | UNC reestablished. |
7 December 2021 | Conflict | KnotNSA releases almost all Columbian pearls, destroys Columbian vault in betrayal known as Pearled Harbor. |
9 December 2021 | Administration | TealNerd announces closure of CivClassic 2.0 |
12 December 2021 | Community | Winter Olympics in Rotterdam, Columbia |
18 December 2021 | Administration | End of the World Party; CivClassic 2.0 shuts down |