List of Conflicts on CivClassic 2.0

Revision as of 18:27, 2 November 2021 by LIQUIDSTEREO (talk | contribs) (adding wars that were apart of Infinity War as they are individual enough to be considered)

This is a list of all the wars that have taken place on CivClassics so far.

Name Side #1 Side #2 Dates Results
Somber War  Western Alliance October 9th 2017 - April 8th 2018 Decisive Western Alliance Victory, end of Lexington/Nox.
First Yoahtl-Laconia War  Yoahtl


 Laconia July 4th - 25th 2018 A decisive Yoahtlan victory with multiple Laconian ministers pearled and reps paid to Yoahtl.
Second Yoahtl-Laconia War
Third Yoahtl-Laconia War  Laconia



 Vinland  Hjaltland

September 19th - 20th 2018 A decisive Laconian victory with reparations paid to both Laconia and Rhodesia and with Axochitlan ceded to Laconia.
Odresh-Phylon Conflict  Odresh Phylon December 21st - 22nd 2018 Odresh instigators, Lokilog and Crusher, sentenced to two weeks in the end with all stolen items returned to Olivay.
Infinity War

(aka NATO-Mir War)



Lone Nations:


Lone Nations:

January 30th 2019 - July 19th 2020 Decisive Mir/Entente/UDF Victory, end of all nations still in NATO.
Clown Wars  Icenia  New Sovia June 20th - 26th 2019 White peace, no major change in territory.
New Sovia Civil War Sovia-Unitas (combination of refugees from  New Sovia and the nation of Unitas),   Astonia  New Sovia (occupied by SwiftFizz) July 2019 New Sovia eventually reclaimed.
Entente-Laconia War (part of Infinity War)  Entente  Laconia


September 28th 2019 - January 9th 2020 Laconian capital Mt. Doom seized with Entente victory, Laconia and LSD ally with NATO
War of the Coalition (part of Infinity War) Coalition to Defeat the Obby Bombers: Ransakistan December 2019 Ransackistan destroyed and most of its fighters pearled.
Columbian Bush War shadedoom's Oomist faction of Columbians Kdeeks' faction of Columbians, Rhodesia December 18th - 29th 2019 kdeeks' faction destroyed.
One Hour War  Veldt Gul

Eddie Murphy

February 4th - 5th 2021 Veldt's settlement removed and all terraforming undone.
Columbia-Cascadia War  Columbia Cascadia February 2021 Decisive Columbian victory, Cascadia occupied by Columbia.
Acadian Island War  Acadia Kingdom Of The Acadian Lewis Islands June 10th 2021 Pandastical pearled, Acadian Lewis Islands annexed by Acadia.
The Home Depot War  Jolington


 East Jolington September 22nd - October 2nd 2021 Stalemate; white peace declared establishing more-or-less status quo antebellum.
The Schizophrenia War  Partyland

 Halcyon  Jolington

Neo Partyland September 29th - October 15th 2021 SOLIDSTEREO surrenders, all Neo Partyland hideouts destroyed.
Dumnonia War  Yoahtl

 Imperial Truidence  Acadia

Dumnonia October 2nd - 18th 2021 Okx pearled, Dumnonia returned to Yoahtl.