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From the Featured Article

Lazuli Lake District in the first iteration of Vintage Civ.

Vintage Civ is a Civ server based in Vintage Story. It is notable for being one of the few Civ servers to be in a game that is not Minecraft. Although it itself a derivation and expansion of AbjectPovertyCraft, another Civ server based in Vintage Story that introduced their version of ExilePearl, VintageCiv expanded upon the concept significantly in scope. It introduced Citadel-like reinforcements and the concept of Snitches into the game, both of which would eventually be adopted into the main game itself.

The initial iteration of VintageCiv launched in early 2022, during a break between CivClassic and CivMC’s release, which was praised for its features had mixed reception. Its second and longest iteration so far, 2.0, was introduced in May 2022 and saw more emergent gameplay than its prior iteration. Although its admins have announced they would be working on a third iteration in 2024, no progress or release date have been announced as of yet. (Full article...)

Current Events

The Maester's Walo Nela assembly in Mount Augusta's Alenarith territory.
  • Pavia, Amboise and Griffin announced the creation of the Lyrean Commonwealth, a European-Union like organization that shares foreign policy and discusses various internal matters.
  • The Temporal Empire was raided in the efforts of pearling PhysicsGamer by Savaguard raiders Gracipie and realmichael. The former was barred from logging in for several days.
  • JPM_Stalin announced the establishment of Iaumea, claiming old Santiago in Cortesia Del Mar in the efforts to continuing rebuilding efforts of the city.
  • SPQR had their anniversary celebration, with several games and auctions being present to celebrate eleven years on Civ.
  • CivRush opened their server for players to continue playing their first iteration, while their third event is set to happen next month.

What is Civ?

Civ is a genre of minecraft servers in which players, not admins, create and enforce rules. It differs from anarchy servers in that players are given extensive tools to help protect themselves and imprison players.

We document these servers, the mechanics that drive them, and the rise and fall of their players and civilizations.


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