Eldoria is a located in (+,+) in the continent of Alenarinth primarily a mountainous and taiga filled region Eldoria borders Truidencia, Iris covenant, Snowpeak, and Transylvania.
Eldoria was founded in April 2024 by Dark_FFC, TheOfficialNate, Petro_Playz and TWINKIEEXPRESS. Despite its small stature Eldoria grew swiftly and reached 15 residents very quickly today Eldoria is still growing with beautiful buildings being built weekly.
Eldoria is ruled by the council, the most powerful government position in the nation . The council currently has 3 members who make the most important decisions for the nation.
Eldoria has signed a full alliance with Truidencia upgrading their long standing NAP Eldoria is also allied with the Iris covenant Eldoria’s neighbor to the south. Eldoria has others such as a NAP with Kallos, and are members of the Bezist League.
Eldorian goods
Eldoria produces and sells a variety of items including ice spruce, tools and other building materials direct from the nation and sold in their shop located in shiroyama at 3180 4850!
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