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Start5th of July 2024
Minecraft Version1.8.9

Civ+ is a unique take on the popular Civ genre, aiming to solve fundamental flaws in the game's design while maintaining the spirit of the original.

One of the biggest changes is how imprisoned players are fueled - instead of a farmable, stockpileable resource, players holding prisoners must travel to a fallen meteor. Meteors fall randomly in a random location every few weeks, and standing within their temporarily active aura slowly refills any prisoners a player has in their inventory. This adds a higher risk cost to holding prisoners for extended sentences, rather than a dull, risk-free grind.

Unlike many civservers, which aim to be on the latest version, Civ+ uses 1.8.9. This has several advantages - modern civservers often struggle to remain on a constant treadmill of version upgrades and mod updates, but Civ+ can use the same mods and plugins without any time wasted porting features. In addition, the stable platform allows for the use of deep NMS techniques that reach deep into minecraft's code to modify vanilla mechanics. For example, the horse breeding mechanics introduced by Ivy would be impossible without using NMS. 1.8.9 also contains a superb PvP system, unlike the emulation created by 1.9+ Finale and other such plugins that simply remove the attack cooldown without reintroducing emergent mechanics like w-tapping and block-hitting.

Another major change is to the exp economy. Doing tasks like mining, farming, fishing, and killing mobs has a chance to yield treasure maps. These maps can be followed to obtain a random relic - an item required for crafting exp, as well as the replacement for enchanted books and enchanting with an enchantment table. This ties the exp grind and combat gear progression to exploration, something that the custom painted map in Civ+ benefits greatly from.

One of the major goals in designing plugins for Civ+ was for them to be fully self-documenting, or at least self-evident. Mechanics should explain themselves when used, and known mechanics should point to unknown mechanics. The plugins that were designed from the ground-up excel in this aspect, with entries in the recipe book for custom blocks and items related to the plugin. Additionally, all plugins have a tutorial book that is given to the player only when they interact with the plugin.

Civ+ was influenced by CivCraft 2.0, Devoted 2.0, and Sovereignty Ascending. Obvious features like Citadel and Namelayer came from CivCraft 2.0, but less obvious features include the idea that a civserver should be permanent, without significant decay or fear of eventual reset. From Devoted 2.0 came the influence in Civ+'s WorldPainter map, designed from the start to be playable and pleasant from a first-person perspective. Finally, from Sovereignty Ascending came the idea of Sanctuaries, with several changes made to balance potential exploits. The prospective that civserver plugins should be rewritten also partially came from SovAsc.


  • Prison/Exile Pearls are replaced with Vorpal Swords, which can imprison multiple people in one sword and must be fueled at meteors.
  • Meteors fall every week and emit an aura that can be used to refuel vorpal swords, also have cool unique loot inside.
  • City Bastions are replaced with Sanctuaries, which are larger than city bastions and can be expanded using ExP.[1]
  • The crafting table grid is replaced with a 5x5 grid that can accept multiple items per slot. This is used for expensive items instead of factories.
  • Days are increased to 2 real life hours, and nights to 30 minutes.
  • Vanilla horse breeding is replaced with a mixture of training and breeding.[2]
  • You can put any item or block (including banners) on your head by simply clicking the item into your head slot in your inventory.[3]
  • /gamma


Upstream Plugins

Civ+ uses the following plugins relatively unchanged from CivCraft 2.0 and Devoted:

Upstream Plugins (Major)
Citadel / NameLayer
Upstream Plugins (Minor)

Custom Plugins

Attributed to its advanced closed-source Kotlin codebase, Civ+ features a great variety of custom plugins and one-off features.


A meteor being mined by players

Roughly every six to eight days, a meteor falls somewhere in the map and its rough location is announced ingame. The exact day of the week a meteor lands on varies in order to prevent a meteor from landing on Sunday, however the schedule for what day a meteor will land on is viewable ingame. A meteor contains unique loot, and its aura refuels Vorpal-enchanted weapons. Although simple, the plugin adds deep complexity as players are incentivized to monopolize meteors and fight over them, as an alternative to vault breaks. Additionally, mining a meteor's blocks will drop Treasure Maps, with Obsidian having the highest drop rate.[4][5]


Using a Vorpal Sword Relic obtained from Treasure Maps, you can enchant any item with Vorpal. Killing a player with a Vorpal item in your hand will imprison them in the item, sending them to the end. A Vorpal-enchanted item can have multiple players imprisoned within. If one or more players are imprisoned within a Vorpal item, it must be refueled at a meteor once every six weeks or all players within will be freed.


Civ+ has a complete rewrite of all of JukeAlert's functionality. Using a noteblock and an ender eye, one can craft a Snitch. By placing and reinforcing the snitch, it will notify its owner of anyone who enters its radius. If instead one crafts together a jukebox and an ender eye, they'll receive a Logging Snitch which will send notifications for any action done within its radius and will log the notifications within the block to be checked later with the command /ja info. Snitches can be disguised as another block by crafting it with that block. Additionally, the Invisibility potion effect will prevent snitches from sending out notifications, but Logging Snitches will still log any actions taken within their radius to be checked later.


Crafting a Wooden Pickaxe in the 3x3 crafting grid

MeansOfProduction is Civ+'s crafting plugin to replace FactoryMod.

It adds a 5x5 crafting interface and many custom items and blocks, including the Seeing-Trap Dispenser, Speedo, and .


EXPloration is the broad name for Civ+'s overarching ExP, enchantment, and exploration encouragement system.

By mining, farming, fishing, and engaging in combat you will sometimes come across treasure maps. By following these treasure maps to where they point, you will find a relic. Each relic has a given enchantment, which you can put upon an item using 5 emeralds, the relic, and the item in a workbench. Relics with undesirable enchantments can be used to craft ExP/Emeralds when combined with crops.


Ivy is Civ+'s farming, fishing, and animal husbandry plugin. Animals and crops will grow according various factors in their surroundings. To see a crop or animals growth factors, you can craft a Shepards's or Gardener's Grimoire and clicking on the entity with the Grimoire.

Ivy also adds advanced fishing drop tables to each ocean biome, including a lava fishing mechanic using a special fishing rod called the Obsidian Angler.[6]


TopShelf is the brewing plugin of Civ+. It allows players to use extremely large numbers of ingredient items to craft long-lasting brews.[7] In addition, it also acts as the server's replacement to Brewery, as players can brew custom potions in a Brewing Stand using two rare ingredients and a third ingredient to create a fancy beverage. For example, a player may combine a water bottle with Pumpkin Seed Oil, Cocoa Nibs, and finally Wheat to get Beer. The recipes for beverages are found in Meteors, as well as "secrets and surprises".[8]


Civ+ adds a custom block called a Sanctuary. Roughly, it replaces the functionality covered by a City Bastion. A single sanctuary is designed to cover a radius of hundreds of blocks.

A sanctuary protects against reinforcing blocks, and man-made blocks will be automatically reinforced requiring the block to be broken 20 times before it will actually break.

Sanctuaries are fueled with ExP. 1 ExP bottle expands the area of the sanctuary by 10 blocks. Because fuel affects the area instead of the radius, it is always more efficient to expand your existing Sanctuary, instead of placing multiple overlapping ones.

When you enter or leave a Sanctuary, its name is displayed on the screen.

The Sanctuary plugin also implements Vault Bastions.


Renaming a dye item in an anvil turns it into a sticker. When you right click a block, the sticker is added to the block. Clicking on the block will display any stickers on the block. If the block is a pressure plate or redstone ore, walking over it will display the sticker. Breaking the block will drop the block with all stickers on it, and placing the dropped block will relocate the stickers. To remove a sticker, you can click it with a Sticker Scraper, crafted using MeansOfProduction.


Civ+ has built-in tutorial books. In order to prevent players from becoming overwhelmed from getting several books when they join the server, the plugin instead gives the player a book when they do an action related to a specific mechanic. For example, if a player logs in after their chests have been raided, they'll be given a tutorial book about snitches.


Civ's last fully compiled claims map, made on aproximately June 6th, 2019


Civ, also known as it's working title Re:Civ launched on the 31st of May, 2019 and ended 1st of August.[9] Civ ran on a copy of the Devoted 2.0 SOTW map and aimed to relaunch the mechanics central to Devoted 2.0. The server was on 1.15, and was the first Civ server to update to the version. Its admins were ParkerTehPwner, Soerxpso, and BrockTree.[10] Amelorate joined the admin team later in the server's life. Interestingly, the server's subreddit was named /r/civ_mc, preceeding CivMC by three years.

Civ+'s 2020 "Antartica" world map

Civ+ (2020)

This image was used to generate the map of Civ+ 2020. Sections of red were desert and green river. The white parts of the map featured biomes that were selected radially around 0,0.

This iteration was on 1.15 and lasted for 2 days, the 15th to the 17th of July, 2020 although it was kept running after this for an in group of people for several months.[11]

Civ+ Blitz: Season 1

Intended as a beta server to precede a later Civ+ server, it was open for 9 days, between the 15th and 24th of Decemeber 2020.[9] The server used a worldpainted map that would later be used with changes for Civ+ (2022).

Meteors fell upon the map twice a day, and each meteor had a star inside of it. The player who collected the most stars was awarded a $20 prize.

This iteration started Civ+'s streak of running on Minecraft 1.8.9 exclusively, and explicitly avoiding new Minecraft updates.

Civ+ (2022)

Civ+ Claims Map on April 4th, 2022

This iteration launched on the 1st of January 2022, originally launched in secret away from the Civ community.[12]. It again mostly featured an in group of people, and was where many of the main big features and plugins of Civ+ was developed. On April 1st, 2023 the iteration went into maintenance mode as the ability of the admin team to develop the server decreased[13], and it ended some months afterwards when the server costs stopped being paid. The last backup of the server is from April, however it wasn't posted publicly. On occasion, this iteration is referred to as Civ+'s "Alpha".[14]

Civ+ (2024)

Civ+'s current iteration launched on July 5th, 2024.[15]. The server featured a beta which was a continuation of Civ+ (2022) with an expanded map and revamped plugins, and ended on July 2nd, 2024.[16][17]



  1. Civ+Sanctuaries video by Amelorate
  2. Civ+ Changelog August 8th 2022
  3. Civ+ Changelog January 22nd 2022
  4. Amelorate (2024-07-11). “<@&791021339674411063> # Changelog for Thursday July 11th, 2024 * Update server to the latest stable version of **Java**, should increase stability * Fixed crafting exp using **Basic ExP Recipe** and **The Lie** * Fixed **Brewing Stands** getting stuck by reevaluating the recipe once every 100 ticks * Capped repair costs for **shovels** and **pickaxes** at 30 levels * Retuned the biomes for most **crops** to be more suitable for the new map * Fixed a bug where **villagers** could open **doors** * Fixed an oversight where animals' 5-minute **breeding cooldown** would never count down (existing animals will have to be loaded for about 5 minutes before they can breed) * Meteors that are still emitting a deadly aura now drop **Treasure Maps**” – via Discord (#changelogs). Civ+. Retrieved 2024-07-14. Screenshot
  5. Amelorate (2024-07-14). “<@&791021339674411063> # Changelog for Sunday, July 14th, 2024 - **Sheep** and **Chickens**' happiness level determines how often they regrow their **wool** and lay **eggs** - Fixed people finding that **Coal** has replaced the helmet they were wearing - Fixed a **bug** where people could repair items with unrelated items - Made **Cocoa Beans** grow while you're **offline** - Made **Rare Ingredients** more rare - Added **Quartz Ore** to the HiddenOre drop table - Made the **Gardener's Grimoire** easier to read by removing entries that were the same as the "Everywhere else" entry - Spawned a baseline level of **Passive Mobs** throughout the entire world (only this once, never again, **if you kill them they won't come back**) * Removed **elven** blockthieves * Reduced the drop rate for **Treasure Maps** from **Meteors**, except for obsidian blocks * Fixed the **bossbar** for **meteors**” – via Discord (#changelogs). Civ+. Retrieved 2024-07-14. Screenshot
  6. :File:Civ+ Changelog 2024-07-19.png
  8. Ingame tutorial book Drinking from the Top Shelf by civplus
  9. 9.0 9.1 Civilisation Servers spreadsheet by Lodish
  11. Amelorate (2022/4/17). “You forgot about the Civ+ on 1.15, that was officially only open for two days, but we kept running for our secret ingroup for a few months.” – via Discord (#general). Civ+. Retrieved 2022/5/6.
  12. sepia (2022/4/17). “our current iteration started on Jaunary 1st and was closed to existing civ players until recently.” – via Discord (#general). Civ+. Retrieved 2022/5/6.
  13. Civ+ Changelog April 1st 2023
  14. J_Soms (2024/7/10). “I literally crafted this solo in alpha lol” – via Discord (#general). Civ+. Retrieved 2024/7/10. Screenshot
  15. Parker (2024-06-15). “@everyone I'm proud to announce Civ+ is officially launching this upcoming Friday evening. It's been years in the making. Can't wait to see you all there.” – via Discord (#🔊announcements). Civ+. Retrieved 2024-06-15. Screenshot
  16. Sepia (2024-06-22). “just to clarify for everyone: - there was a beta iteration in 2021. it was not announced to civ people. that's 1 quadrant of the map (3 are fresh) - we did not clear anything from the beta. we like the commitment to keep the map, no matter what - we're aware that there's some wealth lying around. we're talking about doing a wipe of diamond armor and xp from chests. none of the things anyone has acquired legitimately so far would be impacted.” – via Discord (#💬general). Civ+. Retrieved 2024-06-23. Screenshot
  17. Parker (2024-06-24). “The team has decided that a reset is the best course of action. We will launch on July 5th, with a new map. The current map will remain live until July 2nd. Thank you for playing the beta! especially to those who have helped us with feedback. The current map on Civ+ has been up since 2021 (publicly, although we never advertised to the civ community). We originally wanted to maintain the history that exists on it, with an expansion instead of a reset. However, concerns about a soft "launch day" with existing vaults are valid, as well as about the map size and oceans. The new map will be fresh, smaller, and focused on a single major landmass.” – via Discord (#🔊announcements). Civ+. Retrieved 2024-07-04. Screenshot