Adina | |
Free Cities of Adina | |
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General | |
Capital city | Adina City |
Territories | Tabago y Corona, Antigua, X’ian |
Government | |
Government | Councillate |
• Governing Councillors | ImperatorMendes, Incentives, Tukidoki, Prawny331 |
Culture | |
Language | English |
Adina was an independent nation on CivClassics. Originally settling near Vitelia in the eastern portion of the map, the country had Spanish, Caribbean, and Moorish influences in its history, government, and builds. The country was an absolute monarchy before transitioning to a democratic republic. Adina became an autonomous region of Caledonia as the country grew inactive towards the end of the iteration.
Adina was a loosely styled Spanish or Moorish Republic situated in the deep (+,+). Over time its politics have naturally transitioned from absolutism to a semi-constitutional monarchy and eventually to a Republic.
The country is geographically small[1] comparative to its population, with almost its entire core landmasses consisting of urbane development[2] and by one metric having the sixth largest city on CivClassics[3]. It lasted until the conclusion of CivClassics on the 8th of December 2021.[4]
Foreign Relations
Adina was a member of the CES since founding as part of Caledonia. As a result of this it also occupied a place in the AF-CES partnership. Prior to this it held no strictly held alliances with other nations, though the Civil Guard used to have a composite unit reinforced with Alexandrian fighters from Nro'meagh. At the time it was considered that this relative neutrality allowed Adina to avoid the brunt of damage from the world conflicts of the period, though this may also have been augmented by Adina’s physical and political distance from either front of the war.
Abridged History of the State
An Island Nation
The Sea Peoples
The fortunes of those would be Adinan were initially tied inseparably to the Isle of Antigua- not then known by this name, where after much time spent as nomads they discovered the island, alongside the abandoned settlement of Cape Winds. In late July 2018, the settlement was repopulated and named L'Habana. The proto-Antiguans were tribespeople, and their social order consisted of a caste system[5] which amongst other things split the population into warriors and miners and so on.
Imperialism and a Colonial Settlement
The state of Vítelia expanded to incorporate the island into its claims. The people of L'Habana were isolationist and their presence was not well-known. Nominally the area would be known as Western Braxos. Due to the predominance of Spanish in L'Habana and the outrage felt at Vitelian attempts to replace the native Indojic faith with Catholicism, a new province was eventually split off Western Braxos called Antigua, in order to prevent more disorder.
The weak rule of Vítelia was irrevocably damaged by its invasion by a foreign coalition. During this time, Antigua evaded occupation. There was no love lost between Antigua and Vítelia and whilst it was being invaded, Antigua began to take on the mannerisms of an independent nation. By the time the coalition had achieved victory, Antigua was now an independent state of its own.
Struggles of Independence
In the chaos of independence and debates over the nature of how Antigua should be governed, the Antiguan King was removed by the General Fantasia in a coup d'etat with his pearl being stored in a large tower overlooking L'Habana. The state became dictatorial and actively suppressed Indojic shaman practices.
The dictatorship lasted two months before finally collapsing to internal pressures and Fantasia went into exile.
Formation of the Federation
The Settling of Tobago
Under the Vitelian rule and more generally, some citizens of Antigua moved away from the centre of politics on the island. Included in the post-Vitelian claims was the island of Tobago; it was widely seen as unsuitable for settlement due to its high and rugged mesa cliffs. Matanic, a native to the area, was asked on behalf of the Crown to settle this area. With time it prospered, and once the dictatorship of Fantasia ended, the area was the foremost settlement of the Antiguan frontier.
The change of fortunes in Antigua gave rise to a radical idea for the natives in Tobago of a pan-regional Federation based on democratic ideals, with the movement of the Capital to Tobago. The nation became known as Al-Adina based on the treaty creating it- later shortened to Adina.
The Antiguan monarch agreed to step back in light of this and to convert the institution of monarchy into a purely religious and cultural one- leading Matanic to lead Adina forward as the First President of the Federation.
Transitional Period
Given the inherent difficulty in getting traditionalist elements to accept the reforms, a transitional period was declared as the new constitution was drafted. The land, previously inhospitable, was cleared and the population resoundingly boomed, in accordance with these new liberal policies. The time would rightly be regarded as a golden age for the fledgling federation. Minority and cultural life flourished and the Indojic majority in decline was supplemented with Catholic, Orthodox and other believers.
As this transitional period came to a close, Adina struggled to assert itself in its outlying regions- leading to its first crisis, where enemies circled like crows, particularly the rebel state of Astonia and the so-called "Fish Republic"- a large contingent of raiders to the South.
Despite the lethargic and inefficient disposition of the Civil Guard at the time, Adina still won a decisive victory after hostilities began on the 26th of July. The Fish Republic was completely liquidated on the first day of fighting, though the Guard was unable to score a decisive victory against Astonia for another eight days as their leader, SinjoroJoCrafter had fled preemptively before the Civil Guard had completely destroyed Astonia and its "Royal Isle".
Fresh elections were held on the 1st of August after a constitution was passed conclusively by the citizen body. There was a small slide towards radicalism with the foundation of political sects such as the INP (Indojic National Party) or the Adinan Communist Party.
Divine Right
Political Developments
Incentives was elected as the Second President of the Republic, with 63% of the vote on a platform of neutrality and increased XP production. Radical parties made no gains and in fact waned in influence- the Communist Party of Adina disappearing entirely, whilst turnout increased 5% from the previous elections. Many new states were added to the Federation including X’ian.
Whilst great strides were made across all sectors, it also provided a perverse incentive for those who wanted to become the “strongman” of Adina as the rewards were much higher than in Antigua and arguably the democracy still weak. Kalipso’s recusal from politics was conveniently forgotten and the monarch became a highly partisan actor in politics. The era saw three concerning developments, all coordinated by the monarchists:
Religious laws were passed under the pretext of codifying the Indojic faith. This fundamentally restricted freedoms and put Kalipso above the constitution.
-The Kodakane, an hardline Antiguan leftover group penetrated the Civil Guard leadership and attempted to form a political militia. This small sect began to frequently petition the government to crown Kalipso Emperor, and openly threatened a coup d’etat.
-The Monarch began to exhaust government funds on extravagant palaces and took funding for projects that were never even built. Furthermore the civilian government would be overruled and obstructed at every turn, leading to the resignation of Incentives in protest at this.
The Indojic Spring
The Indojic Spring was a democratic movement that led to the effective removal of the monarchy on the back of a huge popular wave of Adinans voters, which saw some international coverage, such as that by the tabloid Okato Sun[6]. All religious laws became null and void and a the new President, ImperatorMendes proclaimed a new era of freedom and a rejection of autocracy. Antigua came under occupation for the duration of interregnum due to the threat of illegal secession and violence.
The Interregnum
For much of this nominal republican period, the government was very weak. Essentially all government activities had ceased due to the threat of operating normally. Many members of the government retreated to the rural exterior. After the September Putsch- an attempt to restore by the monarchy by radicals using foreign military backing- failed, normalcy slowly returned to Adina proper.
Divisions of the Assembly
In the wake of treachery by the monarch, but continued loyalty to previous systems there was much division on how to proceed. Two votes, on how to proceed and whether the monarchy should exist in principle failed to achieve a decisive majority. After much discussion reluctant Assembly members decided to honour the will of the overwhelming majority of Adinans in becoming a Republic. When it came to a public referendum no-one voted against a Republic, with the two assembly members voting against presumably also the two abstaining.
On the 28th of November Adina had officially become a Republic, with many new enshrined freedoms in law.
Revival of the State
This new period gave rise to rapid developments, primarily in the three areas of the Capital, the North and especially Antigua- which was resettled. The umbrella of the Merchant’s Guild covered nascent ‘Heavy Industries’ including enchanted tools and xp. Large expenditure on defence, totalling over a thousand diamonds, would further bolster infrastructure. This period constituted Adina’s highest population.
Provisional Government
Dissolution of the Republic and the long Adinan Slumber
At some point, then president Matanic engaged in a coup against the state[7] with some other officials as a representation of their faction of Adinans moving over to play on CivRealms. ImperatorMendes and Incentives as the last remaining elected officials formed a rump government in order to manage the nation during the dwindling activity in a period in which CivRealms increasingly took off, in a de facto diarchy. Adina accepted an offer of protection from Caledonia, whilst also retaining its own claims, military and government. With activity recovering the aim of the provisional government was to restore Adina to a state of holding elections- the Republic.
Border War with the Kro’ev
In late May 2020 Krohil formulated a policy of colonisation into the ++[8], supported by Pacemiam mercenaries, Naglafer and PacGaming. The Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate ceded Greater Dithmarschen to form the Didjyetre Federation on the 27th (some time after they had settled there on that day) though Adina contested how voluntary this was and was concerned that more nations in the ++ would be affected, including Adina itself when it saw planning maps that included it. ImperatorMendes superficially raided the Krohil holdings in Dithmarschen, while more significantly extending an Adinan guarantee of independence to every nation in the ++[9]. The odd decision was taken to conduct the raid solo and remain in Dithmarschen for around an hour pinging snitches. The aim of this was two-fold. Firstly, whilst Adina had around perhaps 5-7 people available to use for any action, the point was to create the impression that Adina in its current state couldn’t field a proper standing force. The guarantee offered meant any subsequent military followup would be directed onto Adina’s skybunker where Adinan ranks would be significantly greater than expected, forcing a battle on entirely favourable terms. In the end however, Caesar concluded the conflict amicably by offering a ceasefire and withdrawal from Dithmarschen, which came with terms of future non-aggression but also affirming the right of Krohil to bargain for land, albeit free of military force and deniable[10]. This conflict would be the last in the ++ for some time, the next being the Ohio Crisis, over a year later.
Revival and Conclusion of CivClassic
With the effective conclusion of CivRealms 2.0, some activity began to return to CivClassic, with the establishment of new groups such as Lambat (CivClassic 2.0). This would lead to great effort being put it into the general restoration of Adina, which had suffered some wear during the period of server inactivity. Restoration works were made on all Adinan settlements, and before long new residents were invited in amongst old. The general trend of population decline was reversed with the region now boasting some nineteen residents. This was combined with a consolidation of claims, which led to more dense activity. An Adina-Amyr accord for the reduction of land claims passed both the council and general resident population with 100% of votes cast. Schematics were drawn up in conjunction with Gabonese architects to effect a grand remodel of Adina City and the city skybunker was significantly strengthened in this period. Additionally the bulk of everyday factories were finally migrated from the granary building into a specially built facility in Demos. The government of Adina grew in size, and Prawny331 joined the council just before planned elections, which were cut short by the end of the server.
Notable Territories and Settlements
Historically the political and social life between the various territories and settlements has been very strong, encouraged by provincial devolution arrangements. This has always led to competition between areas and a drive for improvements along with distinct differences between regions under the Adinan umbrella.
In particular the territories of Antigua and Tobago y Corona experienced higher levels of development, having been occupied for more time.
The 'cradle' of proto-Adinan civilisation, where much of the CivClassics Indojic tradition originates from. Due to the monarchist 'terror' much of this small hamlet was depopulated, most notably when Republican forces occupied the area, forcing radicals present to flee. Overlooking much of this small settlement is the tower that held the first Antiguan monarch. It was never finished as the military junta was defeated. However in the later part of Imperator’s term Antigua was resettled, leading the creation of the large city of Rhea, which thereafter occupied the majority of the island. Rhea was a well developed city, with good transport links to the rest of Adina. Antigua is the canonical burial site of Thraldrek[11].

Tobago y Corona
Adina City
Far and away, the most important and significant settlement in Adina- the city housed at one point ~55% of the population, though logic would dictate smaller land claims meant that this proportion had likely risen. Before becoming the official capital, it played an important role in settling the frontier state of Tobago y Corona. Historically it was at the forefront of developments in politics, the new Federation being centred upon it and later becoming a hotbed of Republicanism.
The history of the city can be seen no better than according to its architecture, the usage of stone slabbed buildings demarcating the Old Quarter of the oldest settlement on the island prior to its terraforming. The name is perhaps slightly misleading as some of the buildings have since been renovated or otherwise altered as late as 2021.
The majority of retail and commercial endeavours operated out of the capital which in turn received support from its distinct devolved boroughs, 'Demos West' and 'Shady Grove'. Government is centred on Adina City, with the Judiciary and Legislature being officially based there. Despite other regions taking on their own political agenda at times, none have dwarfed the significance of Adina City in affairs. Perhaps most prominently the Adinan Skybunker sat as the foremost fortress of the Civil Guard.

Demos West
Demos West was an up-and-coming agrarian region barely North of the capital. It offered scenic views and a more rustic setting, with all of the proximity to the centre of life in Adina. Eventually Demos West would become the seat of the new Adinan factory complex.
Shady Grove
Shady Grove was a small town inside the capital conurbation and hosted some of the oldest citizens of Adina. It also featured some automated farms along with public parkland and shrines.
Former Territories
The once Entranan Republic came under the suzerainty of the Adinan monarchy in August of 2019[12] . Not much was made of the claim except some rail re-works, or later during the Republic, the construction of a fortified iceroad, which would later become a central part in the CES iceroad network. The land was eventually ceded to form the homeland of Cortesia Del Mar[13], a nation which has strong ties to Adina through the CES.
The Distant North
The North of Adina was once well-populated for its remoteness, containing a few distinct centres of activity, all linked through the small station at Tallinn. Before Adina became a republic much of this natural wealth and space was underutilised and it was the usage of a private rail constructed through Tallinn that enabled this growth to take place. Steady streams of charcoal and logs worked their way South and some industries became tied to the area. At one point apartments were built in a sign of the swelling population amidst rugged terrain with little buildable area. Other adjoining nations such as the Don Republic[12] had joined with the Republic of Adina and enjoyed a second wind of growth and relative prosperity. However with the advent of CivRealms the logic of holding these outlying territories decreased with their depopulation and the North shrunk in two primary phases- an initial claims reduction[14] and then the last vestiges of the North via an Adina-Amyr accord to create the nation of Vesanya.
Tallinn was a small Eastern European stylised towns situated in the frontiers of Adina. Productive wheat-fields provided food in great abundance, which led to its original designation as a site to be built upon.

Its original purpose was to serve as a safe retreat for the then-Judge ImperatorMendes to escape what he felt was growing political instability in the capital caused by the monarchy. At the height of the September Putsch the Winter Palace was used as a rallying spot for the loyal Civil Guard detachments in preparation for a planned counterattack.
It has since grown in size and has its own associated infrastructure- including a small metro station now crucial for the rail service of the North- covering four additional junctions than it started with. Eventually with only Imperator residing in the region the decision was on balance it would be better to develop the growth of a friendly nation in its confines, Vesanya.
Isla del Fortuna
The stereotypical casino island: its fortunes have been both up and down at times. It was distinctly well-developed despite land not being plentiful, with much dedicated to leisure- including its namesake casino, to which a bank in the capital once also bore its name. It would eventually be ceded to Pacem and form a part of the Pacem Overseas Territories.
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- ↑ List of nations by area (CivClassic)
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- ↑ See Krohil, Colonies
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- ↑ 12.0 12.1
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