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Revision as of 13:12, 11 May 2021 by Chickenwinggeek (talk | contribs) (Initial history)
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Location-7100, -200
Activity levelHigh as of 5/9/2021
Capital cityKallos City
Governing documentN/A
• Chairman
• Regionary Council
• Jazz Committee
Foundation dateMarch 2021
MottoWe are totally just buildfriends don't kill us.

Kallos is a chill nation situated in the west of the map around -7100, -200, known for its citizens who like to do a moderate amount of trolling.

Founding and Prior History

After Kayla did a little trolling concerning [insert the part where she pearled Benny in his own vault and everything that happened], she and pearled player Kicky decided to make a wholesome buildfriend nation called Kallos. It was very cool, yet undefined except for the fact that they wanted to settle in this non-ideal biome as a meme and that Kallos was a vaguely purple-themed nation. August joined shortly after as a founding member, followed by Coldboy000 and ChickenWingGeek after randomly messaging Kicky to join one day.

Initial relations were quickly established with the nation of Camiseo, north-west of Kallos, when leader Troll_Bebek wanted to dig a rail into Kallos. This spawned an ongoing reciprocal friendship that continues to last.

Rapid Expansion

Seeing a need for expansion as a nation if Kallos were to avoid the fate of many lame two-person grinder nations, CWG decided to pull some of his acquaintances to join, mostly wholesome refugees from the recently-dead Civ server CivUniverse. Notably, this included Egi and KingOfTheMochas, who quickly proved themselves as hard-working and loyal members of Kallos.

With the increased manpower, Kallos began a quick ascension into advanced XP manufacturing.

Kallos in the World Sphere

Something about how Kayla got into hot doo doo for trying to farm slimes in a NATO vault or something.