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Featured article & current events

Each week, a summary (roughly 1000 characters long) of one of CivWiki's articles and the Civ community's current events appear at the top of the Main Page as the Featured article. This page, its features and reporting of is managed by User:Specificlanguage and oversees the complete editing process of these features, as well as the associated newsletter for each week. This page serves as an archive for each featured article and current events, as well as a way to see those currently in draft. If you notice an error in an upcoming TFA summary, please feel free to fix it yourself; if the mistake is in today's or tomorrow's summary, please leave a message to Specificlanguage. Articles can be nominated for Featured article at the form, and articles with a date connection are welcome! Feel free to bring questions and comments to the talk page.

Note: Unlike actual featured articles on Wikipedia, articles are generally required to have good content but do not indicate the quality of an article, it mostly indicates a key moment in Civ history.

Featured articles & current events

July 2024

July 22, 2024

From the Featured Article

The Bab al-Qadim, or Old Gate, in Istanbul.

The Islamic Sultanate of Istanbul and Samarra, affectionately known as ISIS, was a nation on Civcraft 2.0. Although originally founded in summer of 2013 drawing inspiration from Ottoman and Persian culture, it was adopted by Grundeswald later that year before seceding again following a war of independence in Mount Augusta and supported by the Holy Krautchan Empire in 2014. Another city, Samarra, was founded in the later part of the year and recruited a significant amount of newfriends, but were unhappy with Sultan GTAIVisbest, and had a planned uprising cooperating with Gensokyo that never went through as the plot was squashed. Despite these events, ISIS continued to have good relationships with Gensokyo and Mount Augusta, up and until the Goten Secession Conflict.

The country had a unique architecture style, featuring significant amounts of Ottoman- and Persian-style architecture, along with a government style similar to Ottoman states. The capital, Istanbul had a landmark fountain and had Arabic names for each of their districts; the country’s revival was helped in part because of Arabic communication. As the country was located within a desert, the main export was sand for XP production, to be imported into nearby Mount Augusta. Most players that played within ISIS are not currently active today, and is one of the few culturally Islamic countries that has ever existed on Civ. (Full article...)

Current Events

A picturesque lake near Lucassio, Pavia.

July 15, 2024

This week's featured article did not run on the front page.

From the Featured Article

A final node map of KANI at the end of the world of CivClassic.

The KANI Rail System was a rail routing and navigation standard for the global rail system on CivClassic. It was the largest rail system on the server and had several adaptations over the years, but was based on roundabout junctions to connect users to their destinations through nodes. Originally known as the Nexus Interchange Gateway, it was conceived as a way to both leverage RailSwitch on a global scale and renovate the rail network in Icenia and Nexus at 0,0. It took advantage of chaining /dest commands, a new feature added by KANI’s creator, Amelorate.

The system was initially created with several different kinds of nodes, including terminals and stations, and featured a central website that automatically calculated the optimal /dest commands to their destination. As the system got bigger and more destinations were added across the server, the rail system was renamed and improvements were made to its routing scheme. Competing rail routing systems, such as AURA, had improvements such as trunk rail routing, which were later implemented into its system. By the end of CivClassic, over 700 routing nodes were created. Some of its ideas were implemented into OneDest, another major server-spanning rail system on CivMC. (Full article...)

Current Events

Groveheart, a settlement nestled in the western woods of the Imperial Federation.
  • SoggyHobo and dawsonisrainy continued their raiding campaign, known as the Wet Bandits, raiding Winterbourne and Baile, as well as defacing NoTruePunk's memorial. Several ASN players were pearled by the raider group but were freed by Toaxbis.
  • Wafflehead, leader of 'Wafflenation' apologized for his hurtful and disruptive actions over the past month, and announced a new initiative to build connections and start with a fresh slate.
  • Eldoria announced a mutual defense pact with Truidencia.
  • Monument Group released their second quarter financial results, with record highs across the board.
  • NordCo announced an IPO with over 160 shares being sold, raising 1281 diamonds.

July 8, 2024

This week's featured article was written by dcruzy. This week's featured article did not run on the front page.

From the Featured Article

IWW fighters following their occupation of Tenochtitlan, Bobanga.

The Industrial Workers of the World (commonly referred to as the IWW) was an organization of leftist nations on CivRealms on the northern continent of Napistan. Founded after a union between the nations of Vescau and Tolstoy on January 23, 2020, the IWW would expand throughout Napistan with the formation of new communes and groups joining their ranks. There was no definite central government as the communes would exercise great control over their lands.

Despite its anarchical structure at first, the IWW would slowly become more centralized throughout its existence, resulting in civil conflicts. Regardless, the nation would see great growth in cities such as Bremerhaven and Tolstoy among others. This was helped by their isolated location to the rest of the map, which resulted in minimal involvement in conflict, with the only notable being the May Day Invasion and the First Hell War. Tensions with neighbor Duckapore would later lead to a crisis, resulting in the secession of the Three Cities and Bremerhaven and eventually the dissolution of the IWW with its remnants being formed into the Borealian Socialist Republic on the 18 of August 2020. (Full article...)

Current Events

Danzilona's capitol, in their capital city.
  • Icenia had several bans after they disclosed that they used an illegal world download of Gang Shi's vault, Black Mesa, during the SEC–Gang Shi War in April 2023.
  • SoggyHobo and dawsonisrainy, colloquially known as the Wet Bandits raided Pacem. The Commonwealth assisted their cleanup the same day.
  • Yoahtl announced the final schedule for their upcoming Olympics.
  • Winterbourne was raided by mommygivememilk after obtaining the trust of Vinland, he pearled a few players before being pearled by Tophat and moved to Exyria vault.
  • Civ+ launched on July 5, with a smooth launch and a meteor occurring the same day.

July 1, 2024

This week's featured article is a repeat of February 6, 2023.

From the Featured Article

The Orion capitol, in the country's capital city.

Orion was a country on Civcraft 2.0 focused on a democratic and capitalist system of government, with striking similarities to the United States government. The country was established at the start of the world in the middle of the northwest quadrant, and quickly became known as the most populous country on the server. Due to its easy access and low barriers to entry (which included a free plot for newfriends), the country saw several conflicts throughout its lifespan, including raids from the Bloodcrew, the Cuban Revolution, and a secession crisis from Sennisten, one of the country’s boroughs.

Although the country had an anarchic build system, the country had several notable builds, including the capitol (pictured), a grand train station connecting the CIC, and the Grand Olympic Stadium, playing host to the first known Olympics held on Civ servers, and inspiring future Olympics on CivClassic. Additionally, Cuban leader Farley50 lent his name to today’s Farley war, a term known for either a roleplay war between two parties or a sporting event where players use weak weapons and armor for fighting. Today, some of Orion’s players make up today’s Jorvik. (Full article...)

Current Events

A landmark alongside Griffin's road network.
  • The Imperial Federation and Icenia announced an alliance with each other, creating diplomatic missions in their respective countries.
  • Wafflenation was killed by ninjajack, a Danzilonan and had a bounty placed on him, he would later be pearled after a bounty was placed on him.
  • Pavia announced that Mery would be a protectorate, bringing the country into the Lyrean Commonwealth.
  • OreStraya independently sold off 300 Monument Group shares, a record for the company; while criticized for the action, he made over a thousand diamonds across the sale.
  • Monument Bank made significant changes in their operating procedures, removing the holding fee while adding overdraft fees for everyone.
  • Civ+ announced their conclusion of their beta, with their main server getting a map reset on a new iteration on July 5.