Yoahtl Olympics

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Yoahtl Olympics
Logo for the Yoahtl Olympics by SonicFrost
Host Nation Yoahtl
Competing Nations15+
OpeningSeptember 20, 2024
PreviousNara-Danzilona Olympics
Poster announcing the Yoahtl Olympics
Yoahtl Olympics poster with schedule

The Yoahtl Olympics, also known as CivMC Olympiad II, are the second Olympic Games held in CivMC. They were held on 20 September to 28 September 2024. The events were originally set to be held in Yoahtl from 19 July to 27 July 2024, but were delayed following terrorist threats endangering the safety of athletes and spectators.[1] The Yoahtl Olympics was announced on 30 March 2024[2], with signups opening on 5 July 2024[3]. The events are set to be held throughout Yoahtl, with arenas and lodgings being constructed to accommodate visitors and participants, such as Luxury Boxes available for purchase in the Olympic Village, dubbed The Pinecone. An additional event, Fishing, is set to be held in Q'Barra, Nara. The original Yoahtl Olympics were slated to be held in the Imperial Federation and Venne in August of 2023[4], but were cancelled as a result of the Imperial Federation Secession Crisis.


The Yoahtl Olympics are set to include 19 sporting events, 2 more than the Nara-Danzilona Olympics. Several sporting events are not set to return, and 10 of the events are brand new to the Olympiad, including a unique sport named Anarchy Terrarium PvP 1v1s. This event involves sequestering participants throughout the duration of the Olympiad and disallowing them from using any equipment not brought prior to the event.


The schedule for the Yoahtl Olympics was published on 5 July 2024, with the following itinerary:

Friday, September 20

  • Opening Ceremony - 6pm EST - Pigeon Nest Arena (7150, 50)
  • Thimble - 7pm EST - Verticus Arena (7270, 160)
  • Drunk Parkour - 8pm EST - Parkour Course (7070, -30)
  • Archery - 9pm EST - Archery Grounds (6950, 170)
  • Boat Racing - 10pm EST - Pinecone Docks (7120, 110)

Saturday September 21

  • GOR Foot Race - 12pm EST - Starts at Kowloon (6300, -1080) - Ends near Kallos Border (9240, 2400)
  • Boat Jousting FFA - 2pm EST - Hockey Arena (7000, 50)
  • King of the Ladder - 3pm EST - Verticus Arena (7270, 160)
  • IHL Rules Hockey (until Top 4) - 4pm EST - Hockey Arena (7000, 50)
  • Geared 1v1s (until Top 4) - 7pm EST - Pigeon Nest Arena (7150, 50)

Sunday September 22

  • Mutli-Level Spleef - 12pm EST - Verticus Arena (7270, 160)
  • Sumo - 1pm EST - Pigeon Nest Arena (7150, 50)
  • Summiting - 2:30pm EST - - Rivia Zhangjiajie Mountains (6600, 370)
  • GOR Horse Race - 4pm EST - Starts at Kowloon (6300, -1080) - Ends near Kallos Border (9240, 2400)
  • Boat Jousting 1v1s - 6pm EST - Hockey Arena (7000, 50)

Friday September 27

  • Mini Bridges 3v3s - 6pm EST - Hockey Arena (7000, 50)
  • Geared 1v1s (Top 4) - 8pm EST - Pigeon Nest Arena (7150, 50)
  • Chess - 9pm EST - Pinecone Basement (7100, 210)

Saturday September 28

  • Fishing - 12pm EST - Assorted Q'Barra Fishing Holes (7050, 650)
  • Speed Parkour - 1:30pm EST - Parkour Course (7070, -30)
  • IHL Rules Hockey (Top 4) - 2:30pm EST - Hockey Arena (7000, 50)
  • Anarchy Terrarium PVP 1v1s - 4pm EST - Kobylinski Arena (7110 -1370)
  • Closing Ceremony - 6pm EST - Kobylinski Hall (6900, -1428)

Individual Medals[5]

Medal Player Nation
Gold MechanicalRift Yoahtl
Silver Zolo17 Icarus
Bronze Hg 80 Nara
Drunk Parkour
Gold C0wboys Pavia
Silver Hg 80 Nara
Bronze Lagiacrus Icenia
Gold Vedel2050 Zatoka
Silver LopsterBisque Icenia
Bronze mTfUJi Nara
Boat Racing
Gold Hg 80 Nara
Silver SonicFrost Mercutio
Bronze SlothInASuit IOA
Foot Race
Gold Hg 80 Nara
Silver mTfUJi Nara
Bronze OneUnderscore Volterra
Boat Jousting FFA
Gold EVDan Amboise
Silver SlothInASuit IOA
Bronze Zolo17 Icarus
King of the Ladder
Gold C0wboys Pavia
Silver Raeders Icarus
Bronze Shadno Icenia
Gold Icarus
Silver Fempire
Bronze Zatoka
Geared 1v1s
Gold Spenduh Exyria
Silver Raeders Icarus
Bronze kicky_ Kallos
Gold Dr Bacon Hair Icarus
Silver Hg 80 Nara
Bronze Raid Boss Nara
Gold Jaydon Rivia
Silver Zolo17 Icarus
Bronze Hg 80 Nara
Gold Hg 80 Nara
Silver Sdorr Icarus
Bronze C0wboys Pavia
Horse Race
Gold x1025 Yoahtl
Silver MechanicalRift Yoahtl
Bronze wandrumdum Yoahtl
Boat Jousting 1v1s
Gold Raeders Icarus
Silver MechanicalRift Yoahtl
Bronze IntentGames Pavia
Mini Bridges 3v3s
Gold Icarus
Silver Yoahtl
Bronze Zatoka
Gold IntentGames Pavia
Silver GriffSuperShot Nara
Bronze Zhirall Rivia
Gold Hg_80 Nara
Silver x1025 Yoahtl
Bronze butter_villager Exyria
Speed Parkour
Gold NerdyNerdyNoob3 Zatoka
Silver OneUnderscore_ Volterra
Bronze TheCloneBass Icarus
Anarchy Terrarium PvP 1v1s
Gold Raeders Icarus
Silver DrBaconHair Icarus
Bronze Shadno Icenia

National Medals[6]

Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
Amboise 1 0 0 1
Estalia 0 0 0 0
Fempire 0 1 0 1
Icarus 5 6 2 13
 Icenia 0 1 3 4
Kallos 0 0 1 1
Mercutio 0 1 0 1
Mount Augusta 0 0 0 0
 Nara 4 3 5 12
 Pavia 3 0 2 5
Rivia 1 0 1 2
The Commonwealth 1 0 0 1
Volterra 0 1 1 2
 Yoahtl 2 5 1 8
Zatoka 2 0 2 4
International Olympic Athletes 0 1 1 2
Totals 19 19 19 57
