Geographical Regions (CivMC)

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CivMC is split into four quadrants whose names are based on their geographical coordinates.

Some players have also named specific landmasses, seas and regions based on cultural significance to their nations.


Since the map is a circle centered at 0,0 it is convenient to split it in four quadrants:

  • -,- or Northwestern quadrant
  • +,- or Northeastern quadrant
  • -,+ or Southwestern quadrant
  • +,+ or Southeastern quadrant

The + and - signs refer to the sign of the coordinates in each quadrant: for example, the X,Z coordinates -123,4567 would be in the -,+ quadrant.

While this method does not work well for places close to 0,0 or the horizontal/vertical axes, it is easy to understand and has been in use for years.


Similar to the Hemispheres of Earth, Semicircles can be used to refer to two adjacent quadrants combined. For example, the Western Semicircle refers to the -,- and -,+ quadrants.

Geographical Areas

Central features

Middle Ocean

The Middle Ocean[1] is a major body of water stretching approximately along the length of the z-axis meridian. Many nations border it, namely Estalia, which controls 0,0. Merilde Bay and Trelli Bay are both part of this ocean, with the former bordering Pavia and the latter bordering both Pavia and Griffin.

-,- quadrant

+,- quadrant

Lyrean Sea

The Lyrean Sea[1] is a body of water that borders Thaulos, Griffin and its vassals Amboise and Phoenix, Moloka, Pavia and its vassal Auldmarche, Mery, Lambat, Judea, and Letos. It contains Wyvern Bay, which borders Phoenix, Griffin, and Pavia.

Many nations bordering the Lyrean Sea are members of the Forum of the Medi Sea.

Fareastern Ocean

The Fareastern Ocean[1] is a body of water that borders the Fempire Union, Bergburg, New Jersey, Dhakhala, Griffin's vassal Amboise, Thaulos, Letos and Lilliput. It is connected to its southwest by the Lyrean Sea.

Stony Sea

The Stony Sea[1] is a body of water that borders Varathia, Lambat, The Collective, Cortesia Del Mar, CivMarket, Estalia's El Caro, Mount Augusta, JMQN Island, Zatoka, and Iria.


Impendia is a continent located in the Northern part of the +- east of the Fareastern ocean and North of the Lyrean Sea. The Impendian Assembly was created by most of the nations within the continent. The countries of Amboise, Dhakhala, New Jersey, Dirt, S.P.Q.R, Icarus, Cordoba, CoE, Resimere, Jorvik, Fempire, Bruma, Baile and The Far North are located on the continent aswell as MrLlamma's private island claim.

-,+ quadrant

+,+ quadrant



Alenarith is a continent in the +,+ home to Mount Augusta, Zatoka, BurkinTown, Doom City, Cortesia Del Mar, Crystalis, EM3, Aldenfult, Deriykosa, Danzilona, Wolken, Llamma Land, Dalgon, Nara, SymStead, ParadICE, Nova Venne, Gensokyo, and Truidencia, as well as outlying claims from Estalia, Aurellia, and the Leibniz Confederation. It comprises 16% of CivMC's total landmass, and contains temperate biomes in the north and cold biomes in the south. Alenarith was named by the Southeastern Continent Naming Convention, which included representatives from Mount Augusta, Dalgon, Crystalis, Doom City, Aldenfult, Gensokyo, Cortesia Del Mar, Danzilona, Wolken, Nara, and Zatoka, on June 17 2022.

Medi Sea

The Medi Sea is a body of water that borders Lusitania, Ila'Kyavul, Aurellia, Cortesia Del Mar, Danzilona, the Arsenio Pact member state Wolken, Gensoyko, and Truidencia. Its name is derived from its predecessor on CivClassic.

Most if not all nations that border the Medi Sea are members of the Forum of the Medi Sea.

Despite its name, the Medi Sea is arguably an ocean as it is comparable in size to other oceans and is not enclosed by land at world border.

Lake Biwa

Lake Biwa[2] is an inland lake that borders multiple nations in the SSE continent, including Doom City, Nara, the Arsenio Pact, and Danzilona. It feeds many rivers which stretch through the continent, including the Ebi and Beartooth rivers which border Nara.[2]

A view across Lake Biwa from Noto Point, Nara.
