+,- (CivClassic 2.0)

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Revision as of 14:23, 22 February 2021 by Roskolnikov (talk | contribs) (added Monterrey stuff)
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The Northeast or +,- is the north-eastern quadrant of the CivClassic 2.0 map. Most players commonly refer to quadrants by their coordinate values instead of directly saying "north-east, north-west, south-west..." etc.

As of February 2021, the +,- is an somewhat active region, with Eddie Murphy, Cascadia, and a few other nations popping up and having a mildly active playerbase, such as Lambat.


The western landmasses of +,- feature a mixture thick forests and snow-capped mountains. A large desert is present in the former Chanseatic State. The landmass formerly occupied by Appomattox has a majority of temperate plains and hills, flanked by lush mountains to the west and savanna plateaus to the east.

List of Nations and Dependent Territories

Active Nations
Name of nation Other names Capital Form of Government Head of State Head of Government Alliance Activity
Cascadia CAS-III EXP COMPLEX Oligarchy Kaloa_HD DUMP
EM The Empire of Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy Arsenio Anarcho-Mutualist Federation DUMP
Gensokyo Taozi City Monarchy Regency Council
Imperial Truidence1 Truidence, IT Anburon Absolute Monarchy/Parliamentary Democracy UDF
Iria Iria City
Lambat Republic of Lambat Lambat City Oligarchic Republic Kaprediem (President)2 None Low to Medium
Mir The Twenty Third Mirian Star Empire XP Land
Nipplerock Republic of New Nipplerock
Nyasaland The Socialist Federal Republic of Nyasaland Palgrave Federal Socialist Direct Democratic Benevolent Dictatorship
Monterrey The United Kingdom of Monterrey Barcelona Constitutional Monarchy MrDoomBringer DUMP Low to High

1Partially located in the Northeast. Majority of its territory is in the Northwest.

2De facto Head of state and government

Former and Inactive Nations
Name of nation Other names Capital Form of Government Head of State Head of Government Alliance
Appomattox Free States of Appomattox, Yonder-Dixie Antietam Constitutional Monarchy
Chanseatic State