Gang Shi

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Gang Shi is a nation in the northeastern frontier of Eastern Continent in CivMC. It is a successor of Titan and IMC that formed after the Generic War in September 2021, occupying the territory owned by those nations between June and September. Gang Shi was primarily militaristic and isolationist; it prohibited unauthorized personnel from entering its Militarized Zone,[1] and was involved in the Arnen-Temporal Isles war as an ally of Arnen[2]. Norfland, part of Gang Shi, is open to visitors. Gang Shi was part of the Gensokyo Organized Defense treaty.[3]Gang Shi was official disbanded after the SEC-Gang Shi war in April, 2023, with many of its members pearled and territory declaimed. During the Buttsecs War, remnants from the Gang Shi community sided with Butternut and fought against the SEC.
