List of nations on CivMC

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Revision as of 01:53, 7 June 2022 by Specificlanguage (talk | contribs) (preliminary list, this is such a long an arduous task since you have to verify everything. Godspeed for anyone who's editing this)
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The following are a list of confirmed nations that are participating on CivMC.

Criteria for Inclusion

Claims as of June 5, 2022.

The current CivWiki standard for qualification on this list are:

  1. Nations are required to have a claims post, have claims on the latest claims map, or (eventually) a qualified claims post on the official web map.
  2. Claims must generally be non-conflicting and uncontested.
  3. Countries must leaders that are able to be contacted
  4. Nations must have active participation either in-game or in some other communication platform.

For the first few months (until September 2022), the last item is waived for qualification.

List of nations

(This is still a work in progress, will be filled over the coming week)

Colloquial names Official Name Leaders Discord General location
Aurellia Aurellia MrDoomBringer, Complexii Southeast quadrant, towards north of the Medi Sea west of Lusitania[1]
Cortesia Del Mar (CDM) Cortesia Del Mar IceCarim, Yodabird19 Southeast quadrant, northwest of the Medi Sea south of Iria and west of Doom City[1]
Danzilona Free Danzilonan Republic Des23, Lowtuff Private discord Southeast quadrant, along the Medi Sea south of Cortesia Del Mar[1]
Dalgon fredhun14 Southeast quadrant, bordering to the west of Nara[2]
Doom City Doom City Southeast quadrant, mountains southeast of Mount Augusta.[3]
Estalia Estalia Private discord Center of the map, and much of the northeast quadrant[4]
Gensokyo Heavenly Kingdom of Gensokyo Topaz4293 Southeast quadrant, taiga towards the southeast coast of the Medi Sea near Truidencia[5]
Icenia Third Republic of Icenia ChrisChrispie Northwest quadrant, large portion of plains northwest of Estalia and north of Pacem.[6]
Ila'Kyavul Ila'Kyavul Caesar Southeast quadrant, along the north shore of the Medi Sea west of Lusitania.[1]
Lambat Republic of Lambat Kaprediem Shallow northeast quadrant, southwest of Pavia[7]
Lusitania Kingdom of Lusitania Metriximor Southeast quadrant, at the southeastern world border next to the Medi Sea.[8]
Mount Augusta Mount Augusta RedDevel Shallow southeast quadrant, closer to the center of the map near Estalia and Doom City.[1]
Nara Nara SwordMaster7777 Southeast quadrant, bordering Gensokyo near the southeastern world border
Pacem Free City of Pacem Shtim Northwest quadrant, south of Icenia towards the center of the quadrant.[9]
Pavia The Principality of Pavia BritishWanderer Shallow northeast quadrant, northeast of Estalia and northwest of Lambat.[10]
Petrichor Worker's Republic of Petrichor Shadedoom Northwest quadrant, northwest of Estalia and southwest of Icenia.[11]
Rhode Island Rhode Island Northwest quadrant, north of Estalia and east of Icenia.[12]
Truidencia Holy Truidencian Empire Plupsnup Southeast quadrant, at the southeastern world border and bordering the Medi Sea.[13]
Western Boundary 境界の西部共和国 SinjoroJoCrafter Islands along the Western world border.[14]
This list is still a work-in-progress. Do not use this list as a reference of all nations yet.
