CivWiki:Featured/September 19, 2022

Revision as of 03:03, 19 September 2022 by Specificlanguage (talk | contribs) (added some news points)

From the Featured Article

An infographic of the UNC's nations and actions, created by BritishWanderer.

The United Northern Congress' first iteration (abbreviated UNC) was a strategic multi-national alliance in CivClassic between ten countries, mainly in the northeast quadrant of the map. While initially an economic and military alliance between Bloom and Gabon in late 2018, as more nations joined, the organization morphed into a collective diplomatic and defensive organization with each country electing representatives and also electing a spokesperson.

The Congress’ primary spokesperson, BritishWanderer helped countries navigate the early Infinity War in the quadrant with negotiations in the SPQR Border Crisis with Hallow as well as a diplomatic incident during the Clown Wars in Icenia. However, after an altercation with Corvus after the alliance was rumored to join the war alongside Mir, the alliance quickly dissolved in early July 2019. Nations joined other defensive alliances like the Entente and UDF, while a new iteration of the UNC would be created two years later (Full article...)

Current Events

Tthe Atorasu Palace Library in Nara's capital city of Shiroyama, the largest residence and library in the country.
  • The Estalia-Rhode Island War came to a close last weekend as citizens from Estalia and Pavia as well as other nations that supported the coalition disabled and freed pearls from a vault and skybunker in Rhode Island city.
  • CivMC admins announced a blanket ban of nearly all Rhode Island and associated players, after a larger effort to crack down on players who were "engaging in server killing toxicity beyond toleration".
  • Icenia announced a large cleanup effort after Rhode Island players obbybombed their city for the fourth time prior to being banned. President ChrisChrispie was hopeful that the city would return to its former glory.
  • Blockchainistan pearled shadedoom of Petrichor as Estalia lost a heavily favored fight to remove Blockchainistan from the map, who had been implicated in aiding the USA.
  • The Imperial Federation, Hyperborean Confederation, Pridelands, and Venne all entered a new defensive alliance, called the Meridiem Compact, involving all nations around the South world border.
  • The Lambat Post announced new editions to be published ingame, the fourteenth edition is available at the Media Center in Lambat City.
  • The blanket ban allowed CivMC player count to rebound to upwards of 100 for the first time in months.