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The bombing of CivCorp at the start of the Great War.

The Great War was a war in late 2020 on the server CivRealms 2.0 between the coalition (Carbon, Northern Defensive Pact and Rhodesia) and the USA, which was a coalition of former enemies (notably Blackwater, Olympia, Chungus and later Savaguard). The War started following the obbybombing of the trade city CivCorp, and the following fallout developed into an all-out war between the bombers and their allies and much of the rest of the server. The conflict also spilled over into the New World, with several bombers seeking to form a new state in the isolated shard, starting the Barbary War. The war saw several major vaults fall, starting with the incomplete Varathian and Bloom vaults, the Napistan vault Daybreak (in which Carbon's leader, Convoy, was pearled) and eventually the Yggdrasil vault Asgard after a prolonged two week siege.

The fall of Asgard was devastating to the allies, losing many pearls and most of the pearls they'd obtained in the defence in the failed retreat to the megavault Heaven. The war directly led to the collapse in activity on the server, due to a large number of combatants being pearled as the war developed into a stalemate with only bots remaining active. During the war, admins also made controversial decisions that changed the outcome of the war, including banning Citadel bombing for a short period, creating a "King of the Ashes" rule, adding a small chance to instantly kill a player following the fall of Asgard, and banning of most of the USA. Following the war, the server's activity never recovered, with most players returning to Civclassic or joining CivUniverse. (Full article...)

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Outside the Town Square of Port o'Mehri in Mery.