CivWiki:Featured/January 23, 2023

From the Featured Article

A landscape of the Jehoghnya clan's settlement in the Nro'meagh region, built by Avo.

Nro’meagh was a clan-based society on CivClassic; while "Nro'meagh" was commonly referred to as a country as a whole, the area was mainly held by several clans acting as their own sovereign countries. Of the many factions in the region, the primary players were Alexandria, an anarchic build city similar to Mount Augusta, Jevoghnya, the oldest and most historically significant region where the conlang of Nro’meagh was born, and Caesar’s Legion, a Roman-roleplay clan similar to the Fallout clan of the same name, focused on conquering the entire region.

Throughout its lifespan, these clans were engaged in several alliances and wars. Several clans also maintained alliances with nations uninvolved with the region, such as Vinland and Adina. In 2020, several major conflicts occurred, with two major clans, Alexandria and Threkeld, squaring off in February 2020. During April 2020, Caesar’s Legion also achieved their goal of conquering the entire region, however were overthrown by a coalition of clans led by Topher3001 the following month. Today, some of Nro’meagh players currently play in today’s Imperial Federation. (Full article...)

Current Events

Imperial Japanese structures in Nara.
  • Lambat closed off their nether portal, after discovering EVDan had been digging in the vicinity of the nether portal without the country's express permission.
  • Pavia withdrew from the Four Continent Concordat, citing the need to renegotiate their alliance situation with the Imperial Federation. At the moment, the alliance is only between the latter and Pridelands, a part of the IF already.
  • Warmia, a newfriend territory, became an autonomous territory of Kallos.
  • Yoahtl had another great pigeon migration to Iria.
  • MrJeremyFisher has replaced Orinnari in the Icenian senate, after the latter resigned.
  • The Newfriend Development Initiative has been created in Kallos, intended to increase awareness and guide newfriends, especially away from defensive infrastructure.
  • CivReign is launching this Friday, January 27. Several existing nations, like Gensokyo and Norlund are planning to play on the server. Join their discord server, where you can verify your account before logging in.