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An overhead picture of the city of Portucale, Lusitania (CivClassic 2.0) on CivClassic, taken by RektTangle.

Lusitania’s iteration on CivClassic 2.0 was founded in September 2017 and located in the northwestern quadrant, on a small piece of land carved out of former Impasse land, with a name inspired by the Book of the Lusiads and a government loosely based on that of the United Kingdom. At first it was a two-man nation, with random periods of high activity during the Somber War, slowly growing and building new projects. By the end of 2020, it had grown into a fairly large community of people of all nationalities (mostly Portuguese), which continued to grow until the end of CivClassic 2.0, through the Infinity War, with a small part in defending the city during the Battle of Lusitania.

With a foreign policy of pacifism, it gained many friends and allies such as Lambat that still exist today, and a focus on producing “culture”, Lusitania was home to beautiful buildings like the Palácio D’Ouro, the Veneto Palace, a replica of a Portuguese Caravel, the great Centum Cellas Cathedral, great wine, lots of high quality Civball art, maps, an overland railway, and of course sunny beaches by the Medi Sea. Today, a new iteration of Lusitania exists on CivMC. (Full article...)

Current Events

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