
. Each chestplate is a group, and the material is the player's rank in that group.Part of a series on |
Mechanics |
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Core |
Common |
Minor |
NameLayer is a mechanic on Civ servers which allows for the creation of shared groups. Any player can create a group, and there is no limit on the number of groups a player can be a member of. Each group has a tiered rank structure, with players having varying level of permissions inside a particular group.
Groups interact closely with Citadel, which allows reinforcing a block to a specific group. The group a block is reinforced to informs several other plugins. For instance, Citadel protections can be bypassed by players on their group, snitches and bastions will not affect players on their group, and item exchanges can be locked to a specific group. Groups can also be used to send chat messages visible only to players on that group.
First introduced in Civcraft, NameLayer has been included in every mainline civ server since.
Groups come with a set of ranks, often primary owner > owner > admin > mod > member. Players cannot create, rename, or move the ranks themselves, but they can assign players to different ranks.
Each group can have only one primary owner, though primary ownership can be transferred by the current primary owner. Other ranks have no limit on the number of players in them.
Each rank comes with a default set of permissions. The permissions each rank grants can be modified for a particular group. Other plugins can add permissions to groups, which are not a part of the base NameLayer plugin. These permissions act the same as the base permissions in that they can be modified on a per-group basis. The permissions provided by the most common plugins are listed below. Note that there may be permissions in this table which are not present on a civ server, and vice versa, depending on which plugins a particular server includes.
Provided by | Permission | Description | Default permission | |||
Member | Mod | Admin | Owner | |||
NameLayer | LIST_PERMS
Allows seeing how the permissions are set up for the group | ||||
Gives access to various group statistics such as member counts by permission type, who owns the group etc | |||||
Allows opening the GUI for this group | |||||
perm level given to members when they join with a password | |||||
Allows inviting new members and removing existing members | |||||
Allows inviting/promoting new members and removing existing mods | |||||
Allows inviting/promoting new members and removing existing admins | |||||
Allows inviting/promoting new members and removing existing owners | |||||
Allows viewing this groups blacklist, adding players to the blacklist and removing players from the blacklist | |||||
Allows viewing this groups password and changing or removing it | |||||
Allows modifying permissions for this group | |||||
Allows deleting this group | |||||
(on servers that support it) Allows linking this group to another group as a supergroup or a subgroup | |||||
(on servers that support it) Allows merging this group into another or merging another group into this one | |||||
Can pearl into bastion fields | ||||
Allows exiles inside bastion range | |||||
Can place in bastion ranges reinforced to group | |||||
Can list bastions on group (/bsl) | |||||
Citadel | DOORS
Can open and close reinforced doors | ||||
Can place acidblocks reinforced to group (/ctacid) | |||||
Can place and destroy crops | |||||
Can use hoppers to take items out of reinforced containers /ctinsecure | |||||
Can use /cti and see group block reinforced to | |||||
Can use /ctb and break reinforcement, returning reinforcement item | |||||
Can /ctf, /ctb blocks | |||||
Can use chests | |||||
Allow changing beacon effects | |||||
Allows placing/breaking hanging entities on reinforced blocks | |||||
Allows the placing/removal of items into/from item frames. | |||||
Allows the rotation of items placed within item frames | |||||
Allows modifying reinforced blocks like flipping levers, stripping logs etc | |||||
Allows repairing reinforcements reinforced on this group | |||||
Determines whether players can purchase from shops limited to this group | ||||
Can upgrade factories | ||||
Can use factory reinforced to group | |||||
Can clear snitchlog with /jaclear | ||||
Can see chat messageswhen players trigger snitches | |||||
Will no longer cause snitch alerts when in range of snitches on group. | |||||
Can check snitchlogs with /ja | |||||
Can do /jaToggleLevers 1 to allow snitchs triggering redstone | |||||
can /jalist to see all snitches on group | |||||
Can rename snitches | |||||
Can read chat messages sent in group | ||||
Can type messages in group | |||||
Can setup Kira relays on discord to relay group messages and alerts |
Special groups
Personal group
Each player is automatically given a personal group upon joining the server for the first time, whose name is the same as the player. A personal group is no different from a normal group, except that it is automatically created for players.
By default, a player's personal group is also their default group.
Default group
Each player has a default group, which is the group used by commands when no group is specified. This is the player's personal group by default, but can be changed with the /nlsdg
command, or from the interface.
Global group
A global group is a group intended to provide a global chat, effectively bypassing the distance restriction of chat messages. This group is usually called !
or g
The concept of a global group was first introduced in Devoted, where the global group was player-owned and managed, requiring players to join with a publicly shared password. On CivClassic and proceeding mainline server, global chat was cemented as a gameplay mechanic, with the group being owned by the server and players automatically added to it when they first join.

interface. Each chestplate is a member of the group, with rank shown by the chestplate's material. Various group management and display options are shown in the top and bottom rows respectively.While groups can be managed entirely via commands, there is also an in-game interface which can be brought up with the /nl
In this interface, the material of a chestplate correspond to a player's rank in a group. Leather is member, gold is mod, iron is admin, and diamond is owner or primary owner. An enchanted chestplate denotes the player's default group.
The first /nl
screen is the overview screen, which shows all groups the player is a member of. Chestplate material denotes the player's rank in that group. Clicking on a chestplate will bring up the group screen.
The group screen shows all members of that group and their respective ranks.
Command Reference
Category | Command | Description | Alias |
Info | /help namelayer [page]
Lists all NameLayer commands. | — |
Brings up the in-game NameLayer interface. | — | |
Personal | /nllg
Lists all groups the player is in. | /listgroups /groups
/nljg <group> <password>
Joins a group. Only groups with a password can be joined with this command. | /joingroup
| |
/nlleg <group>
Leaves a group. | /leave /leavegroup
| |
Gets the player's default group. | — | |
/nlsdg <group>
Sets the player's default group. | — | |
Lists the player's pending invititations. | /invites /listinvites
| |
/nlag <group>
Accepts a pending invitation to a group. | /join /accept /acceptgroup /acceptinvite
| |
/nlrg <group>
Rejects a pending invitation to a group. | /reject /rejectinvite
| |
Toggles the auto-acceptance of group invitations. | /autoaccept
| |
Management | /nlcg <group> [password]
Creates a group. If [password] is not supplied, only players with an invitiation can join.
/create /creategroup
/nlip <group> <player> [rank]
Invites a player to a group. [rank] defaults to member.
/invite /inviteplayer
| |
/nlri <group> <player>
Revokes an invitation of a player to a group. | /revoke /revokeinvite
| |
/nlrm <group> <member>
Removes a member from a group. | /remove /removeplayer
| |
/nlbl <group> <player>
Adds a player to the blacklist for a group. | /blacklist
| |
/nlubl <group> <player>
Removes a player from the blacklist for a group. | /unblacklist
| |
/nlsbl <group>
Lists blacklisted players for a group. | /showblacklist
| |
/nlmp <group> <add|remove> <rank> <permission>
Adds or removes a permission from a rank in a group. | /modifyperms
| |
/nllp <group> <rank>
Lists permissions of a rank in a group. | /permissions
| |
/nlpp <group> <player> <rank>
Sets the rank of a player in a group. | /promote /promoteplayer
| |
/nllm <group> [rank] |
Lists all members of a group. If [rank] is supplied, lists only members with that rank.
/members /listmembers
| |
/nlsp <group> <password>
Adds a password to an existing group. | /setpassword
| |
/nltg <group> <player>
Transfers primary ownership of a group to another player. | /transfer /transfergroup
| |
/nldg <group>
Deletes a group. | /delete /deletegroup