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Skin of KingOfTheMochas
Personal Info
Current CitizenshipsMount September, Adina
Known For
Main ResidenceMount September
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerDevoted 3.0
Iterations played on

KingOfTheMochas is a mediumfriend who is currently a Judge of Mount September, chair of the CivClassic Bar Association, and Chair of the Augustan Development Bank. He was formerly a member of the Jazz Committee of Kallos prior to his banishment.

KingOfTheMochas has previous known associations with New Veritas on Devoted 3.0, Bobanga, Brissur, Polaria, and Rhodesia on CivRealms, Paris on CivUniverse, and Adina, Kallos, and Mount September on CivClassics. He was briefly the leader of Polaria, and was the second King of Paris. He was also the Colonel of Infrastructure for the Far Seas Alliance against the New World Pirates in the Barbary War on CivRealms. He was elected Judge of Mount September on June 18th, 2021.

He is known for being a grinder and a poor PvPer. He enjoys RP, Civ politics, and elawyering.


To be included.


Supporting Raiders on CivUniverse

During his tenure as a member of King Yaahya's royal council on CivUniverse, KingOfTheMochas was instrumental in Paris's plan to provide Zoomers, many of whom were members of Paris and some of whom who were not, with prot and other gear to serve as a check to New Vegas's growing supremacy on the server. Some of those who were provided with gear by Paris ended up using the gear to raid unsuspecting newfriend nations, and even some at-the-time allies of Paris, including Montana. The situation was a major factor in Montana leaving Paris and aligning with New Vegas.

Eventually, New Vegas became aware of Paris, and her ally Sovia (CivUniverse), supplying individuals with prot who used it to raid, which climaxed in Shamus, a royal council member at the time, streaming Paris snitch hits, including those of wanted individuals, with New Vegas in voice chat. This resulted in BobTheBuilder being pearled by New Vegas on the rail between Paris and Sovia, and New Vegas invading Paris, with Yaahya eventually abdicating the crown and KingOfTheMochas ascending to King of Paris.

KingOfTheMochas claimed that no more raiders would be funded under his rule, but this was largely disbelieved, and New Vegas and Paris skirmished numerous times during KingOfTheMochas rule. Paris fractured into numerous lordships and reformed following KingOfTheMochas' inactivity and return, respectively.

Kallos-Minemaster Incident

To be included.

UDF Iceroad Incident

See also: Mount September Ice Road Conflict

To be included.