CivWiki:Featured/December 28, 2023

From the Featured Article

A screenshot of Lusitania on CivClassic 2.0 at sunset.

The Christmas Agreement was a document signed by Lusitania and Mount September in December 2020. The countries had been relatively close since the founding of Mount September along with various out-of-game activities throughout 2020; the treaty was a way to formalize their diplomatic relations and foster economic growth between the two nations. Among other agreements in the treaty was a railway line to be dug to improve the slow travel times, with both countries outside of the HITS international rail.

The treaty was fostered under Septembrian Foreign Minister Thraldrek, and was signed by Mayor Squareblob of Mount September and King Metriximor of Lusitania. The alliance was one of the first outreaches of diplomacy during Mount September, and would later lead into the creation of the Augustan Federation (with Lusitania) shortly after. This was also one of the rare moments of Lusitania engaging in diplomacy, as they preferred to stay out of any conflicts. The treaty solidified the relationship between the two countries as they continued strong well into 2021. (Full article...)

Current Events

Griffin's Christmas tree.
  • Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from the CivWiki!
  • Mount Augusta, Arsenia and BUILD surrendered to Doom City following a conflict that stemmed from a disagreement over their nether portal.
  • After a battle at the bridge between Mount Augusta and Doom City, fighters and allies of Doom City congregated at the Fempire vault to free SymSquid.
  • The Leibniz Confederation asserted its claim on several islands, which was contested by Mercutio.
  • Elysian Pact's Christmas photo was interrupted by an explosion that killed 31, leaving highly valuable items idle in Pavia.
  • Mount Augusta continues to be raided by chosentwicelol as retribution for ComradeNick's insiding during the Butternut-SEC War
  • Alliances were made between Baile and SPQR, Mercutio and Icenia, as well as a friendship agreement between Nara and Ila'Kyavul.