CivWiki:Featured/May 6, 2024

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From the Featured Article

A lighthouse on the Eastern Shining Isles which gives the accord its namesake.

The Lighthouse Accord was an agreement between the Free Danzilonan Republic and Mery, establishing rights for settlers on islands near Danzilona’s territory. The two nations both originated from Danzilonan and U3P-like roots, particularly in Civcraft 3.0 in Nova Danzilona. Although the two nations were then founded separately, they hoped to charter an agreement that would give rights on its Eastern Shining Isles, and be given both English and Mery names, not unlike a place similar to Gibraltar, for example.

The treaty was initially proposed by Des23 but was withdrawn quickly due to dissatisfaction from the Church of Ranubis, however, it was re-proposed and passed soon after. While they allow Mery residency and protection on the isles, they also have promoted Mery culture on the islands as well. Although the accord was passed, FDR relations soured as laws were passed to prevent conflicts of interest within government as well as purging those not aligned with the Ranubian faith. This forced original treaty writer Des23 to emigrate from FDR to Mery. Although Danzilona still exists today, Mery’s existence is in a dormant state; the islands are still present but are today uninhabited. (Full article...)

Current Events

A vast flower field in Griffin.
  • A raid on the Temporal Empire finally brought sentencing to Gracipie, however it was in vain as he was banned via association.
  • Monument Bank made a slew of announcements in early May, including IPOs for Tusk Armory, a new bank branch in Kallumbia, as well as the introduction of multiplayer accounts.
  • Transylvania claimed Gensokyo following the latter's inactivity for nearly a year. They also signed a non-aggression pact with Eldoria.
  • Meenos was pearled by IbisMan in the Nether, a collective effort by ASN nations freed him within six hours.
  • The Lyrean Commonwealth announced Lambat's entry into the alliance, and committed to taking care of its lands.
  • An announcement was made by CivMC admins to both mark Veinfriend, a mod that aided diamond vein mining as legal, as well as clarifications over the legality of Litematica.