Temporal Empire

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The Temporal Empire is one of two nations which resulted from the fracture of the Temporal Isles. Originally located in the -,- on the Northlandian continent and led by PhysicsGamer, and having since migrated to the +,+ bordering Nara, the Temporal Empire is a minor nation which focuses on economic development and a unique feudal system.


The Temporal Empire is a feudal monarchy under PhysicsGamer, operating via decrees and feudal contracts to create the legal system of the nation. Citizens are granted fiefs and sign a vassal contract as a condition of their citizenship, and following enough contribution, a citizen may become a noble, which grants them the right to hold vassals of their own within the nation, allowing for internal politics to involve the nuance of vassal contracts, transfer of land and vassals, and other such political maneuvering internally. Additionally, the Temporal Empire allows limited internal warfare under the supervision of the national government(namely, PhysicsGamer and his appointed representatives), though these wars are rather heavily regulated, making them more of war games rather than true wars. These internal disputes may resolve with transfer of titles among other possible resolutions depending upon the outcome and method of conflict resolution.

First Temporal Empire

During its time on Northlandia, the Temporal Empire was reliant on foreign assistance to maintain its position, with notable levels of militarization and strong economic and political ties to Gang Shi after the end of the 2023 Butternut–SEC Conflict. Asserting itself as the rightful lineage from the original Temporal Isles that seceded from Icenia and fought Arnen in the Finite War, it was largely isolationist following the Temporal Schism. It was extremely receptive to new players, though the lack of buildfriend projects has led to difficulty in recruitment, with a strong desire to begin construction of The Timeless City having been expressed by both PhysicsGamer and SirAlador. It was later absorbed into Gang Shi in the aftermath of Operation Funhouse, in which PhysicsGamer was pearled.

Second Temporal Empire

[To Be Written]