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Shadowvdark as of Oct. 2024
Personal Info
Current Citizenships Imperial Federation
Known ForOriginal Founder and Councillor of Venne
Main ResidenceVenozia, Venne
Former Citizenships Venne
 Mount Augusta
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivClassics (Joined Early January 2020)
Iterations played onCivClassics
Pictured here (far left) at the coronation of Emperor ObtainableSpat (pictured center in crown)

Shadowvdark (also known as Shardvark) is a player on CivMC and formerly CivClassic. On CivMC, he was the first to settle what would become Venne (Classics), and was thus involved in Augustan Federation politics as its representative. Beginning CivMC alongside other Septemberian-Augustans in refounding Mount Augusta, he would leave the nation alongside many of them due to political conflict, resettling Venne (CivMC) in southwestern Alenarith (Venera) and later, in oceanic Deluvia (Venozia).