RainOfPain125, also known as Rain or Rainie, was the creator and sole founder of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Rain's Skin (c. July 2021)
Personal Info
Current Citizenships
Known ForIWW Founder, Union Leader
Main ResidenceAcadia (CivClassics)
Known Spoken Languages
  • American English
IdeologyAnarchist Communism
Anarchist Syndicalism
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivRealms_2.0
Iterations played onCivRealms_2.0, CivUniverse and CivClassic

Civ History


Rain began CivRealms as a brand new, skeptical yet adventurous player. Wanting to build, make friends, organize, unite the leftist community, and try to ideologically "win" CivRealms by convincing the general player-base that Anarchism as an economic and social ideology not only works, but that it is the most successful or preferable system of organizing and having fun. Rain not only knew he would need a lot of help to organize, but expected backlash to something so "radical" and bold as Anarchism. The conclusion was to build a nation that gathered enough members and resources to, in some capacity, resist the toxic or "shitter" elements on the server.


In doing so, on the 23rd of January 2020 Rain declared[1] the Industrial Workers of the World, an organization of anarchist, socialist, and communist nations on the far northern continent of Arctica. Rain chose this area because he understood that trying to contest existing claims would probably get him killed, and the large useless land of Arctica had essentially no claims or nations at the time of founding.

When the IWW was declared on the 23rd of January it had already been founded beforehand, whereby Rain had recruited some players together to join the server and begin setting up communes. And thus the Commune of Tolstoy and Vescau (Later rebranded as Exarchos) came into existence. At the time of creation, though, Rain did not possess a computer and thus could not play CivRealms, merely organizing the group and encouraging players to move up to the northern isolated continent to begin their journeys there.


When Rain was able to play on a crappy laptop, he moved to Tolstoy contributing to mining, and the excavation of a new river that would span the continent and provide easy travel under the newly founded North-East Waterways Organization, or NEWO, founded by the creator of Tolstoy, Vajra (IGN Zazorg). Tolstoy started to become the heart of the IWW, the main town that members would stay around and contribute to, up until later on with communes such as Bremerhaven, and at the time is when a lot of recognizable faces of the IWW (and across Civ in general) appeared such as EmDubleYou, EnderWorldDragon (5492 on Discord), ExcaliburSword (VeryStrange on Discord), Narhwal_19 (Narwhalo on Discord), fantasyworm, Lowtuff, Lannister, and buystamps

After enough basic organizing had been finished, Rain committed to a massive recruitment campaign, utilizing his already existing community the Anarchist Communist Association along with elaborate, well-written Reddit posts across many large and small anarchist/socialist subreddits that quickly attracted tons of new members. The IWW went from a group that nobody cared about or thought was a joke, to the largest nation on CivRealms within a couple months. All sorts of new ideology, ideas, projects, and communes came to existence. Rain can be somewhat thanked for "reviving" or enlarging CivRealms as an entirety due to the magnitude of the advertising effort for the IWW.

The IWW was however, a very loose and disorganized group. Not because members did not agree ideologically but because no one, including Rain, actually understood many of the mechanics present on CivRealms which later lead to the easy bombing of Tolstoy by PartyAnimal (later revealed to be Vanax). Rain and EmDubleYou were pearled in the bombing incidient, as Vanax wanted to 'purge the commies', however a coalition of Alexandria and other forces arrived to break us out because 'we were a newfriend nation that did nothing wrong'. PartyAnimal logged before coalition forces got to the bunker, and we were free.

Rain continued to grind and build until he fully understood the RealisticBiomes plugin, now understanding that most of the continent could not grow any crops, he sought to expand the IWW's claims across the Arctic continent to more land that was arable enough to grow carrots. Conveniently, a nothing-nation named "Greenland" suddenly threatened the IWW if it did not leave its surrounding land in the center-south of the Arctic on the coast. Only ~1-2 days later, the two people who ran Greenland quit the server, but not before giving up their group to a member of the IWW.

So then, the IWW inherited a large carrot farm in the south arctic. Happy with the details, Rain decided he wanted to build a coastal town near the farm to increase trade and access to arable land, picking a spot that he had thought was only a couple hundred or so blocks from the farm. Rain mined his way underground in an effort to build a railroad towards the new location, but realized the area was bastioned and assumed it was abandoned debris from the only other nation that used to exist named "Maelstrom". He checked the most up-to-date claims map to check nobody claimed the land he was at, and asked chat if anyone had claims in the Arctic, but was given no valuable response. Rain then went AFK while automatically placing blocks in the effort to remove the abandoned bastions, breaking one, continuing the railroad tunnel, until he hit the next one and began to AFK break that one.

When Rain arrived back at his computer, he was killed & pearled by "MCSpenguin". MCS had a carrot farm in the area that nobody in the IWW was aware of, did not post his claims on the claims map, and did not respond clearly in chat despite being online (on an alt) at the time. Despite the misunderstanding on Rain's part, and the consequences of MCS's choice not to intervene and alert Rain or add claims to the map, MCS still decided to keep Rain pearled. MCS's demands in return for being instantly unpearled were reparations, an agreement to stop "spamming" chat with communist propaganda, and an agreement to stop the name change of Napistan to Arctica. Rain refused this offer, because the notion to rename the continent was voted on by the members of the IWW and Rain had no say in changing the name himself. MCS didn't care for Rain's excuse of democracy, and gave him two weeks and reparations to pay, which Adam (IGN Coolking1500) delivered when the time was up.

While Rain was away for his two weeks, members of the IWW thought of it as a crisis, and came up with the idea to create a new position called "Union Organizer", to which he made. Elections ended with Adam and VolutionFS working together with Rain to organize and run the IWW.

At some point, members of the IWW, being anarchist who are opposed to authority, started joking that 'they did not elect rain'. Jokes soon turned into a serious discussion on whether or not the ownership over the entire IWW discord and in-game group should be democratically elected. After a vote, despite Rain being fiercely against the general concept of transferring ownership to someone who could simply destroy or ruin the entire project, it was decided that the position of owner should be democratically elected, which prompted a vote to elect a new Server Organizer. Many folks including Rain, Feezor, ian, Pierre and [hiduckhi]] ran for the new position. A lot of votes were well-divided between ian, Feezor, and hiduckhi, which would have thrown the results in the favor of a Rain win due to the rest of those votes being for him. However, the vote was somewhat rigged / sabotaged, as the creator of the vote (5492) collaborated with the opposition to manipulate the results by going into the Google Form (which was used to run the vote), deleting users previous votes, and asking them to cast all of their voting power into hiduckhi. After enough votes were manipulated, hiduckhi won by a single vote, and so began the decline of the IWW.

What was unknown at the time to Rain, was that a traitorous minority of the IWW were already prepared to overthrow the entire union had their candidate hiduckhi not won. Between the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th of March they replaced all the snitches, chests, and main things across the entire continent to a different group. This minority of people orchestrated the rigging of the vote after they realized that Rain would truly honor democratic values and the results of the vote. Despite no violence occurring or even the knowledge that violence was planned, the traitors called it a revolution and nicknamed it the "crab coup", making up a false narrative that Rain refused to step down and that violent revolution was necessary making Rain seem like a bad person, leading to people making fun of Rain, insulting him as an "anarcho-monarchist".


Although Universe did not last long, Rain saw it as a new opportunity to create an anarchist group with former members of the IWW, choosing to base in the middle of a dense jungle hoping nobody would find where he was plotting. Although at first, Rain tried to join an existing nation to get a foothold into Universe, joining a small buildfriend nation named Wyvern with his friend UnknownKarnij (Milo#2242 on Discord). This did not last long however, as a shitter named prebanned along with another friend stormed into Wyvern, killing Rain with no reason provided besides "because its rain lol", and left, leaving Rain pearled in a random chest in the middle of nowhere, letting the pearl break after a day of not being fueled. Despite doing nothing wrong, the council of Wyvern decided to remove Rain from the town "to stay neutral" and gave him ample time to move his belongings and demolish his house.

So then Rain moved to the jungle, beginning an underground commune that was never declared, named Guthrie Commune (named after Woody Guthrie). Rain at the time also joined another existing nation named "Camertem" in order to have access to factories and potentially to build some cool houses in their nation. However, while swamped with college study and work, he decided to spend his little time visiting a well-established communist nation named Fempire Union, discussing with the owner and members in their public voice chat. Suddenly three members of Camertem joined the voice chat, berating and harassing him verbally. They were asked to leave the voice chat by everyone there and declined. They concluded with removing Rain and UnknownKarnij from Camertem discord and groups. Rain blocked all of them and made sure to steer clear of the crazy folks in Camertem from there on out.

Rain recognized that the server was full of the worst shitters Civ had to offer, and there was a large controversy surrounding the owner Ian_X12. Rain was only shown a small snippet of the evidence against Ian when he first started playing Universe, and decided to give him a fair shot as the server owner. However, the CivUniverse staff team frequently allowed nazis, race-realists, and other alt-right reactionary bullshit to exist nearly unfiltered in the Discord. After enough backlash, Ian stepped in and removed the blatantly racist content, but in return, took an "all sides are bad" approach, abusing to mute Rain for posting Anarchist/Communist propaganda. All of this culminated in Rain giving up on Universe, which luckily for him was a great move considering how Universe turned out. Only later did Rain learn about all the controversies and fucked up things Ian_X12 had said/done, ontop of learning he allowed doxxers, or even well-known pedophiles like TwinkieMiner, to play on his server.


Only time will tell what is in store.


Rain's skin is custom-made by himself, and is a character of himself wearing the highest ranked uniform of his former group, the RoyalArms, hence the letters "RA" on the back of the chest. The lines on the sides of the arm are supposed to represent his rank as HHR-5, or HierHighRank-5 of the RA. There are also golden epaulettes that adorn his shoulders, signifying him as a high rank and/or a military official. Although the RoyalArms is now defunct, he enjoys the skin enough to keep it around.

See Also
