KingOfTheMochas is a mediumfriend who is currently a Judge of Mount September, chair of the Civclassics Bar Association, and Chair of the Augustan Development Bank. He was formerly a member of the Jazz Committee of Kallos prior to his banishment.

Skin of KingOfTheMochas
Personal Info
Current CitizenshipsMount September, Adina
Known For
Main ResidenceMount September
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerDevoted 3.0
Iterations played on

KingOfTheMochas has previous known associations with New Veritas on Devoted 3.0, Bobanga, Brissur, Polaria, and Rhodesia on CivRealms, Paris on CivUniverse, and Adina, Kallos, and Mount September on CivClassics. He was briefly the leader of Polaria, and was the second King of Paris. He was also the Colonel of Infrastructure for the Far Seas Alliance against the New World Pirates in the Barbary War on CivRealms. He was elected Judge of Mount September on June 18th, 2021.

He is known for being a grinder and a poor PvPer. He enjoys RP, Civ politics, and elawyering.


To be included.


Supporting Raiders on CivUniverse

To be included.

Kallos-Minemaster Incident

To be included.

UDF Iceroad Incident

See also: Mount September Iceroad Conflict

To be included.