CivWiki:Featured/August 22, 2022

From the Featured Article

A screenshot of Icenia's Olympic Stadium as promotion for the Fifth Olympics, taken by MinerRick.

The Olympics held on CivClassic 2.0 were a recurring large scale community-run sports event. The events were inspired by their real life counterpart, as well as earlier attempts on Civcraft 2.0. The First Olympics were created by the Olympic Committee created by WackyAki and Feathercrown and held in the Olympic Village in Yoahtl in summer 2018. Subsequent iterations were held in The Commonwealth, Gensokyo, and Mount Augusta, with independent organizers, new venues, and additionally different events for each iteration. Mainstay events included Spleef, Thimble, and PvP.

The Fifth Olympics were initially planned to be held in Columbia, however after a civil war and the outbreak of the Infinity War, the games were indefinitely postponed. Icenia announced in May 2021 that they would assume hosting duties for the Fifth Olympics, which would be held the next month. Columbia was finally able to host the Sixth Olympics in the country in December 2021 during the waning days of the server. Currently, no Olympics have been announced for CivMC. (Full article...)

Current Events

An overhead render of Nara's capital, Shiroyama created by prawny331.
  • More events coming soon!