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{{Mechanics series}}
Brewery is a plugin that allows players to make their own liquor. Recipes typically vary across each server and may be kept secret by the server's administrators, requiring experimentation by players to discover. You can find the original documentation for this plugin [ here], although much of it is out of date for modern civ servers.
== Set Up ==
Welcome to the CivClassics Brewery Guide! Before you start brewing, you will need some supplies to set up your brewing location. You will need:
Before you start brewing, you will need some supplies to set up your brewing location. You will need:
* Wood for barrels. You will need wood stairs for small barrels and wood stairs/planks/fences for large barrels.
** Note: For large brewing locations, you should make 68 barrels using each of the 68 types of wood. (Acacia, Spruce, Dark Oak, Oak, Jungle, Birch, Crimson & BirchWarped)
* Cauldrons for fermenting. This parameter is also called "time cooked".
* A source of fire. Since fire spread is turned off, you can light any block on fire indefinitely with flint & steel. Lava will also work.
* A source of water. You will want to make an infinity pool nearby.
* Brewing stands for distilling. These do not require blaze powder when distilling.
*Barrels for aging. See the aging section below for how to set up custom barrels.
* Glass bottles for collecting your completed brew.
* A clock to keep track of how long a brew has been fermenting. Right click a cauldron with a clock to see how many minutes the cauldron has been brewing.
* Lots of different ingredients. A detailed list will be included in this guide for the items that are accepted into the cauldron.
* Chests to store your brews in and to keep your ingredients safe.
Line 15 ⟶ 21:
=== Fermenting ===
[[File:Brewery Cauldron.png|thumb|200x200px|Cauldron with fire source]]
Let's start by setting up a cauldron to ferment brews in.
# Place the cauldron in a convenient spot and make sure the block underneath it is empty.
# Place your source of fire underneath the cauldron. Remember, this can either be lava or a flame lit with flint & steel.
# Place water from a water bucket into your cauldron. That's it! You're all done with setting up your fermentation cauldron.
In order to ferment ingredients into a brew, right click the cauldron with the ingredient in your hand. ItAlthough isit's EXTREMELYdisabled, importantit thatis youbest to remove theany itemitems in your offhand becauseso theyou Brewerydon't Pluginaccidentally willswitch tryhands toand add both the item in your main hand and your off hand into theextra cauldroningredients. Now that you have an ingredient or multiple ingredients in the cauldron, right click that cauldron with a clock. You will be able to track how long the brew has been fermenting. After you are satisfied with the duration of fermentation, use a bottle to remove the brew from your cauldron!
[[File:Brewing stand.png|thumb|250x250px|Distillation setup ]]
Line 35 ⟶ 41:
Let's start by setting up a small and large barrel.
# A small barrel is set up using 8 stairs and 1 sign in the pattern shown. The first layer is 4 stairs, the second layer is 4 stairs and then the barrel is completed by placing a sign with the word "Barrel" on it. Barrel created should appear in chat if done correctly. Small barrels are required to have the sign on them to work. The barrel is opened by right clicking the sign and has 9 inventory slots to age brews.
#A large barrel is set up using 1 fence, 16 stairs, 1 sign and 18 wood planks in the pattern shown. Start by visualizing a 4 by 3 rectangle, the first layer layer will have upside down stairs on both sides and planks to finish out the rectangle. One fence post should be placed in front to act as the spout. The second layer is a hollow rectangle made with planks. Note: The two center blocks on this layer can either be filled up or left empty. This is a very handy spot for placing a snitch. The last layer will be stairs on both sides and planks down the center. Place a sign with the word "Barrel" and the message "Barrel created" should appear in chat. Unlike the small barrel, you can remove the sign and the barrel will still work. The large barrel is opened by right clicking the spout and has 27 inventory slots for aging brews. CivclassicsCivClassic's Brewery config only allows you to open a large barrel by the spout but there is an option to open the barrel from anywhere as well.
#When the server updated to 1.14.4, barrels were added as an item that also support aging brews! They don't require any additional set up like the other 2 custom built Brewery barrels. The only downside is that they are treated as oak barrels, so you will need to construct one of the other 2 types if you are aging wood specific brews. Minecraft vanilla barrels support up to 27 drinks being aged at once but may be a bit buggy.
To age a brew, leave a drink in the barrel for 1 barrel year. A barrel year is 20 real life minutes. Brews will age even if you are offline so don't forget about them! Like distilling, only some brews require aging while others will be ruined by it. It is your job to experiment and figure out the right method to make each drink. You will get a ruined potion if a brew does not age properly.
Note: Breaking any part of the barrels will cause the contents to spill out and rendering the barrel useless. You will have to fix the barrel and replace the sign to recreate it.
Note: Like the distilling stand, you can place a brew in a barrel for a short while to pull up the brew's hidden loredata for determining the quality of the drink.
== Brew LoreDrink Data ==
A brew's data can be pulled up by placing the drink in a distillation stand or an aging barrel. This can only be done if you have a named drink and not one of the base drinks, indefinite brews or ruined potions. [[File:Brew Data.png|thumb|Brewery Drink Data Example: All parameters are green and the drink has 5 stars indicating it is perfect. It also shows the alcohol amount and lore.]]The following 6 values could show up on the brew:
[[File:Brew Lore.png|thumb|Brewery Lore example. The ingredients, fermentation time, and distillation amounts are all perfect while the time aged is not. ]]
* '''Quality:''' The number of stars on a drink indicates its quality with 5 stars being a perfect brew. Drinking lesser quality drinks will make you more likely to puke when very drunk.
A brew's lore can be pulled up by placing the drink in a distillation stand or an aging barrel. This can only be done if you have a named drink and not one of the base drinks, indefinite brews or ruined potions. The following 5 values could show up on the brew:
* '''Ingredients:''' How accurate your ingredients in the brew are to the perfect recipe
* '''Minutes Fermented:''' How accurate the fermentation time is to the perfect recipe
* '''Distillation Runs:''' How many times the drink was distilled compared to the perfect recipe
* Aging'''Years Aged:''' How long the brew was aged compared to the perfect recipe
* '''Wood Type:''' If the correct wood type is being used or not (This will only show up for brews that require a specific wood type)
Note: Each of the above lore values will have a color associated with them; Green, Yellow, Orange or Red. If the value is perfect, it will show up green. Depending on the difficulty of the brew, the further you are away from the perfect amount, the loredrink data values will show up yellow, orange and then red.
In addition to the above values, a brew may also contain any of the following:
* '''Lore:''' A drink might have a small line of lore text in blue underneath the perfect drink's name. This will show up on the drink at all times.
* '''Title Message:''' After drinking a brew, you may see a message appear in the center of your screen for a few seconds before disappearing. This data will not show up on the bottle before drinking.
* '''Chat Message:''' After drinking a brew, you may see a message appear in your chat. This data will not show up on the bottle before drinking.
* '''Alcohol Amount:''' When you stick a drink in a distilling stand, it may show the drink's alcohol amount in ml. This number is the alcohol's potency out of 100.
== Drinking Effects ==
While drinking, you can receive a multitude of side effects as a result of getting drunk. Each player has an alcohol limit of 100/100 and each drink will add to that limit until you reachexceed 100. Once you go over 100, you will pass out and get kicked from the server. In addition to the effects a brew may give you, the following effects may occur depending on your alcohol limit:
* '''Slurred Speech-:''' As you get more drunk, the Brewery Mod will detect certain combinations of letters or phrases and jumble them up in chat. A single word like hello could turn into a full sentence of random slurred speech. Additionally, text on signs will also appear slurred after you finish typing on them.
* '''Stumbled Walk-:''' You may find yourself moving in one direction on your own and have little control over moving in that direction. This becomes increasingly bad as you near the 100 alcohol limit.
* '''Passing Out-:''' When you exceed your 100 alcohol limit (There isn't currently a way to check your current alcohol amount so be careful!), you will get kicked from the server. When trying to log back in, it may tell you that you're too drunk to log in! Just keep trying and eventually you'll be able to rejoin. Be careful though because you will be combat tagged on drunk log out and can be easily killed.
* '''Nausea-:''' As you near the 100 alcohol limit, you may get increasingly bad spells of nausea that can last a few seconds or 30+a secondsfew minutes. Stop being such a drunkard!
**Note: You can turn lessen or turn off nausea effects in your Minecraft accessibility settings.
* Vomiting- After you reach a certain alcohol limit, you may start spewing soul sand everywhere. This is just a visual effect and you can't pick the soul sand up.
* '''Vomiting:''' After you reach a certain alcohol limit, you may start spewing soul sand everywhere. This is just a visual effect and you can't pick the soul sand up. The frequency of this happening increases if you drink lower quality drinks or ruined potions.
* Poison- Aside from a few brews having poison as an effect in the config, if you drink imperfect brews (Especially ruined potions) you have a chance of poisoning yourself.
* '''Poison:''' Aside from a few brews having poison as an effect in the config, if you drink imperfect brews (Especially ruined potions) you have a chance of poisoning yourself.
* Hangover- If you log out while you are drunk, and log back in later that day, you may log in with weakness, hunger or slowness effects due to a hang over. This is more likely to occur if you got drunk off of imperfect brews.
* '''Hangover:''' If you log out while you are drunk, and log back in later that day, you will log in with weakness, hunger or slowness effects due to a hang over. This is more likely to be severe if you got drunk off of lower quality or ruined brews.
== Sobering Up ==
There are a few ways that you can sober up to help reduce your alcohol limit.
* Over time, you will slowly get less drunk and the effects of drinking will become shorter and more spread out
* You can eat certain foods to reduce your alcohol limit. (Note: It is uncertain if this works properly on CivClassicsCivClassic)
** Drinking a milk bucket will remove all potion effects and reduce your alcohol limit by 3 points each
*** Note: For cases of nausea, milk is rather ineffective since the nausea will continually reoccur for a little while.
** Eating bread will reduce your alcohol limit by 43 points each
**Eating a potato will reduce your alcohol limit by 4 points each
** Eating a baked potato will reduce your alcohol limit by 6 points each
*Some drinks can now lower your alcohol limit too! Teas, food based drinks and other beverages can decrease your alcohol limit between -1 to -10 depending on the drink.
== BrewingBrew Hints & DetailsUnlabeling ==
[[File:Brew Sealing Table.png|thumb|400x400px|Crafting recipe for the Brew Sealing Table]]
Unlabeling a brew will remove a few pieces of brew drink data so you can protect your recipes from being easily discovered. Unlabeling a brew will remove cauldron cook time, years aged and number of time distilled. (Will still display it was aged or distilled though). There are two different ways to unlabel a brew:
* While you have a brew highlighted in your hot bar, type the command "/brew unlabel" and it will unlabel the brew.
* You can craft a custom item called the "Brew Sealing Table". It is crafted by using 2 glass bottles in a row and four wood planks underneath the bottles in a square. The Brew Sealing Table allows you to automatically use the /brew unlabel command for every brew you stick in it. Place a brew into the table, wait a few seconds for a clunk sound and it will auto run the command every time you place a brew in it.
Note: There is a weird visual glitch if you shift click a brew from your hot bar into the menu, it will look like it duplicates your brew. It does not.
== Brewing Hints & Details ==
{{See also|Brewing Recipes (CivClassic)}}
=== Ingredients & Brew Bases ===
There are numerous ingredients that can be added to the cauldron when trying to discover brews. You may have noticed Brew Bases mentioned a few times in the article already, so what are they? Brew bases are brews named after the majority ingredient and are not a discovered brew. Below is a table of all ingredients and their base brew names that can be added to the cauldron.
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+List of Brewery Bases
!'''<big>Drink Base Name</big>'''
Line 93 ⟶ 120:
|Long Grass (Short sheared)
|Boiled Herbs
|Mint Extract
|Red Mushroom
Line 101 ⟶ 131:
|Brown Mushroom
|Fungus Mush
|Colored Brew
|Milk Bucket
Line 123 ⟶ 150:
|Boiled Egg
|Wheat Seeds
|Oak Leaves (Old Trees)
|Steamed Herbs
|Spruce Leaves (New Trees)
|Steamed Herbs
|Birch Leaves
|Steamed Herbs
|Jungle Leaves
|Steamed Herbs
|Acacia Leaves
|Steamy Herbs
|Dark Oak Leaves
|Steamy Herbs
|Grape Concentrate
|Infested Broth
Line 156 ⟶ 195:
|Bottled Stick
|Oak Sapling
|Soggy Brush
|Spruce Sapling
|Soggy Brush
|Birch Sapling
|Soggy Brush
|Jungle Sapling
|Soggy Brush
|Acacia Sapling
|Soggy Brush
|Dark Oak Sapling
|Soggy Brush
Line 170 ⟶ 224:
|Coarse Granules
|Matted Wool
Line 179 ⟶ 230:
|Spider Eye
|Arachnid's Gaze
|Iron Ore
|Heavy Brew
|Iron Nugget
|Iron Shard
|Iron Ingot
|Liquid Iron
|Iron Block
|Sheet Metal Rust
|Gold Nugget
Line 185 ⟶ 248:
|Gold Ingot
|Fool's Gold
|Gold Block
|Fool's Bounty
|Dazzling Mélange
|Diamond Block
|Magnanimous Mélange
|Pumpkin Seeds
Line 195 ⟶ 267:
|Sweet Spice
|Melon Slice
|FruityWatermelon Blend
|Glistering Melon Slice
|Shining Watermelon Blend
|Redstone Dust
|Red Sugar
|Redstone Block
|Red Sugar Cubes
Line 219 ⟶ 297:
|Soothing Melody
|Chorus Flower
|Iron Ingot
|Muffled Symphony
|Liquid Iron
|Carved Pumpkin
|Steamed Spooky Gourd
|Steamed GhourdGourd
|Wood Sword
|DampWarped Sword
|Chilled Water
|Packed Ice
|Glacier Water
|Snow Ball
|Melted Snowball
|Dazzling Mélange
|Ghast Tear
Line 244 ⟶ 325:
|Sugary BrewWater
|Rotten Flesh
Line 252 ⟶ 333:
|Dreadful Gaze
|Double Tall Flower
|Sunflower Oil
|Flower Medley
|One Tall Flower
|Vanilla Extract
|Flower Swirl
|Rose Bush
|Steeped Roses
|Gin Tonic
|Opium Dew
|Blue Orchid
|Essential Oils
|Bottled Tears
|Red Tulip
|Red Flower Swirl
|Orange Tulip
|Orange Flower Swirl
|White Tulip
|White Flower Swirl
|Pink Tulip
|Pink Flower Swirl
|Azure Bluet
|Liquid Suppressant
|Oxeye Daisy
|Aero Tonic
|Stewed Dandelion
|Wood Button
|Gooey Corn Starch
|Nutty Surprise
|Lily Of The Valley
|Elegant Toxin
|Wither Rose
|Withered Ointment
Line 269 ⟶ 389:
|Polished Rock
|Light Beef Stock
|Cooked Beef
|Beef Stock
|Light Chicken Stock
|Cooked Chicken
|Chicken Stock
|Cooked Fish
|Light Fish Stock
|Cooked Cod
|Fish Stock
|Light Salmon Stock
|Cooked Salmon
|Salmon Stock
|Tropical Fish
|Tropical Stock
|Light Sheep Stock
|Cooked Mutton
|Sheep Stock
|Light Rabbit Stock
|Cooked Rabbit
|Rabbit Stock
|Grilled Pork
|Light Pork Stock
|Grilled Porkchop
|Pork Stock
Line 295 ⟶ 442:
|Weathered Shield
|Drenched Wall
|(Any Color) Bed
|Drowzy Brew
|Dampened Knowledge
|Liquified Knowledge
Line 310 ⟶ 460:
|Railroad BrewRuckus
|Redstone Torch
Line 325 ⟶ 475:
|Name Tag
|Unknown Liquid
|Prismarine Crystals
|Shattered Crystal
|Prismarine Shard
|Water Lily
|Crystaline Tonic
|Lilly Pad
|Lotus Blossom
Line 338 ⟶ 491:
|Ruined Explosives
|Damp Saltpeter
|Poisonous Potato
Line 344 ⟶ 500:
|Iron Ore
|Heavy Brew
|Sea Lantern
Line 357 ⟶ 510:
|Mummified Brew
|Oak Sign
|Weathered Oak Sign
|Spruce Sign
|Leather Boots
|Weathered Spruce Sign
|Swamp Muck
|Jungle Sign
|Raw Fish
|Weathered Jungle Sign
|Fishy Broth
|Birch Sign
|Weathered Birch Sign
|Earthy Extract
|Acacia Sign
|Iron Nugget
|Weathered Acacia Sign
|Iron Shard
|Dark Oak Sign
|Weathered Dark Oak Sign
|Impervious Brew
|Leather Boots
|Stained Clay
|Swamp Muck
|Hard Brew
|Washed Leather
|Villager Slush
|Oak Log
|Earthy Extract
|Spruce Log
|Chorus Flower
|Earthy Extract
|Muffled Symphony
|Birch Log
|Glistering Melon
|Earthy Extract
|Shining Fruity Blend
|Jungle Log
|Grass Block
|Earthy Extract
|Still Grass...
|Acacia Log
|Gold Block
|Earthy Extract
|Fool's Bounty
|Dark Oak Log
|Diamond Block
|Earthy Extract
|Magnanimous Mélange
|Crimson Stem
|Emerald Block
|Nethery Extract
|Villager's Bounty
|Warped Stem
|Quartz Block
|Nethery Extract
|Weathered Quartz
|Impervious Brew
|Mineral Composite
|Splintered Heart
|Cocoa Beans
|Caffeinated Brew
|Damp Saltpeter
|Brown Dye
|Brown Brew
|Bucking Liquid
If your brew has one of these names, it means it is unfinished and may turn into a successful brew if aged or distilled. Keep in mind that most base brews will likely not turn into anything. You will need to experiment a lot with different ingredients and follow some of the hints provided to you.
=== Brewery Hints ===
Shortly after CivClassics was launched and after the config was updated to include 154 drinks, various hints were posted on the subreddit to help players discover some brews. The following table contains all of the information that was available on the subreddit.
{| class="wikitable"
|Date Released
|Clue Number
| rowspan="1" |Clue Description
|Ink Sac
|July 29th, 2017
|Black Brew
| rowspan="1" |A warrior looks to his 4 comrades with vigor in his eyes. "This is our first conquest! Let us go!" The warrior holds his sword high above his head and the 4 others join in
|Black Dye
|July 31st, 2017
|Blackest Brew
| rowspan="1" |A group of iron golems are blocking the entrance to a bar. One heads inside to buy a standard beer. The bartender says, "If your friends stay out there, it's
gonna take forever to get rid of this beer!"
|Red Dye
|August 3rd, 2017
|Red Brew
| rowspan="1" |Nothing beats this sweet treat at night. Just dunk a whole plate and enjoy their warm gooey texture. I hope you're not lactose intolerant!
|Green Dye
|August 6th, 2017
|Green Brew
| rowspan="1" |Mmmm nothing beats a warm bowl of this when you have a cold. Just place chunks of your favorite bird and let it simmer awhile for maximum flavor
|Lapis Lazuli
|August 10th, 2017
|Blue Brew
| rowspan="1" |An age old tale recounted a story of a decrepit spider who would peel off the flesh of its numerous victims. It would feed the flesh to newborn children over a long period of time to convert them to Cannibals
|Blue Dye
|August 10th, 2017
|Bluest Brew
| rowspan="1" |Shhhh just breathe deeply. Yes, yes that’s it….lay down…You'll wake up at least ten minutes from now.
|Purple Dye
|August 12th, 2017
|Purple Brew
SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR! If I were a woman, I would be over my daily limit!
|Cyan Dye
|August 17th, 2017
|Blueberry Puree
| rowspan="1" |Just layer in the steak, glaze the pan with 1/4 Aged Red Wine and cook for 5 minutes. You will have the most delicious dish to treat any date.
|August 20th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |A tattered note in an abandoned frathouse reads "10:3:2, all you need is some potatoes, glowstone dust and melons man! You'll get wasted in no time!"
|August 20th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Ah good day sir! We can't drink the peasants punch, no sir. We must show off our wealth to make our punch the most exquisite in the land. No vagabond can even come close to its
radiating flavor! The real way us gentlemen drink the punch is by using a diamond helmet with an extra diamond as a garnish. You must control yourself and only take two
sips or that melon flavor will knock you right out!
|August 23rd, 2017
| rowspan="1" |While at the circus, the head trainer throws 7 or 8 nuts to his main elephant after doing a trick. "Alright Dumbo, I've only got a couple more." The trainer looks at his watch. " 1:15…
Alright, last trick. Do a huge spin!"
|August 23rd, 2017
| rowspan="1" |"Welcome to Dunkin Devoted, how may I help you?" "Oh you want a Pumpkin Spice Latte? Well we are fresh out but I'm sure you can get the recipe from our native Headquarters."
|August 26th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Every five years, an Ancient village conducts a ritual to celebrate the coming of the blood moon. They gather around their single spruce tree in town and pray for a long time.
Then they harvest their apple trees and have a feast!
|August 26th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Time of death: 0:06 AM.
Reason: Attempted to add flakes of gold to a weaker absinthe to lower its alcoholic effect. What a tragic accident.
|August 29tth, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Ho ho ho, you've been naughty this year, all of you! Santa didn't bring you presents and won't until your behavior improves.
Ill give this small town of 8 people 25 years to correct your behavior or I will permanently skip your town for all future generations. Ho ho, Get to work!
|August 29th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Named after an expensive metal that has been at least 8x more expensive than the others for 10 years running, this booze will always beet your expectations on how smooth it is.
|August 30th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |<nowiki></nowiki>
|September 1st, 2017
| rowspan="1" |My parent's secret recipe: 2.5 parts Russian Vodka, 0.5 parts the main ingredient in Aurora Jungle Juice
|September 1st, 2017
| rowspan="1" |On the 16th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a single Sheepycane! Wait…this is all wooly. That’s gross.
|September 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Licks icecream cone- Doh!I hate it when that happens. Its almost like getting pelted in the face for a full round in a popular winter activity.
|September 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |You ever wanted a beer that was not worth drinking? One that doesn't make you as drunk! Looking to save money because you're cheap and hope your friends
won't notice your low quality beer? Look no further! Take two thirds of a glass of craft beer and throw four ice cubes in. I bet you they will never tell the difference
if you age it the same way... Probably...Yeah ok they will definitely notice.
|September 7th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |<nowiki></nowiki>
|September 8th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |We are on a journey to find a more refined Mead…..Half of one ingredient because it was too sweet for our tastes…Let's also upgrade the apples
and see what we get! Although I don't think we should use the same barrel since we used different ingredients.
|September 11th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |<nowiki></nowiki>
|September 16th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Fifteen workers are in a rice paddy making rice starch. Half decide to call it quits until they can get better pay for their hard labor.
|September 16th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Alright blazes! There are 8 of you so group up into pairs of two! We are testing out a new variant of 12 cup beer pong and want to see which one of you will win!
Lets see….what should be the prize. Oh how about this bottle of high proof booze!
|September 21st, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Lets see….I need some eggs and some sugar cane… I'll get a baker's dozen of eggs. Wait…no one knows what that is. I'll just get a regular dozen.
Gotta make sure this doesn't cook too long or the sugarcane will start to burn!
|September 21st, 2017
| rowspan="1" |We are losing him! It's been almost 20 minutes, keep up with the chest compressions, there might still be hope! I just wish there was some way to indentify who he is…
|September 21st, 2017
| rowspan="1" |This undiminished fire has been burning a long six years. It was caused by the sweet, crimson bloodshed of five neighboring nations engaged in a decade long war.
|September 27th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |<nowiki></nowiki>
|October 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Frosty the Snowman, went to the pub one cloudy day. "Give me something to reflect upon", that’s all I've got to say.
|October 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Tears roll down its face as it fires blasts at you for invading its home. It just cries more when it realizes it destroyed the souls of the entrapped.
|October 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |Stuck in purgatory huh? All that is around you is a desolate wasteland of the same terrain. You could probably liquify it though. How else are you supposed to survive?
|October 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |After sipping this mysterious drink it feels like something is creeping all over your body, taking over and converting your cells one by one! The drink is sweet though so that’s nice.
|October 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |They are breaking through! Form a barrier NOW! Arrow volley coming from the east, prepare yourselves! This looks like it will last awhile.
|October 4th, 2017
| rowspan="1" |*sips tea* None of my buisin….ow whats that? There is something prickly in this cup. Ow ow ow! I knew this milkless tea was going to cause me problems!
|April 1st, 2018
| rowspan="1" |Happy Easter everyone! Treat yourself to something eggy this holiday with some Robust Egg Coffee! All you need is 28 Cocoa beans!....
Well you need some sugar and a few eggs too but who knows how much! Simmer it for less than 5 minutes and you can serve it at your holiday gathering. Enjoy!
{| class="wikitable"
!RektTangle's Clues
!RektTangle's Clues
!RektTangle's Clues
|Clue #1
|[[File:Rekt's Clue 1.png|thumb|317x317px|RektTangle's Clue #1|center]]
|Clue #2
|[[File:Rekt's Clue 2.png|thumb|234x234px|RektTangle's Clue #2|center]]
|Clue #3
|[[File:Rekt's Clue 3.png|thumb|400x400px|RektTangle's Clue #3|center]]
|Clue #4
|[[File:Rekt's Clue 4.png|thumb|234x234px|RektTangle's Clue #4|center]]
|Clue #5
|[[File:Rekt's Clue 5.png|thumb|RektTangle's Clue #5|center]]
|Clue #6
|[[File:Rekt's Clue 6.png|thumb|RektTangle's Clue #6]]
{| class="wikitable"
!Spiderstring_'s Clues
|Clue #1
|[[File:SpiderStringBrewClue1.png|thumb|Spiderstring_ Clue #1]]
<br />
=== Brew Names & Other Information ===
The following table includes the names of the officially revealed brews, the number of ingredients in that brew and the ingredient types for most brews. Players can freely add to this table if they wish to reveal more ingredients to readers of this wiki. '''DO NOT''' expand the table unless you want things spoiled! You have been warned.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+CivClassics Brewery Details
|Brew Number
|Brew Perfect Name
|Number Of Ingredients
|Actual Ingredients
|Fine Wheatbeer
|Craft Beer
|Resolute Darkbeer
|Golden Mead
|Sugar Cane
|Rich Apple Mead
|Apple, Sugar Cane
|Pirate’s Rum
|Sugar Cane
|Russian Vodka
|Strong Absinthe
|Long Grass
|Potato Soup
|Potato, Long Grass
|Strong Coffee
|Cocoa Bean, Milk Bucket
|Frostrock Coffee
|Snow Block, Cocoa Beans, Milk Bucket
|Psychedelic Soup
|Cactus, Glowstone, Red Mushroom
|Cocoa Bean, Egg, Sugarcane, Sugar
|Sovereign Tea
|Oak Leaves, Seeds, Sugar Cane
|Nether Tonic
|Magma, Netherwart, Netherrack, Soul Sand
|Blaze Powder, Flint, Lava Bucket
|Harvey’s Feud
|Leaves, Sapling, Stick
|Sparkling Vodka
|Potato, Glowstone Dust
|Aquila Tequila
|Cactus, Beetroot, Light Blue Dye, Feather
|Cobble Shot
|Gravel Hammer
|Winter Wonderland
|Red Wool, White Wool
|Graveyard Absinthe
|Bone, Long Grass, Spider Eye
|Upscale Absinthe
|Gold Nugget, Long Grass
|Pumpkin Spice Latte
|Cocoa Bean, Milk Bucket, Pumpkin Seeds,Sugar Cane
|Redstone Rum
|Redstone Dust
|Strong Tea
|Milk Bucket, Oak Leaves
|Aged Red Wine
|Créme de Menthe
|Potato, Fern, Sugar Cane
|Snowman Slushie
|Carrot, Coal, Snow Block, Stick
|Beetroot Whiskey
|Beetroot Seeds, Redstone Dust, Seeds
|Ender Vodka
|Potato, End Stone, Ender Pearl
|Sparkling Champagne
|Glowstone Dust, Popped Chorus Fruit
|Carbon Crusher
|Liquid THC
|Long Grass, Seeds
|Jungle Juice
|Melon, Apple, Chorus Fruit
|Iron Golem Stout
|Wheat, Iron Ingot, Pumpkin
|Soul Sand, Flint, Wood Sword
|Light Beer
|Ice, Wheat
|Melon Beer
|Wheat, Melon, Sugar Cane
|Fine Ale
|Sugar Cane
|Golden Spritzer
|Chorus Fruit, Gold Nugget
|Wood Sword
|Apple Cider
|Brain Freeze
|Millionaire's Punch
|Diamond, Melon
|Ghast's Anguish
|Ghast Tear, Soul Sand
|Firefly Full Monty
|Glowstone, Potato, Yellow Dye
|Perfect Galliano
|Long Grass, Potato, Sugar, Yellow Dye
|Golden Apple Mead
|Sugar Cane, Golden Apple
|Millenium Lager
|Powerful Saké
|Light Gray Dye
|Light Gray Brew
|Gray Dye
|Gray Brew
|Cactus, Stick
|Pink Dye
|Pink Brew
|Aged White Wine
|Netherwart, Sugar
|Lime Dye
|Lime Brew
|Rémy Martin
|Yellow Dye
|Yellow Brew
|Cannibal's Delight
|Rotten Flesh, Fermented Spider Eye
|Light Blue Dye
|Light Blue Brew
|Red Moon Wine
|Magenta Dye
|Magenta Brew
|Nomad's Waste
|Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Seeds
|Orange Dye
|Orange Brew
|Distilled Gin
|Bone Meal
|White Brew
|White Dye
|Whitest Brew
|Sugar, Poppy
|White Terracotta
|Hard White Brew
|Orange Terracotta
|Hard Orange Brew
|Chocolate Liqueur
|Sugar, Cocoa Beans
|Magenta Terracotta
|Hard Magenta Brew
|Créme de Violette
|Purple Dye, Sugar Cane
|Light Blue Terracotta
|Hard Light Blue Brew
|Australian Whiskey
|Yellow Terracotta
|Hard Yellow Brew
|Peanut Lolita
|Wood Button
|Lime Terracotta
|Hard Lime Brew
|Wood Button
|Pink Terracotta
|Hard Pink Brew
|Wood Button
|Gray Terracotta
|Hard Gray Brew
|Wood Button
|Light Gray Terracotta
|Hard Light Gray Brew
|Azure Bluet
|Cyan Terracotta
|Hard Cyan Brew
|Sugar Cane, Egg
|Purple Terracotta
|Hard Purple Brew
|Bloody Mary
|Potato, Red Dye, Sugar Cane
|Blue Terracotta
|Hard Blue Brew
|Brown Terracotta
|Hard Brown Brew
|Silver Corzo
|Green Terracotta
|Hard Green Brew
|Chorus Fruit
|Red Terracotta
|Hard Red Brew
|Black Terracotta
|Hard Black Brew
|Strong Melon Soplica
|Melon, Wood Button
|White Wool
|Matted White Wool
|Orange Wool
|Matted Orange Wool
|Magenta Wool
|Matted Magenta Wool
|Rocky Brew
|Stone, Gravel
|Light Blue Wool
|Matted Light Blue Wool
|Cooked Beef, Carrot
|Yellow Wool
|Matted Yellow Wool
|Beef Burgundy
|Cooked Beef, Netherwart
|Lime Wool
|Matted Lime Wool
|Flemish Stew
|Cooked Beef, Potato
|Pink Wool
|Matted Pink Wool
|Philadelphia Peppet Pot
|Cooked Beef, Stone Button
|Gray Wool
|Matted Gray Wool
|Coq Au Vin
|Brown Mushroom, Cooked Chicken
|Light Gray Wool
|Matted Light Gray Wool
|Chicken Noodle Soup
|Cooked Chicken
|Cyan Wool
|Matted Cyan Wool
|Cooked Chicken, Paper
|Purple Wool
|Matted Purple Wool
|Cooked Chicken, Red Dye
|Blue Wool
|Matted Blue Wool
|Cooked Fish, Potato
|Brown Wool
|Matted Brown Wool
|Cooked Fish, Sugar Cane
|Green Wool
|Matted Green Wool
|Paila Marina
|Cooked Fish, Carrot
|Red Wool
|Matted Red Wool
|Cooked Fish, Paper
|Black Wool
|Matted Black Wool
|Cooked Rabbit, Stone Button
|Cooked Rabbit
|Cooked Rabbit, Netherwart
|Cooked Rabbit, Potato
|End Stone
|Pearled Puppet
|Ender Pearl
|End Stone
|End Stone, Ender Pearl
|Blossom Tea
|Seeds, Lily Pads
|Hot Chocolate
|Magma Block, Cocoa Beans
|Creeping Ale
|Mycelium, Sugar Cane
|Cookie Milkshake
|Cookie, Milk Bucket
|Nipplerock Drop
|Identity Crisis
|Name Tag
|Magma Rum
|Magma, Redstone Dust
|Castle Walls
|Black Hole Moonshine
|Prismarine Crystals
|Popped Chorus Fruit
|Santa's Betrayal
|Lilac Blonde
|Wheat, Lilac
|Zyklon B
|Netherwart, Chorus Fruit, Pumpkin Seeds, Beetroot, Lapis Lazuli
|Hazelnut Lattee
|Cocoa Beans, Milk, Wood Button
|Cocoa Beans, Milk
|Robust Egg Coffee
|Cocoa Beans, Egg, Sugar
|Caramel Macchiato
|Cocoa Beans, Milk, Redstone Dust
|Lotus Monas-Tea
|Oak Leaves, Long Grass
|Fine White Tea
|Oak Leaves, Bone
|Green Dye, Oak Leaves
|Oolong Tea
|Oak Leaves, Ink Sack
|Red Tie
|Cocoa Bean, Oak Leaves, Redstone Dust, Snow Block
|Exquisite Green Tea
|Oak Leaves, Cactus
|Pink Barbie
|Beetroot, Sugar Cane
|Ginger Beet Martini
|Apple, Potato, Beetroot
|White Sambuca
|Blaze Powder, Bone, Sunflower
|Blaze Powder
|Aurora Jungle Juice
|Glowstone Dust, Melon, Potato
|Frosted Mummy
|Glowstone Dust, Snow Block
|Green Scorpion
|Wheat, Glowstone Dust, Lapis Lazuli
|Sonic Screwdriver
|Glowstone Dust, Sugar
|Desert Martini
|Prismarine Crystals, Sand
|Candy Apple Martini
|Apple, Prismarine Crystals, Redstone Dust
|Burnt Martini
|Prismarine Crystals, Magma
|Wheat, Ink Sac
|Potato, Iron Ore
|Cocoa Beans, Milk, Pumpkin
|Thulian Squidsky
|Wheat, Ink Sac
|Programmer Damson
|Apple, Sugar Cane
|Sugar Cane, Apple, Rose Red Dye
|Blackwater Gospel
|Cabernet Savion
|Nether Wart
|Vine, Nether Wart
|New Leninade
|Sugar, Redstone Dust, Apple
|Vzis Fizz
|Vine, Nether War, Redstone Dust
|Naunet Cartel Whiskey
|Wheat, Diamond
|Impassiano Stout
|Wheat, Stone
|Tomb Keeper
|Rotten Flesh, Sand
|Sand Castle
|Stone, Sand, Stick
|Sloth Broth
|Seeds, Feather
|Cloud Nine
|Secret >:)
|Slime Ball
|Slime Ball
|Poisonous Potato
|Clay Ball
|Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
|Brown Mushroom
|Sea Lantern, Bed
|Sea Lantern, Sugar
|Bath Salts
|Dead Bush
|Augustan Rum
|Seeds, Redstone Dust
|Nymph Napoleon
|Sunflower, Rose Red Dye
|Sea Lantern
|Singapore Sling
|Drunken Sailor
|Sugar Cane, Sunflower
|Long Grass, Potato
|Drunken Elf
|White Wool, Red Wool
|Fearless Redneck
|Sugar, Wheat
|Naga Chili Vodka
|Potato, Magma
|Scorpion Vodka
|Potato, Poisonous Potato
|Prairie Chicken
|Egg, Stone Button, Sunflower
|Salmon Vodka
|Cooked Fish, Potato
|Piña Colada
|Ice, Sugar Cane
|Watermelon Sangria
|Melon, Sugar
|Dark N' Stormy
|Beetroot, Ice
|Rum Sunset
|Cactus, Sugar Cane
|Cuba Libre
|Sugar Cane, Sugar
|Mermaid Lemonade
|Ice, Sugar, Cyan Dye
|Snow Cone
|Snow Block
|Twelve Mile Limit
|Sugar, Wheat, Redstone Dust
|Copa Verde
|Cactus Green Dye, Cactus
|Coal, Stone, Glowstone Dust
|Long Grass, Potato, Apple
|Rasberry Le Flor
|Rose Red Dye, Fern
|Gold Rush
|Wheat, Gold Nugget
|Rose Red Dye, Cocoa Beans
|American Spirit
|Ice, Rose Red Dye, Lapis Lazuli
|Potato, Rose Red Dye, Lapis Lazuli
|Golden Glow
|Glowstone Dust, Gold Nugget, Sugar Cane
|Mint Julep
|Long Grass, Wheat
|Prismarine Crystals, Potato, Long Grass
|Le Bleu Glacier
|Lapis Lazuli, Sugar, Potato
|La Paloma
|Cactus, Seeds, Sugar Cane
|Minty Lime Iced Tea
|Fern, Ice, Spruce Leaves
|Blackberry Sweet Tea
|Spruce Leaves, Ink Sac
|Iced Hibiscus Sweet Tea
|Lilac, Spruce Leaves
|Rhubarb Mint Tea
|Spruce Leaves, Beetroot
|Devil Springs Vodka
|Potato, Beetroot, Sunflower
|Long Grass, Wheat
|Bruichladdich X4
|Pincer Vodka
|Sugar Cane, Wheat
|Bacardi 151
|Sugar Cane
|Senntisten Independence Gin
|End Stone, Chorus Fruit
|Atlantian Ancap Ale
|Sandstone, Bone Meal
|Pure Chloroform
|Potato, Ink Sac, Ender Pearl, Sugar Cane
|Classic Absinthe
|Long Grass
|Heady Topper
|Wheat, Oak Leaves, Sugar
|Sovian Chorus Ale
|Chorus Fruit
|The Green Kitten
|Cactus Green, Raw Fish
|Lusitan Wine
|Nether Wart, Sugar, Vine
|Traveler's Liqueur
|Sugar, Apple, Leather Boots, Sign
|Ice-cold Cola
|Sugar, Cocoa Beans
|Ancient Shipwreck Wine
|Nether Wart, Oak Leaves, Seeds
|Potion of Blindness
|Glowstone Dust, Redstone Dust, Carrot
|Potion of Hunger
|Rotten Flesh, Glowstone Dust, Redstone Dust
|Potion of Strentgh
|Blaze Powder, Glowstone Dust, Redstone Dust
|Potion of Swfitness
|Redstone Dust, Sugar, Glowstone Dust
|Vinland Brännvin
|Birch Wood Log, Long Grass, Potato
|The Witch's Eye
|Spider Eye, Paper, Chorus Fruit
|Orange Sparkler
|May not be in-game because of config typo
|Ender Blast
|End Stone, Wood Sword
|End Stone
|Earth's Bounty
|Dirt, Oak Log
|Weeping Willow
|Dirt, Oak Leaves
|Puissance De La Terre
|Pharaoh's Blight
|Swamp Swig
|Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Seeds, Dandelion
|Rock N' Roll
|Strong Lapis Vodka
|Potato, Lapis Lazuli
|Fairy Tail
|Lapis Lazuli
|Blue Lagoon
|Lapis Lazuli
|Chia Swig
|Under-The-Mountain Black Iron Ale
|Obsidian, Wheat, Stone, Iron Nugget
|Heavenly Aura
|Villager Slush
|Emerald Block
|GorgonVillager's EyeBounty
|Stone, Spider Eye
|Quartz Block
|Weathered Quartz
|Third Eye
|Spider Eye
|Mineral Composite
|Spider Eye, Sugar
|Splintered Heart
|Steeped Seaweed
|Flint Shot
|Steamed Kelp
|Birch Sapling
|Dried Kelp
|Rehydrated Kelp
|Gin And Tonic
|Oak Sapling, Peony
|Softened Bamboo
|Juniper Mule
|Birch Sapling, Wheat
|Note Block
|Aquatic Ensemble
|Cucina Enoteca
|Dark Oak Sapling
|Oak Button
|Nutty Surprise
|Oak Sapling, Apple
|Acacia Button
|Artificial Sweetener
|Wagyu Old Fashioned
|Jungle Sapling
|Birch Button
|Salt Water
|Axle Foley
|Oak Sapling
|Jungle Button
|Cinnamon Paste
|Virginia Haze
|Spruce Sapling
|Spruce Button
|Ginger Water
|Sage Wisdom
|Acacia Sapling
|Dark Oak Button
|Boiled Garlic
|Gold Nugget, Apple, Sugar Cane, Birch Leaves
|Crimson Button
|Red Pepper Flakes
|Sugar, Feather
|Warped Button
|Yeasty Liquid
|Damp Ash
|Red Rainbow Shot
|Red Terracotta
|Sea Pickle
|Pickle Juice
|Orange Rainbow Shot
|Orange Terracotta
|Bucking Liquid
|Yellow Rainbow Shot
|Yellow Terracotta
|Green Rainbow Shot
|Green Terracotta
|Blue Rainbow Shot
|Blue Terracotta
|Violet Rainbow Shot
|Purple Terracotta
|True Rainbow Liquor
|Red Terracotta, Orange Terracotta, Yellow Terracotta, Green Terracotta, Blue Terracotta, Purple Terracotta
|Elderberry Tea
|Birch Leaves, Bone
|Winter Chai
|Birch Leaves, Snow Ball
|Black Apple Tea
|Apple, Birch Leaves, Ink Sac
|Lavender Tea
|Birch Leaves, Lilac
|Jack Frost Tea
|Dark Oak Leaves, Ice
|Rosy Black Tea
|Dark Oak Leaves, Ink Sac, Rose Red Dye
|Masale Wali Chai
|Jungle Leaves, Milk, Sugar
|Chamomile Tea
|Acacia Leaves, Peony
|Pinot Blanc
|Vine, Bone Meal
|Sparkling Wine
|Glowstone Dust, Vine
|Vine, Netherwart
|Chateau Pétrus
|Vine, Spruce Leaves
|Grüner Veltliner
|Cobblestone, Vine
|Strong Merlot
|Rose Red, Netherwart
|Fragrant Shiraz
|Vine, Netherwart
|Miner's Woe
|Rails, Redstone Torch
|Poisonous Potato
|Lapis Lazuli, Glowstone Dust, Chorus Flower, Glistering Melon
|Falstadt Ale
|Holy Jaded Cocktail
|Haven Tea
|Gabonese Gin
|Irian Island Coffee
|Okashima Sunset
|Hot Covfefe
|Cocoa Beans, Ink Sac, Yellow Dye
|Pisco Sour
|Septic Tank Delight
|Dirt, Cobblestone
|g-Poster Gin
|Wheat, Seeds, Sugar
|Greyfields 1868 First Sporing
|Brown Mushroom
|Cooked Porkchop, Beetroot Seeds, Brown Mushroom, Rose Bush
|Eleutherian Gold
|Oak Leaves, Glistering Melon, Red Mushroom
|Red Honey
|Netherrack, Emerald Block
|White Dragon Tea
|Azure Bluet
|Bubble Tea
|Potato, Sugar, Milk, Oak Leaves
|Wheat, Seeds, Beetroot Seeds
|Quick Silver
|Iron Nugget, Gold Nugget, Coal
|Radiant Ambrosia
|Gold Nugget, Glowstone
|White Zing
|Glowstone, Quartz Block
|Midnight Drifter
|Blue Orchid, Nether Wart
|Sojourner's Pouch
|Seeds, Carrot
|Azure Tea
|Blue Orchid, Dark Oak Leaves
|Firox's Fury
|Beetroot, Redstone, Bone Meal
|Alt Malt
|Cocoa Beans, Ender Pearl, Sugar Cane
|Spruce Leaves, Dandelion
|Valyrian Firewater
|Blaze Rod, Quartz Block
|Benistani Bourbon
|Wheat, Sunflower, Sugar
|Pan Galatic Gargle Blaster
|Peony, Cactus, Sugar Cane, Blaze Powder, Yellow Dye
|Krohil Brew
|Seeds, Potato, Beetroot, Dead Bush
|Antietam Ale
|Red Dye, Apple, Oak Log
|Georgia Full Moon Wine
|Arrow, Apple
|Rage Quit
|Bone Meal, Blaze Powder
|Nyasan Pickleback
|Wherever I May Roam
|Gold Block, Bone, Diamond Block, Beetroot
|Bg Blaster
|Wheat, Blaze Powder
|NAYAH'S Vision
|Fermented Spider Eye, Cactus
|E-law Augustan Ale
|Crown Royal Apple
|Apple, Wheat, Seeds
|Crown Royal Vanilla
|Seeds, Wheat, Lilac
|Crown Royal Deluxe
|Gold Nugget, Wheat, Seeds
|Ron Grundeswald's Revenge
|Orange Dye, Carrot, Lapis Lazuli, Cactus Green Dye
|Vice Tea
|Dark Oak Leaves, Sunflower, Sugar
|Pirater's Epic Rum
|Wheat, Sugar, Cocoa Beans
|Dry Vermouth
|Seeds, Oak Sapling
|Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Beer
|Wheat, Seeds
|Neon Midori
|Melon Seeds
|Potato, Wheat, Orange Dye
|Japanese Slipper
|Yellow Dye, Potato, Melon Seeds
|Death In The Afternoon
|Popped Chorus Fruit, Long Grass
|Vesper Martini
|Potato, Peony, Nether Wart
|Moloko Plus
|Sea Lantern, Milk
|Apple, Poisonous Potato
|Abyssinian Tea
|West Texas Prairie Fire
|Mojito Blanco
|Cape Codder
|Caramel Coni-ac
|Superior Gamer Girl Pee
|Sharkbait Brew-Ha-Ha
|Grass Block
|Still Grass
|Sharp Brew
|Snitch Spam
|Sweet Berries
|Wild Berry Juice
|Hardy Seafood Gumbo
|Wet Pebbles
|Classic Gumbo
|Phantom Membrane
|Phantom Venom
|Déjà Brew
|Superheated Brick
|Prisoner's Wine
|Rabbit Foot
|Liquid Luck
|Crimson Tulip Wine
|Honey Bottle
|Boiled Honey Bottle
|Rosé Tulip Wine
|Honey Glaze
|Ivory Tulip Wine
|Crimson Fungus
|Fiery Mushroom Brew
|Auburn Tulip Wine
|Warped Fungus
|Twisted Mushroom Brew
|The Bloom-in' Onion
|Magma Cream
|Topical Ointment
|Polskan Żubrówka
|Brain Coral
|Brain Juice
|Strawberry Fanta
|Tube Coral
|Elongated Serum
|Carrot Juice
|Bubble Coral
|Carbonated Water
|Divine Milk
|Fire Coral
|Sterile Water
|Blue Raspberry Gatorade
|Horn Coral
|Infused Water
|Kraken Spiced Rum
|Turtle Stock
|Tinto De Verano
|Iron Door
|Fortified Brew
|Caju Amigo
|Match Slush
|Heart Of The Sea
|Oceanic Blood
|Soul Torch
|Haunted Ash Paste
|Salty Dog
|Sticky Glue
If your brew has one of these names, it means it is unfinished and may turn into a successful brew if aged or distilled. Keep in mind that most base brews will likely not turn into anything. You will need to experiment a lot with different ingredients and follow some of the hints provided to you.
=== Brewery Hints ===
=== Brew Names & Other Information ===
The following table includes the names of the officially revealed brews, the number of ingredients in that brew and the ingredient types for these brews. '''DO NOT''' expand the table unless you want things spoiled! You have been warned. The names in the list are for the perfect versions of each brew however each recipe has 3 tiers of quality and the lower quality tiers will be named differently. For the process column, Age means the drink is aged only, Distill means it is only distilled, Both means it needs to be distilled and aged, and None means the drink is ready to go out of the cauldron with no additional steps.
[[CivRealms]] also has their own list of brewery recipes. The ones discovered so far are listed below:
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|+CivRealms Brewery Details
|Effervescent Moscato
|Smooth Vodka
|French 75
|Pale Ale
|Crisp Pinot Grigio
|Hard Cider
|Monkey Gland
|Amber Ale
|Chateau Reserve Savignon Blanc
|Tropical Chacha
|Sneaky Elixir
|Nut Brown Ale
|Peppery Fruit Zinfandel
|Golden Rum
|Hot Toddy
|Imperial Stout
|Smokey Shiraz
|Tequila (Doesn't work)
|Skittle Bomb
|Buttery Oaked Chardonnay
|Icenian Shaved Ice
|Smooth Pisco
| ---
|Spring Tea Time
|Fine Aged Cognac
| ---
|Jewels Of The Wise
|Sipping Brandy
| ---
|Dark Hallow Artisanal Ale
|Milk Stout
|Melon Wine
| ---
|Ranch Odreshing
|Pumpkin Beer
Another unique brewery-related item in CivRealms is "Neutral Spirits." Neutral Spirits are an item created from Smooth Vodka placed into a crafting table. This item has yet to be tested and has yet to yield any drinks, but it's our biggest league to a completely undiscovered branch of drinks. But, it is guessed that this is an ingredient to change original drinks that have been discovered into something else.
=== Newcomer Recipes ===
For those of you just starting out with Brewery on CivMC, there are a few officially released recipes that you can experiment with! Try making the perfect versions and then making them incorrectly to see how the Brewery plugin works. (Please do not expand this list. Brewery recipes should remain hidden. Everything on this list are recipes SoundTech revealed.)
{| class="wikitable"
!Cauldron Time
!Distill Amount
!Barrel Type
!Barrel Age
|Wild Yeast
|16 Beetroot Seeds
|Maltovian Cocktail
1 Sugar
|7 Minutes
|0 Years
|Used as a brewing ingredient in other brews
|6 Wheat
|Tel Avivian Arak
|4 Mins
|1 Year
|Pripyat Fallout
|8 Wheat
|The Red Duke
1 Lager Yeast
2 Hops (Tall Grass)
|14 Mins
|2 Years
|Red Bull
|Oxeye Daisy
|Red Wine
|11 Vines
|8 Mins
|Rose Red Dye
|14 Years
|Kuei Hua Chen Chiew
|Tiki Torch
|Smoke & Spice
|11 Vines
|Social Bandit
4 Twisting Vines
1 Brewer's Yeast
4 Oak Leaves
|11 Mins
|4 Years
|Raspberry Chia Tea
|8 Apples
|Strawberry Chia Smoothie
|4 Mins
|1 Year
|Banana Mango Smoothie
|Cherry Juice
|12 Oak Leaves
|Banana Almond Smoothie
3 Sugar
|3 Mins
|0 Years
|Cucumber Mint Smoothie
|9 Wheat
|Carrot Apple Smoothie
1 Brewer's Yeast
|15 Mins
|4 Distills
|3 Years
|Cherry Vanilla Smoothie
|Potato Vodka
|18 Potatoes
|Blueberry Smoothie
1 Wild Yeast
|8 Mins
|3 Distills
|0 Years
|Spiced Pumpkin Smoothie
|15 Rice (seagrass)
|Apple Peanut Butter Smoothie
1 Wild Yeast
|18 Mins
|3 Years
|Kale Smoothie
|6 Milk Buckets
|Watermelon Smoothie
1 Wild Yeast
|10 Mins
|2 Years
|Soma Elixir
|6 Acacia Leaves
|2 Mins
|Divine Hopster
|Crème De Cassis
|Spirit Bomb
=== Newcomer Recipes ===
For those of you just starting out with Brewery, there are a few officially released recipes that you can experiment with! Try making the perfect versions and then making them incorrectly to see how the Brewery plugin works. Due to a few complaints, I have also included the recipe for Pumpkin Spice Latte since the hint required you to have knowledge of the past server named Devoted. (Please do not expand this list. Brewery recipes should remain hidden)
{| class="wikitable"
|Cauldron Time
|Distill Amount
|Barrel Type
|Barrel Age
|Fine Wheatbeer
|3 Wheat
|8 Mins
|2 Years
|Speed 1, 70 Seconds
|Golden Mead
|18 Sugar Cane
|5 Mins
|2 Years
|Speed 1, 50 Seconds
|Russian Vodka
|10 Potatoes
|15 Mins
|3 Distills
|0 Years
|Weakness 1, 15 Seconds
Poison 1, 3 Seconds
|Earl Gray
|Strong Absinthe
|12 Dark Oak Leaves
|15 Grass
1 Peony
|5 Mins
|6 DistillsMins
|0 Years
|Poison 1, 15 Seconds
Blindness 3, 2 Minutes 10 Seconds
|Pumpkin Spice Latte
|12 Cocoa Beans
5 Pumpkin Seeds
2 Sugar Cane
2 Milk Buckets
|3 Mins
|0 Years
|Speed 1, 6 Minutes 20 Seconds
|Vegetable Soup
|Sovereign Tea
|3 Potatoes
|10 Oak Leaves
3 Carrots
6 Seeds
2 Beetroots
|25 Mins
2 Sugar Cane
|5 Mins
|0 Years
|Glowing, 60 Seconds
|Zombie (Cocktail)
|3 Parts Rum
|64 Sugar
2 Rotten Flesh
|5 Mins
|1 Min
|15 Distills
|0 Years
|4 Years
|Confusion, 10 Seconds
Blindness 3, 10 Minutes
|Devil Spring Vodka
|14 Potatoes
6 Beetroot
4 Sunflower
|6 Mins
|8 Distills
|0 Years
|Blindness 3, 5 Minutes 40 Seconds
Slowness 2, 2 Minutes 30 Seconds
Night Vision, 10 Seconds
Poison 1, 3 Seconds
Note: Due to conflicting plugins on Civclassics, in addition to the effects above for each brew, the vanilla potion effect may also be added. For example, an orange colored brew may give you fire resistance for 3 minutes even when it isn't supposed to.
== Additional Tips ==
Hopefully this guide helped you out with understanding Brewery. If you have any additional hints, feel free to add them below!
* Use the command "/brew unlabel" to remove the distill and aging times from your brews! This is useful for keeping your hard earned recipes a secret.
* While trying to discover new brews, it is helpful to only experiment with one factor at a time. (Fermentation time, aging, distilling, ingredient amount)
* You can safely take brews out of a barrel and store them in a separate chest while you are offline soto you can continue aging them another time. Some brews take a long time to barrel age and you can easily miss the proper aging time while offline.
* Network! A lot of players already have discovered dozens of recipes. If you are a new player, it helps to ask your nation or neighboring nations if they have any recipes they are willing to reveal to you.
* It is beneficial to have a cow in your brewery because some non alcoholic drinks require milk! It is also useful to store a bucket on an item frame near your cow for easy access to the ingredient.
* UnfortunatelyOn some servers shop chests do not work with the Brewery Plugin atand thepreviously did not work to on CivClassic moment2.0. Thankfully they are working (Hopefullynow! thatRead changesup inon the future)[[Civcraft2Import:Itemexchange|Item Exchange Plugin]] to learn how to make shop chests. You can still sell brews by using some redstone, dispensers and dispensersa withredstone itemtorch exchangeon thoughthe back of your itemexchange shop.
* In the current config containing 420690 recipes, no brew has a fermentation time that exceeds 30 minutes and no brew exceeds using more than 64 of any 1one item.
*Due to a weird unintended bug, when distilling drinks, the drink will stop distilling once it reaches its maximum, perfect distillation requirement. Normally it should continue to keep distilling past that point for as long as you keep it in the distillerydistilling.
== Acknowledgements ==
This Brewery guide was created and maintained by GreatLordOz. The CivClassicsCivClassic Brewery Config was written by [[GreatLordOz]] with help from [[RektTangle]]. If you have any issues with this wiki or general questions, feel free to contact GreatLordOz on reddit /u/ChaosNeverLasts
'''Config Updates:'''
* Update 1.1.12 August 4th, 2017 (Drink total: 154)
* Update 2.1.12 July 12th, 2018 (Drink total: 293)
* Update 23.01.12 JulyAugust 12th25th, 20182019 (Drink total: 293420)
*Update 3.1.14 November 1st, 2019 (Drink total: 470)
*Update 4.1.16 September 27th 2021 (Drink total: 690)
*Update 5.1.16 Unreleased due to Civclassic shutting down (Drink total: 800)
== Full Config ==
* Update 3.0 August 25th, 2019 (Drink total: 420)
[ Here is a link to the final CivClassic Brewery config that was never released]. If you happen to use a portion or entire config on another server, just make sure to give me an acknowledgement somewhere. Additionally, if this link no longer works in the future, don't contact me for that because I wont be replacing it. Enjoy!

Latest revision as of 01:30, 9 December 2023

Brewery is a plugin that allows players to make their own liquor. Recipes typically vary across each server and may be kept secret by the server's administrators, requiring experimentation by players to discover. You can find the original documentation for this plugin here, although much of it is out of date for modern civ servers.

Set Up

Before you start brewing, you will need some supplies to set up your brewing location. You will need:

  • Wood for barrels. You will need wood stairs for small barrels and wood stairs/planks/fences for large barrels.
    • Note: For large brewing locations, you should make 8 barrels using each of the 8 types of wood. (Acacia, Spruce, Dark Oak, Oak, Jungle, Birch, Crimson & Warped)
  • Cauldrons for fermenting. This parameter is also called "time cooked".
  • A source of fire. Since fire spread is turned off, you can light any block on fire indefinitely with flint & steel. Lava will also work.
  • A source of water. You will want to make an infinity pool nearby.
  • Brewing stands for distilling. These do not require blaze powder when distilling.
  • Barrels for aging. See the aging section below for how to set up custom barrels.
  • Glass bottles for collecting your completed brew.
  • A clock to keep track of how long a brew has been fermenting. Right click a cauldron with a clock to see how many minutes the cauldron has been brewing.
  • Lots of different ingredients. A detailed list will be included in this guide for the items that are accepted into the cauldron.
  • Chests to store your brews in and to keep your ingredients safe.

The Basics


Cauldron with fire source

Let's start by setting up a cauldron to ferment brews in.

  1. Place the cauldron in a convenient spot and make sure the block underneath it is empty.
  2. Place your source of fire underneath the cauldron. Remember, this can either be lava or a flame lit with flint & steel.
  3. Place water from a water bucket into your cauldron. That's it! You're all done with setting up your fermentation cauldron.

In order to ferment ingredients into a brew, right click the cauldron with the ingredient in your hand. Although it's disabled, it is best to remove any items in your offhand so you don't accidentally switch hands and add extra ingredients. Now that you have an ingredient or multiple ingredients in the cauldron, right click that cauldron with a clock. You will be able to track how long the brew has been fermenting. After you are satisfied with the duration of fermentation, use a bottle to remove the brew from your cauldron!

Distillation setup


Let's start by setting up a distillery brewing stand.

  1. Place the brewing stand in your desired location and place exactly one glowstone dust in the top of the brewing stand. Distilling will not use up that one piece of glowstone dust, however, placing more than one glowstone dust will needlessly cause the glowstone to be used up until one is left. Additionally, blaze powder is not needed to distill drinks.
  2. Place your fermented brews into the brewing stand. After waiting for a short while, you will see the drink gain lore for the amount of times it was distilled. MOST of the time if you made an indefinable distillate, that means the recipe you used wasn't accurate or that the drink didn't need to be distilled.

Note: For brews that require distilling, the quality of the drink is affected by how many times the drink is distilled. Do some experimenting to find out the required number of distillations for the drink! Information about the drink can be obtained by leaving it in the distillation stand.

Small spruce barrel
Large oak barrel


Let's start by setting up a small and large barrel.

  1. A small barrel is set up using 8 stairs and 1 sign in the pattern shown. The first layer is 4 stairs, the second layer is 4 stairs and then the barrel is completed by placing a sign with the word "Barrel" on it. Barrel created should appear in chat if done correctly. Small barrels are required to have the sign on them to work. The barrel is opened by right clicking the sign and has 9 inventory slots to age brews.
  2. A large barrel is set up using 1 fence, 16 stairs, 1 sign and 18 wood planks in the pattern shown. Start by visualizing a 4 by 3 rectangle, the first layer layer will have upside down stairs on both sides and planks to finish out the rectangle. One fence post should be placed in front to act as the spout. The second layer is a hollow rectangle made with planks. Note: The two center blocks on this layer can either be filled up or left empty. This is a very handy spot for placing a snitch. The last layer will be stairs on both sides and planks down the center. Place a sign with the word "Barrel" and the message "Barrel created" should appear in chat. Unlike the small barrel, you can remove the sign and the barrel will still work. The large barrel is opened by right clicking the spout and has 27 inventory slots for aging brews. CivClassic's Brewery config only allows you to open a large barrel by the spout but there is an option to open the barrel from anywhere as well.
  3. When the server updated to 1.14.4, barrels were added as an item that also support aging brews! They don't require any additional set up like the other 2 custom built Brewery barrels. The only downside is that they are treated as oak barrels, so you will need to construct one of the other 2 types if you are aging wood specific brews. Minecraft vanilla barrels support up to 27 drinks being aged at once but may be a bit buggy.

To age a brew, leave a drink in the barrel for 1 barrel year. A barrel year is 20 real life minutes. Brews will age even if you are offline so don't forget about them! Like distilling, only some brews require aging while others will be ruined by it. It is your job to experiment and figure out the right method to make each drink. You will get a ruined potion if a brew does not age properly.

Note: Breaking any part of the barrels will cause the contents to spill out and rendering the barrel useless. You will have to fix the barrel and replace the sign to recreate it.

Note: Like the distilling stand, you can place a brew in a barrel for a short while to pull up the brew's hidden data for determining the quality of the drink.

Brew Drink Data

A brew's data can be pulled up by placing the drink in a distillation stand or an aging barrel. This can only be done if you have a named drink and not one of the base drinks, indefinite brews or ruined potions.

Brewery Drink Data Example: All parameters are green and the drink has 5 stars indicating it is perfect. It also shows the alcohol amount and lore.

The following 6 values could show up on the brew:

  • Quality: The number of stars on a drink indicates its quality with 5 stars being a perfect brew. Drinking lesser quality drinks will make you more likely to puke when very drunk.
  • Ingredients: How accurate your ingredients in the brew are to the perfect recipe
  • Minutes Fermented: How accurate the fermentation time is to the perfect recipe
  • Distillation Runs: How many times the drink was distilled compared to the perfect recipe
  • Years Aged: How long the brew was aged compared to the perfect recipe
  • Wood Type: If the correct wood type is being used or not (This will only show up for brews that require a specific wood type)

Note: Each of the above lore values will have a color associated with them; Green, Yellow, Orange or Red. If the value is perfect, it will show up green. Depending on the difficulty of the brew, the further you are away from the perfect amount, the drink data values will show up yellow, orange and then red.

In addition to the above values, a brew may also contain any of the following:

  • Lore: A drink might have a small line of lore text in blue underneath the perfect drink's name. This will show up on the drink at all times.
  • Title Message: After drinking a brew, you may see a message appear in the center of your screen for a few seconds before disappearing. This data will not show up on the bottle before drinking.
  • Chat Message: After drinking a brew, you may see a message appear in your chat. This data will not show up on the bottle before drinking.
  • Alcohol Amount: When you stick a drink in a distilling stand, it may show the drink's alcohol amount in ml. This number is the alcohol's potency out of 100.

Drinking Effects

While drinking, you can receive a multitude of side effects as a result of getting drunk. Each player has an alcohol limit of 100/100 and each drink will add to that limit until you exceed 100. Once you go over 100, you will pass out and get kicked from the server. In addition to the effects a brew may give you, the following effects may occur depending on your alcohol limit:

  • Slurred Speech: As you get more drunk, the Brewery Mod will detect certain combinations of letters or phrases and jumble them up in chat. A single word like hello could turn into a full sentence of random slurred speech. Additionally, text on signs will also appear slurred after you finish typing on them.
  • Stumbled Walk: You may find yourself moving in one direction on your own and have little control over moving in that direction. This becomes increasingly bad as you near the 100 alcohol limit.
  • Passing Out: When you exceed your 100 alcohol limit (There isn't currently a way to check your current alcohol amount so be careful!), you will get kicked from the server. When trying to log back in, it may tell you that you're too drunk to log in! Just keep trying and eventually you'll be able to rejoin. Be careful though because you will be combat tagged on drunk log out and can be easily killed.
  • Nausea: As you near the 100 alcohol limit, you may get increasingly bad spells of nausea that can last a few seconds or a few minutes. Stop being such a drunkard!
    • Note: You can turn lessen or turn off nausea effects in your Minecraft accessibility settings.
  • Vomiting: After you reach a certain alcohol limit, you may start spewing soul sand everywhere. This is just a visual effect and you can't pick the soul sand up. The frequency of this happening increases if you drink lower quality drinks or ruined potions.
  • Poison: Aside from a few brews having poison as an effect in the config, if you drink imperfect brews (Especially ruined potions) you have a chance of poisoning yourself.
  • Hangover: If you log out while you are drunk, and log back in later that day, you will log in with weakness, hunger or slowness effects due to a hang over. This is more likely to be severe if you got drunk off of lower quality or ruined brews.

Sobering Up

There are a few ways that you can sober up to help reduce your alcohol limit.

  • Over time, you will slowly get less drunk and the effects of drinking will become shorter and more spread out
  • You can eat certain foods to reduce your alcohol limit. (Note: It is uncertain if this works properly on CivClassic)
    • Drinking a milk bucket will remove all potion effects and reduce your alcohol limit by 3 points each
      • Note: For cases of nausea, milk is rather ineffective since the nausea will continually reoccur for a little while.
    • Eating bread will reduce your alcohol limit by 3 points each
    • Eating a potato will reduce your alcohol limit by 4 points each
    • Eating a baked potato will reduce your alcohol limit by 6 points each
  • Some drinks can now lower your alcohol limit too! Teas, food based drinks and other beverages can decrease your alcohol limit between -1 to -10 depending on the drink.

Brew Unlabeling

Crafting recipe for the Brew Sealing Table

Unlabeling a brew will remove a few pieces of brew drink data so you can protect your recipes from being easily discovered. Unlabeling a brew will remove cauldron cook time, years aged and number of time distilled. (Will still display it was aged or distilled though). There are two different ways to unlabel a brew:

  • While you have a brew highlighted in your hot bar, type the command "/brew unlabel" and it will unlabel the brew.
  • You can craft a custom item called the "Brew Sealing Table". It is crafted by using 2 glass bottles in a row and four wood planks underneath the bottles in a square. The Brew Sealing Table allows you to automatically use the /brew unlabel command for every brew you stick in it. Place a brew into the table, wait a few seconds for a clunk sound and it will auto run the command every time you place a brew in it.

Note: There is a weird visual glitch if you shift click a brew from your hot bar into the menu, it will look like it duplicates your brew. It does not.

Brewing Hints & Details

Ingredients & Brew Bases

There are numerous ingredients that can be added to the cauldron when trying to discover brews. You may have noticed Brew Bases mentioned a few times in the article already, so what are they? Brew bases are brews named after the majority ingredient and are not a discovered brew. Below is a table of all ingredients and their base brew names that can be added to the cauldron.

List of Brewery Bases
Ingredient Drink Base Name
Wheat Fermented Wheat
Sugar Cane Sugar Brew
Apple Apple Juice
Potato Potatomash
Grass (Short sheared) Boiled Herbs
Fern Mint Extract
Red Mushroom Mushroom Brew
Brown Mushroom Fungus Mush
Milk Bucket Milky Water
Snow Block Water Slush
Cactus Extracted Agave
Glowstone Shining Brew
Glowstone Dust Shining Paste
Egg Boiled Egg
Wheat Seeds Spice
Oak Leaves Steamed Herbs
Spruce Leaves Steamed Herbs
Birch Leaves Steamed Herbs
Jungle Leaves Steamed Herbs
Acacia Leaves Steamy Herbs
Dark Oak Leaves Steamy Herbs
Netherwart Grape Concentrate
Netherrack Volatile Concoction
Soul Sand Tortured Soul
Blaze Powder Steam
Blaze Rod Superheated Steam
Flint Wet Igniter
Lava Bucket Liquid Magma
Stick Bottled Stick
Oak Sapling Soggy Brush
Spruce Sapling Soggy Brush
Birch Sapling Soggy Brush
Jungle Sapling Soggy Brush
Acacia Sapling Soggy Brush
Dark Oak Sapling Soggy Brush
Beetroot Cooked Beets
Feather Damp Fluff
Cobblestone Cleaned Cobble
Gravel Coarse Granules
Bone Marrow
Spider Eye Arachnid's Gaze
Iron Ore Heavy Brew
Iron Nugget Iron Shard
Iron Ingot Liquid Iron
Iron Block Sheet Metal Rust
Gold Nugget Gold Shard
Gold Ingot Fool's Gold
Gold Block Fool's Bounty
Diamond Dazzling Mélange
Diamond Block Magnanimous Mélange
Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin Spice
Beetroot Seeds Beet Spice
Melon Seeds Sweet Spice
Melon Slice Watermelon Blend
Glistering Melon Slice Shining Watermelon Blend
Redstone Dust Red Sugar
Redstone Block Red Sugar Cubes
Coal Santa's Tears
Carrot Vegetable Stock
Ender Pearl Entrapped H20
Ender Stone Convict's Walkway
Popped Chorus Fruit Smashed Lullaby
Chorus Fruit Soothing Melody
Chorus Flower Muffled Symphony
Carved Pumpkin Steamed Spooky Gourd
Pumpkin Steamed Gourd
Wood Sword Warped Sword
Ice Chilled Water
Packed Ice Glacier Water
Snow Ball Melted Snowball
Ghast Tear Ghast's Sorrow
Golden Apple Golden Juice
Sugar Sugary Water
Rotten Flesh Boiled Flesh
Fermented Spider Eye Dreadful Gaze
Sunflower Sunflower Oil
Lilac Vanilla Extract
Rose Bush Steeped Roses
Peony Gin Tonic
Poppy Opium Dew
Blue Orchid Essential Oils
Allium Bottled Tears
Red Tulip Red Flower Swirl
Orange Tulip Orange Flower Swirl
White Tulip White Flower Swirl
Pink Tulip Pink Flower Swirl
Azure Bluet Liquid Suppressant
Oxeye Daisy Aero Tonic
Dandelion Stewed Dandelion
Cornflower Gooey Corn Starch
Lily Of The Valley Elegant Toxin
Wither Rose Withered Ointment
Paper Rice Starch
Stone Polished Rock
Beef Light Beef Stock
Cooked Beef Beef Stock
Chicken Light Chicken Stock
Cooked Chicken Chicken Stock
Cod Light Fish Stock
Cooked Cod Fish Stock
Salmon Light Salmon Stock
Cooked Salmon Salmon Stock
Tropical Fish Tropical Stock
Mutton Light Sheep Stock
Cooked Mutton Sheep Stock
Rabbit Light Rabbit Stock
Cooked Rabbit Rabbit Stock
Porkchop Light Pork Stock
Grilled Porkchop Pork Stock
Cookie Cookie Mass
Vine Overgrown Ivy
Shield Weathered Shield
(Any Color) Bed Drowzy Brew
Book Dampened Knowledge
Bookshelf Liquified Knowledge
Bread Wet Bread
Stone Button Coarse Pepper
Rails Railroad Ruckus
Redstone Torch Battery Acid
Magma Block Undiminished Fire
Clay Ball Melted Sculpture
Slime Ball Sticky Sludge
Name Tag Unknown Liquid
Prismarine Crystals Shattered Crystal
Prismarine Shard Crystaline Tonic
Lilly Pad Lotus Blossom
Mycelium Creeping Liquid
TNT Ruined Explosives
Gunpowder Damp Saltpeter
Poisonous Potato Poison Base
Sand Quicksand
Sea Lantern Lantern Oil
Dead Bush Moisturized Shrub
Sandstone Mummified Brew
Oak Sign Weathered Oak Sign
Spruce Sign Weathered Spruce Sign
Jungle Sign Weathered Jungle Sign
Birch Sign Weathered Birch Sign
Acacia Sign Weathered Acacia Sign
Dark Oak Sign Weathered Dark Oak Sign
Leather Boots Swamp Muck
Leather Washed Leather
Oak Log Earthy Extract
Spruce Log Earthy Extract
Birch Log Earthy Extract
Jungle Log Earthy Extract
Acacia Log Earthy Extract
Dark Oak Log Earthy Extract
Crimson Stem Nethery Extract
Warped Stem Nethery Extract
Obsidian Impervious Brew
Dirt Mud
Cocoa Beans Caffeinated Brew
Brown Dye Brown Brew
Ink Sac Black Brew
Black Dye Blackest Brew
Red Dye Red Brew
Green Dye Green Brew
Lapis Lazuli Blue Brew
Blue Dye Bluest Brew
Purple Dye Purple Brew
Cyan Dye Blueberry Puree
Light Gray Dye Light Gray Brew
Gray Dye Gray Brew
Pink Dye Pink Brew
Lime Dye Lime Brew
Yellow Dye Yellow Brew
Light Blue Dye Light Blue Brew
Magenta Dye Magenta Brew
Orange Dye Orange Brew
Bone Meal White Brew
White Dye Whitest Brew
White Terracotta Hard White Brew
Orange Terracotta Hard Orange Brew
Magenta Terracotta Hard Magenta Brew
Light Blue Terracotta Hard Light Blue Brew
Yellow Terracotta Hard Yellow Brew
Lime Terracotta Hard Lime Brew
Pink Terracotta Hard Pink Brew
Gray Terracotta Hard Gray Brew
Light Gray Terracotta Hard Light Gray Brew
Cyan Terracotta Hard Cyan Brew
Purple Terracotta Hard Purple Brew
Blue Terracotta Hard Blue Brew
Brown Terracotta Hard Brown Brew
Green Terracotta Hard Green Brew
Red Terracotta Hard Red Brew
Black Terracotta Hard Black Brew
White Wool Matted White Wool
Orange Wool Matted Orange Wool
Magenta Wool Matted Magenta Wool
Light Blue Wool Matted Light Blue Wool
Yellow Wool Matted Yellow Wool
Lime Wool Matted Lime Wool
Pink Wool Matted Pink Wool
Gray Wool Matted Gray Wool
Light Gray Wool Matted Light Gray Wool
Cyan Wool Matted Cyan Wool
Purple Wool Matted Purple Wool
Blue Wool Matted Blue Wool
Brown Wool Matted Brown Wool
Green Wool Matted Green Wool
Red Wool Matted Red Wool
Black Wool Matted Black Wool
Emerald Villager Slush
Emerald Block Villager's Bounty
Quartz Block Weathered Quartz
Quartz Mineral Composite
Arrow Splintered Heart
Seagrass Steeped Seaweed
Kelp Steamed Kelp
Dried Kelp Rehydrated Kelp
Bamboo Softened Bamboo
Note Block Aquatic Ensemble
Oak Button Nutty Surprise
Acacia Button Artificial Sweetener
Birch Button Salt Water
Jungle Button Cinnamon Paste
Spruce Button Ginger Water
Dark Oak Button Boiled Garlic
Crimson Button Red Pepper Flakes
Warped Button Yeasty Liquid
Charcoal Damp Ash
Sea Pickle Pickle Juice
Hopper Bucking Liquid
Grass Block Still Grass
Glass Sharp Brew
Sweet Berries Wild Berry Juice
Andesite Wet Pebbles
Phantom Membrane Phantom Venom
Brick Superheated Brick
Rabbit Foot Liquid Luck
Honey Bottle Boiled Honey Bottle
Honeycomb Honey Glaze
Crimson Fungus Fiery Mushroom Brew
Warped Fungus Twisted Mushroom Brew
Magma Cream Topical Ointment
Brain Coral Brain Juice
Tube Coral Elongated Serum
Bubble Coral Carbonated Water
Fire Coral Sterile Water
Horn Coral Infused Water
Scute Turtle Stock
Iron Door Fortified Brew
Torch Match Slush
Heart Of The Sea Oceanic Blood
Soul Torch Haunted Ash Paste
Cobweb Sticky Glue

If your brew has one of these names, it means it is unfinished and may turn into a successful brew if aged or distilled. Keep in mind that most base brews will likely not turn into anything. You will need to experiment a lot with different ingredients and follow some of the hints provided to you.

Brewery Hints

Brew Names & Other Information

The following table includes the names of the officially revealed brews, the number of ingredients in that brew and the ingredient types for these brews. DO NOT expand the table unless you want things spoiled! You have been warned. The names in the list are for the perfect versions of each brew however each recipe has 3 tiers of quality and the lower quality tiers will be named differently. For the process column, Age means the drink is aged only, Distill means it is only distilled, Both means it needs to be distilled and aged, and None means the drink is ready to go out of the cauldron with no additional steps.

CivRealms also has their own list of brewery recipes. The ones discovered so far are listed below:

CivRealms Brewery Details
Wines Liquors Beers
Effervescent Moscato Smooth Vodka Pale Ale
Crisp Pinot Grigio Hard Cider Amber Ale
Chateau Reserve Savignon Blanc Tropical Chacha Nut Brown Ale
Peppery Fruit Zinfandel Golden Rum Imperial Stout
Smokey Shiraz Tequila (Doesn't work) Porter
Buttery Oaked Chardonnay Whiskey Lager
Smooth Pisco --- Bock
Fine Aged Cognac --- DoppelBock
Sipping Brandy --- Milk Stout
Melon Wine --- Pumpkin Beer

Another unique brewery-related item in CivRealms is "Neutral Spirits." Neutral Spirits are an item created from Smooth Vodka placed into a crafting table. This item has yet to be tested and has yet to yield any drinks, but it's our biggest league to a completely undiscovered branch of drinks. But, it is guessed that this is an ingredient to change original drinks that have been discovered into something else.

Newcomer Recipes

For those of you just starting out with Brewery on CivMC, there are a few officially released recipes that you can experiment with! Try making the perfect versions and then making them incorrectly to see how the Brewery plugin works. (Please do not expand this list. Brewery recipes should remain hidden. Everything on this list are recipes SoundTech revealed.)

Beverage Ingredients Cauldron Time Distill Amount Barrel Type Barrel Age Alcohol Effects
Wild Yeast 16 Beetroot Seeds

1 Sugar

7 Minutes None None 0 Years Used as a brewing ingredient in other brews
Wheatbeer 6 Wheat 4 Mins None Any 1 Year
Pilsner 8 Wheat

1 Lager Yeast 2 Hops (Tall Grass)

14 Mins None Oak 2 Years
Red Wine 11 Vines 8 Mins None Spruce 14 Years
Chardonnay 11 Vines

4 Twisting Vines 1 Brewer's Yeast 4 Oak Leaves

11 Mins None Oak 4 Years
Cider 8 Apples 4 Mins None Any 1 Year
Cherry Juice 12 Oak Leaves

3 Sugar

3 Mins None None 0 Years
Whiskey 9 Wheat

1 Brewer's Yeast

15 Mins 4 Distills Any 3 Years
Potato Vodka 18 Potatoes

1 Wild Yeast

8 Mins 3 Distills None 0 Years
Sake 15 Rice (seagrass)

1 Wild Yeast

18 Mins None Any 3 Years
Kefir 6 Milk Buckets

1 Wild Yeast

10 Mins None Any? 2 Years
Espresso 6 Acacia Leaves 2 Mins None None 0 Years
Earl Gray 12 Dark Oak Leaves

1 Peony

6 Mins None None 0 Years
Vegetable Soup 3 Potatoes

3 Carrots 2 Beetroots

25 Mins None None 0 Years
Zombie (Cocktail) 3 Parts Rum

2 Rotten Flesh

1 Min None Any? 4 Years

Additional Tips

Hopefully this guide helped you out with understanding Brewery. If you have any additional hints, feel free to add them below!

  • While trying to discover new brews, it is helpful to only experiment with one factor at a time. (Fermentation time, aging, distilling, ingredient amount)
  • You can safely take brews out of a barrel and store them in a separate chest while you are offline to continue aging them another time. Some brews take a long time to barrel age and you can easily miss the proper aging time while offline.
  • Network! A lot of players already have discovered dozens of recipes. If you are a new player, it helps to ask your nation or neighboring nations if they have any recipes they are willing to reveal to you.
  • It is beneficial to have a cow in your brewery because some drinks require milk! It is also useful to store a bucket on an item frame near your cow for easy access to the ingredient.
  • On some servers shop chests do not work with the Brewery Plugin and previously did not work to on CivClassic 2.0. Thankfully they are working now! Read up on the Item Exchange Plugin to learn how to make shop chests. You can still sell brews by using some redstone, dispensers and a redstone torch on the back of your itemexchange shop.
  • In the current config containing 690 recipes, no brew has a fermentation time that exceeds 30 minutes and no brew exceeds using more than 64 of any one item.
  • Due to a weird unintended bug, when distilling drinks, the drink will stop distilling once it reaches its maximum, perfect distillation requirement. Normally it should continue to keep distilling past that point for as long as you keep distilling.


This Brewery guide was created and maintained by GreatLordOz. The CivClassic Brewery Config was written by GreatLordOz with help from RektTangle. If you have any issues with this wiki or general questions, feel free to contact GreatLordOz on reddit /u/ChaosNeverLasts

Config Updates:

  • Update 1.1.12 August 4th, 2017 (Drink total: 154)
  • Update 2.1.12 July 12th, 2018 (Drink total: 293)
  • Update 3.1.12 August 25th, 2019 (Drink total: 420)
  • Update 3.1.14 November 1st, 2019 (Drink total: 470)
  • Update 4.1.16 September 27th 2021 (Drink total: 690)
  • Update 5.1.16 Unreleased due to Civclassic shutting down (Drink total: 800)

Full Config

Here is a link to the final CivClassic Brewery config that was never released. If you happen to use a portion or entire config on another server, just make sure to give me an acknowledgement somewhere. Additionally, if this link no longer works in the future, don't contact me for that because I wont be replacing it. Enjoy!