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Free City of Alexandria
Activity levelHigh (as of 01/21/2020)
Capital cityAlexandria
CurrencyBrine/s (1/16 of a Stamina)
GovernmentCity Council
• City Councillor
Albyrt, TTastic, Jaydon_
• Bureau Members
Hikoru, ChChris34, Fitian, jessthefish, Noahravn, Le_Brine
Foundation date10/31/2019 as part of Varathia, Independent since 12/2/2019
Motto"Shit just works"

The Free City of Alexandria is a city-state located on the eastern coast of the continent. An aqua nether portal was discovered in the ocean off the eastern coast by TTastic and shortly after, Jaydon_ and Albyrt came to help found the city. Alexandria was officially founded on Oct 31st, 2019[1] as a City in the eastern part of Varathia. It gained independence on Dec 2nd, 2019.[2] Alexandria is one of the most populated cities on the server and is known for being a good place for newfriends due to its friendly population and unique tutorial building that demonstrates the basic mechanics of the server. Alexandria was founded and designed down to many intricate details with newfriends and user friendliness to learn in mind. Alexandria is bordered by Bobanga in the south, Varathia in the west, Accelerada in the north and Agotep in the north-east. The Free City of Alexandria also includes the Autonomous Territory of the Trevie Kingdom.


ill get someone who actually knows the exact events to write this part


Independence from Varathia


With an area of ___ km^2, Alexandria is a vast country stretching over many different biomes, including mesa, jungle, swamp, desert and volcano. The City of Alexandria itself is built in the Bay of Alexandria on the coast of the mesa biome.

City of Alexandria

The City of Alexandria is the capital of Alexandria and is home to most of the Alexandrian population. It is a vast and populous city stretching over ___ blocks from its northernmost to its southernmost point.


Alexandria is home to many different landmarks, most of them inside the city itself.

The Tree of Dionysus
Newfriend Manor
The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria
The Temple of Serapis
The Alexandrian Amphitheater
Le_Brine Square
The Statue of Athena (idk if thats its name pls tell me lol)

Trevie Kingdom

The Trevie Kingdom is an autonomous region inside Alexandria. Ruled by king __, it covers an area of ___ km^2 and lies just west of Alexandria. It is accesible through the western tunnel.


The Free City of Alexandria is ruled by the Council of Alexandria. The Council of Alexandria appoints members to the bureaus, who are responsible for different aspects of running the city.

The Council of Alexandria

The Council of Alexandria consists of the following members:

  • Albyrt
  • TTastic
  • Jaydon_

The Bureaus

Many affairs of the city are delegated out by the Council to the different bureaus.

The Bureau of City Planning

The Bureau of City Planning is responsible for building roads and infrastructure, along with planning out further expansions for the city. They also manage the cities adress system and zoning laws.

The Bureau of City Planning currently has the following members:

  • jessthefish
  • ChChris34
  • noahravn

The Bureau of Economics

The Bureau of Economics is responsible for managing and expanding the cities economy. This also includes building publicly owned farms.

The Bureau of Economics currently has the following members:

  • Le_Brine

The Bureau of Human Resources

The Bureau of Human Resources is responsible for contacting citizens about things like derilictions and breaking of zoning laws. It is also their job to tear down abandoned buildings.

The Bureau of Econmics currently has the following members:

  • Hikoru

The Bureau of Reinforcement

The Bureau of Fitian is responsible for being making sure that everything is reinforced correctly. They work in concjunction with the Bureau of Human Resources, who notify people breaking reinforcement rules.

The Bureau of Reinforcement currently has the following Members

  • Fitian


In addition to the bureau members, the Council of Alexandria also delegates the role of guide out to some citizens. Guides are responsible for helping newfriends out by giving them tours of the city and teaching them about the plugins of the server. They also have the permission to add people as members to the namelayer group.

The following people are currently guides:

  • Hikoru
  • noahravn



Since it started as a city in the Varathian Empire, Alexandria originally used the Imperial Credit as its currency. As of 2020, Alexandria has completely made the switch to using the Brine as its new national currency.

Brines are worth 1/16th of a stamina. There are multiple banks around town where you can exchange your stamina for brines, although only the Bank of Alexandria is nationally owned.

Banks that exchange stamina for brines
Name Owner
Bank of Alexandria The Free City of Alexandria (nationally owned)
Lebrine Square Mini Bank noahravn


Alexandria has most factories, including a blast furnace, publicly available to its citizens. The reperation of the blast furnace is funded by the national treasury.


Alexandria has access to an aqua nether portal, which all citizens are allowed to use. Mining should be kept to the pit. There are two rules for mining in the pit:

  1. Don't be a tit, flatten the pit! Any random holes in the middle of the pit are forbidden, as they are a safety hazard.
  2. Don't mine any diamonds that have been left out in the pit. They have been left there as a part of the Double Diamond Program.

The Double Diamond Program

The Diamond Program is a system where citizens who find diamond ore in the pit can post a screenshot in the discord and then someone will mine the diamond with a silk touch and give the person two diamonds instead of one. To participate in the Double Diamond Program, here's what you do:

  1. Find some diamonds in the pit or near Alexandria. There's not a concrete limit to how far away from town the double diamond program covers, but dont expect anyone to travel to the other side of the world just to mine 2 diamond ores for you.
  2. Don't mine the diamonds, instead post a screenshot of the diamonds and you coordinates in the #diamond-spotting channel on discord. You can also include f3 in the screenshot to show the coordinates.
  3. Wait for someone with a silk touch pickaxe to mine the diamonds. This might take some days, as there aren't many people with silk touch pickaxes and they're often busy with other stuff.
  4. You should now be owed 2 diamonds per ore you found. Someone from the council will give you your diamonds next time you're online.

It is also possible to set up a "diamond mailbox" at your house, so you dont have to be online at the same time as someone from the council to recieve your diamonds. A diamond mailbox is basically a locked donation chest that only you have access to, that accepts 2 diamonds at a time. The diamond mailbox should be placed next to the door of your house and have a sign saying whose diamond mailbox it is. Ask in the #diamond-spotting channel on discord for more info.


Alexandria has many different privately owned farms. Due to its rough climate, it is not possible to grow crops like wheat, carrots and potatoes. It is, however, possible to grow cactuses in the mesa and swampland biomes. Alexandria also grows cocoa in their territories in the northern jungle and nether wart in the volcano biome to the north. It is also not uncommon for Alexandrian citizens to privately own farmland in other nations.


Alexandria has a very developed net of infrastructure, including rails, roads and canals.


Alexandria has rail connections going from Alexandria Central Station to the cities of Olendor, Puerto Vexler and Accelerada. These rail lines are part of the greater eastern railway system.


In addition to its international rails, Alexandria has an internal metro system connecting important areas of the city by rail. There are also plans to connect this metro system to other settlements around the country, including the Trevie Kingdom.


Alexandria has two major road connections. The Alexandria-Olendor Highway goes north out of the city and connects to the cities of Accelerada, New Jersey and Olendor. The Trans-Bobangan Highway goes south-west out of the city and connects to the cities of Puerto Vexler and Anvard. It is planned to expand the highway with connections to Tenochtitlan and Dar al-Vexler. In addition to these two roads, a western road connecting to the Olendor-Bobanga road is also under construction.

The City of Alexandria is connected to the Trevie Kingdom by the Western Tunnel.

Aside from its external connections, Alexandria also has a well organized internal road network. All the roads inside the city are named and all plots have adresses, making it easier to keep track of locations of specific plots. The organization of roads and adresses is done mainly by the Bureau of City Planning.


Alexandria is connected to Accelerada by the Alexandria-Accelerada canal. this canal runs from the Canal District of Alexandria to the river that runs through Varathia. This canal therefore also connects Alexandria with every nation along the river, including New Jersey, Varathia, Trinacria, Agotep, The Commune, which is now owned by Wheatistan, I.C.O.R., Oklahoma and Carbon. The river runs out into the Bay of Chicago, which means that, with the canal, it is possible to sail through the continent from the west coast to the east coast.


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