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Revision as of 17:03, 26 August 2021 by Bonusgrad (talk | contribs)
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SamBonusG takes a selfie in the Lazuli Tower bunker.
Personal Info
Current Citizenships
Known For
  • Founding LazuliCorp
  • Loving horses
  • Zookeeping
  • Architectural terrorism
  • Poorly planned raids
Main Residence
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivClassic 2.0
Iterations played onCivClassic 2.0 CivRealms

SamBonusG, also known as MrBonusgrad, is a Septembrian miner who can usually be found in Mount September riding Mobius, his trusty steed that is always donned in diamond horse armor. When he's not in Mount September, he's usually working at Lazuli Oceanic HQ in the southeast ocean. He first spawned in the server near Icenia, but was quickly ostracized from that community due to an infamously ugly house that he built there. After fleeing to Mount September, he lived the life of a raider and got into some trouble with prominent countries, particularly IMC. After secretly becoming a citizen of the unsuspecting country with an alternative account, he began to steal supplies from the beacons and storage units. He was soon captured and pearled, and would be the defendant in the first ever public case done by the courts of IMC since their revival.

After being caught a multitude of times during his raids, he left his life of crime and went on to find great wealth after founding the Lazuli Corporation. He now mainly partakes in commerce through the stores that are subsidiaries of this corporation, as well as through private international deals.

In July of 2021, newly elected mayor of Mount September, Thraldrek, brought him into the government's cabinet under the position of Cup of Commerce. He mainly acts as caretaker of the government stockpile, making sure MtS has all the materials needed to operate. He also works with the Mayor and diplomat in working out economic deals with other nations.