IceBoy_Board, also known as IceBoy or GeneralPingu_, is a Swedish player who spawned in Lambat. His Denonym is tho Icarian/Äggsih and is very religious to Aganism. He is known for being the King and one of the founders of Äggland and being President of Icarus. Is on civwiki top 50 list.

The skin of IceBoy_Board.
Personal Info
Current Citizenships
Known For
Main ResidenceKapellbo, Icarus
Known Spoken Languages
  • Swedish
  • Äggish
  • English
  • 50% Norwegian
  • A little bit French
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivClassic 2.0
Iterations played on
The Royal Heraldry of IceBoy


Äggish Civil war

Soria Crisis

The Sava Crisis