Magnasoria war/IceBoy's perspective
(This is written by IceBoy himself (me) so im gonna tell it like how i remeber it)
So around this time i was home for some week and i was incredibly bored. I sat home and farmed Sugar cane day after day. Anyways i would give anything for some action. I was at this time settled in Kaphae and sold my sugarcane in Fish. On the way there you always come across the Islamic Caliphates Capital and Magnasorias towns. I really like those towns, they are awesome builds and look gorgeous. I wondered if i could claim this land and somebody (not gonna tell the name) responded that the caliphate citizens hadent been online on the server for 2 months. Of course i wanted the towns if nobody owned them! I set the caliphate up for dereliction and as i was very bored and hungry for action i also declared war. What i did was that i said a kitten fight was a bloody war.
That was a stupid fuck idea. I got tons of angry messages on Discord of how idiotic i was and so i declaimed it and i thought that everything was over. Somedays later Asuramaru, the number one head enemy of the caliphate as i have understanded it, think of a wonderful idea to pearl me. I got pealed. Sinjorojocrafter, my allie from NWO, wanted to help me out as he hated Asuramaru. He tried to kill her and failed. Then he tried disocrd pvp wich didnt make anything better. More like the opposite. My sentence got longer. Because of the trouble Sinjoro had came with Äggland left the NWO. And Jollington was kicked.
The following days nothing much happend. I rember waking up one day seeing i was unpearled. And thats it.