CivWiki:Featured/July 25, 2022

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Revision as of 23:23, 24 July 2022 by Specificlanguage (talk | contribs) (add current events)
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From the Featured Article

A selection of CivTCG legendary players sold from the Promo set.

The Civ Trading Card Game, better known as CivTCG, is a trading card game developed by Lodish, mainly focused on famous players, locations and history in Civ culture. While gameplay is similar to other trading card games like Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, the card game could only be played on Civ servers (or Tabletop Simulator). Cards for the game were sold in CivClassic and are being sold on CivMC.

Special Promo cards were eventually added later on, obtained in unique ways across each server, such as playing a game of Thimble in Meditat to obtain the 'Thimble' card, or helping to destroy a NATO vault during the NATO-Mir War. Additional sets were also released late in CivClassic's lifetime, related to Yoahtlan and Gensokyojin culture. A new expansion focused on CivMC is currently being created. Cards are currently being sold in Altepetl in Yoahtl. (Full article...)

Current Events

Lusitania's train station in Portucale, based on a real life station in São Bento built by banyough and Metriximor.