CivWiki:Featured/April 15, 2024

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Revision as of 17:04, 23 April 2024 by Specificlanguage (talk | contribs) (it's a good thing this won't be on the front page because this was probably one of the worst newsletters in recent memory)
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From the Featured Article

Adina was a country on CivClassic that had a significant Spanish, Moorish and Caribbean theme that extended to their builds and government. Originally setting within Vitelian territory in 2018, the country became independent following its collapse and developed its own government. Despite a tumultuous political history with raiders, attempted coups from countries such as Astonia, and monarchical struggles for power, the country continued to develop various builds by the time ImperatorMendes came to power as president. By the late stage of the map, the country was part of the Conference of Eastern States and became a territory of nearby Caledonia.

The country was unique in that it migrated from various settlements, from Antigua, a typical village that was Caribbean themed, to settling nearby Tobago y Corona and finally developing Adina City, which developed on a large cliff and adopted a Arab and Moorish-like architecture style and was the hotbed of Republicanism in the country. Along with major churches and seats of government there, it became a minor economic hub, with many shops and rails there making it a small hub in the sparse southeast of the map. Although there was no notable successor, it is one of the few successful instances that survived through multiple rounds of political turmoil on Civ. (Full article...)

Current Events

Commonwealth's builds along Verdant Valley.
  • Current Imperial Federation chancellor SlothInASuit was pearled by The_JKH the past week for ongoing disputes and a run-in with Nara.
  • Lambat President Kaprediem returned, absorbing most power of the Metro Council and abolishing the position of the mayor of L-City due to inactivity from the country
  • Estalia renamed their nether portals to avoid confusions and properly mark public portals with recognizable names.
  • Cicero was elected as Lord Paramount of Volterra, along with the council endorsing the creation of the Volterran Equestrian Company's international expansion.
  • Several companies in Pavia released their Q1 results, showing massive growth within the companies.