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Revision as of 00:51, 24 March 2021 by Metriximor (talk | contribs)
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Minemaster933 uses the default Steve skin.
Personal Info
Current Citizenships Mount September


Known For
  • Criminal Activity
  • Memes
  • Discord Activity
  • Wholesome messages at times
Main ResidenceHas not stated
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivClassic
Iterations played onCivClassic

Minemaster933, also known as BinaryToast1 or simply "Minemaster" is a CivClassics player who become well-known on the server after being accused and convicted of crimes against multiple nations in November - December 2020. After being unjustly pearled by Eddie Murphy[1] and killed by Naglafer in Icenia[2], Minemaster worked to pay off extensive reparations and is making a big effort to improve his international standing.


Joining Icenia

Icenia December 2020 Elections

Eddie Murphy Diamond Heist

Stripping of Icenian Citizenship

Making Reparations

List of aliases

Minemaster has a habit of frequently changing his Discord name in line with current memes or shitposts so it's often difficult to know when he is speaking to you. Here's an incomplete list of aliases he has used in the past:

  • Minemaster933
  • BinaryToast1
  • Pirater (after jokingly admitting he was a Pirater alt)
  • explicitlexicon


Minemaster933 has had a mixed reputation on the CivClassic server. Admitting to a dangerous past of criminal activity, Minemaster933 has gone on record stating that they did not, in fact, steal the Eddie Murphy diamonds and that there is a larger issue at play. This was eventually proven true when Oko admitted that Kaloa HG had faked the evidence.[1] To outside parties, EM had remained private about what evidence they possessed on the matter. During the public court trial against Minemaster933, EM made a point of mocking the defendant and those who came to question its legitimacy[citation needed].

As of January 2021, Minemaster933 has gone on to become a better Civ player. They have stated that they regret the criminal behaviours they partook in Icenia, and want to become something more meaningful. Further, the Kingdom of Lusitania backs that Minemaster933 is well on the road to reformation and a wholesome player[citation needed].
