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|Adam (Coolking1500)
|2 June 2020 - Present*

Revision as of 19:24, 8 July 2020

The Industrial Workers of the World, commonly known as the IWW, is a confederation of Communist, Socialist and Anarchist Nations on the Far northern Continent of Napistan. The Industrial Workers of the World was originally founded on the 23rd of January 2020. The Industrial Workers of the World are mainly located on the continent of Napistan, but have member communes from different parts of the world. Their Napistani claims are bordered by, Valhalla, Penguinland and an exclave of Mount Augusta to the south, Carbon and Duckapore (also bordering off-shore to the east) to the west and Acasia and Astra to the north.

Industrial Workers of the World
IWW's Flag
Map of the IWW in Napistan
Activity levelVery Active (6/27/2020)
SettlementsTolstoy, Bremerhaven, Makhnovia, Crystalis, Columbia
GovernmentDirect Democracy
• Union Organizer
ADAM (coolking), Narwhal_19
• Server Organizer
4788888 (Salmon Dinner)
Foundation dateJanuary 23 2020
IdeologyCommunism, Anarchism, Socialism, Twinkieism
National anthemKid Rock - Bawitdaba (Unofficial)


Founding of the IWW and early growth

First Communes

The IWW was founded as a union between the Anarchist Communes of Vescau and Tolstoy on the 23rd of January 2020.

Vescau-Carbon Crisis

on the 25th of January, the leader of Vescau, Jeanluccy Claimed all of Napistan for Vescau despite the rest of the small commune disagreeing. They then proceeded to declare war on Carbon and claimed that they would conduct guerrilla warfare in the Napistani Mountains. He promptly quit the server 2 hours later. The people of Vescau decided to shrink their claims and rebrand as Exarchos. This Prompted Bremerhaven led by Orcishtimmy and Narwhal_19 to leave Vescau and for its own nation as a member of the IWW. On the 26th of January Makhnovia a small town in the mountains in between Bremerhaven and Tolstoy, joined the IWW.

Tolstoy after being bombed by PartAnimal

Bombing of Tolstoy

On the Second of February 2020 PartyAnimal, a newfreind was spotted in full prot going through Varathia and Alexandria. About 2 hours later he spread TNT across Tolstoy and lit it. While in the chaos he killed 2 Tolstoians and pearled rain. The pearl was then stored in an obsidian box on the north end of the Weser river.

Allies from Alexandria and Wheatistan came and broke Rain out, but the lasting damage from the raid caused 5 Tolstoians to quit and the city go into decline. Almost exactly a month later he was pearled by Albyrt while he tried to raid Alexandrian Farms in Eastern Napistan.

Overthrow of Rainie


Initially the IWW was leaderless as it was founded on Anarchistic Principles. Rainofpain125 however owned the discord server and the namelayer group allowing him to become the de facto leader of the IWW. In Early February after a vote by Narwhal_19 the IWW extended its claims farther south. However this conflicted with farms MCSPenguin had in the area. after short border conflict the claims were adjusted and Penguin land was created. Despite the negotiations with Penguin rain decided to try to break bastions near farms in Penguinland. After being caught by Penguin he was pearled.

Crab Coup

The IWW decided to use this time to create a new role conduct diplomacy the "Union Organizer" or UO. After Rain was released two weeks later a tense situation remained. on the 12th of March a conflict broke out between those who supported rain in the IWW (know as rainites) and those against rain called the crab army, the name given to members of CRAB, a group founded and led by Ian and heyduckhi. Between the 12th and 15th the crab army reset all the snitches and bastions in the IWW to a new group before rain could notice. After a few days of arguing rain agreed to hold elections for server and namelayer owner.

While at first the supporters of the crab army tried to boycott rain's elections eventually they all ended up voting for Hiduckhi as a their chosen candidate. During the election rain ran one of his alts as a separate candidate, this led to more arguing and eventually Rain's banishment from the IWW. Ducky became the first "Server Organizer" or SO, she was replaced by 4788888 who was elected in May after the 2nd SO election or as it is formally known, The 2nd Coup.


With Rain being expelled from the IWW he went on to found the Black International and the Paris Commune in Norlund.

Contrary to Rain's assertions that the IWW would 'decay', the IWW entered a period of significant growth especially in Bremerhaven. This period lasted until the war with Bobunga.

War with Bobanga

The May Day Invasion

On May 1st 2020 (International Workers Day), Bobanga and Eslenti attacked Anvard. During the attack, Goldencruchcrms went down to survey damages and after encountering the invaders, fell into a pot-hole and was pearled. Most of the Anvardians were evacuated in a rescue mission by Narwhal_19 and 4788888 via the IWW embassy Alexandria. While resupplying in the IWW embassy in Alexandria, Narwhal_19 was pearled by Darkydu and IanX12. Throughout the rest of the war, Anvard refugees lived in camps set up in Bremerhaven.

The Battle of Bremerhaven

On the May 2nd, Darkydu, Sircrowley, and Tradewars attacked Bremerhaven. Volunteers from Carbon fought against the raiders. Lvlyryn was pearled along with one of the Carbon volunteers. Server lag forced the Bobangan army to retreat.

Raid on Tolstoy

Not long after Darkydu and other Bobangans attacked Tolstoy. Minimal Damage was sustained and nobody was pearled.

Invasion of Bremerhaven and Savaguard Involvement

IWW Forces after occupying Tenochtitlan

After the IWW's counter-strike on Bobanga by 4788888, Red_Medic_Leader, heyduckhi, Nirvanguard, Comrade_Gus, and EmDubleYou, Bobangan and Eslenti forces rushed to Bremerhaven along with a Savaguard militia to end the war. Bremerhaven was overrun by invaders who griefed farms, structures, and houses. A notable casualty of the invasion was the griefing of the CivRealms Library Association library and university, an international organization as well as the destruction of the Statue of Lenin, a true monument to the proleterian struggle. Comrade_Gus was also pearled during the invasion. After the invasion, a ceasefire was called and Wobblies quickly got back to work rebuilding.

The Laurentian Seas Alliance and Involvement in the Hell war

Founding of the LSA

Logo of the Laurentian Seas Alliance

In late May of 2020 following the Collapse of Savaguard a project spearheaded by then Union Organizer VeryStrange began, called the Laurentian Seas Alliance (LSA) its goal was to foster greater unity between various aligned nations and oppose any threats from larger states. The First members of the Alliance were the IWW, the Saviors Republic, The State of Calorman, The Kingdom of Duckapore, Sexlahoma, The Kingdom of New Agral, The People's Republic of Dbugingrad and Otanabee. It was officially formed on the 8th of June 2020. Norlund would join not much later on the 20th of June 2020.

Narwhal at the Hell Vault after it was disabled by allied forces.

The Hell War

On the 19th of June 2020, a group of raiders from the Hell Vault attacked Varathia and the city of Chungus. Initially, it seemed that the LSA would stay out of the conflict but after the pearling of some Otanabians the LSA made the decision to participate in the conflict. Norlund, the IWW and New Agral all sent fighters to the conflict. Union Organizers Adam and Narwhal_19 and Server Organizer 4788888 were present along with Red_Medic_Leader. Hiduckhi was also present but did not take part in fighting instead building a shack with a mysterious individual know as JohnDelnaey called Iowa just beside the front. No IWW members were pearled in the fighting but Narwhal_19 fell to his death while taking pictures after the fighting ended.


Climate of the IWW




Cities of the IWW


The Third City







Port Sehid


At the federal level, the IWW is governed by direct democracy, two union organizers, and a server organizer. On a federation wide basis, major decisions are directly voted on.

Members of the IWW

The IWW is a federation of many nations, each handling its internal affairs such as urban planning. All members have democratic government but the precise mix of representative and direct democratic government varies by local government.


Tolstoy, officially the Commune of Tolstoy is the historic heart of the IWW. Located up the Tolstoy river on the Western Coast of Napistan its the second largest city housing up to 6 Players. Tolstoy was founded in mid January of 2020.


Bremerhaven, officially the People's Democratic Republic of Bremerhaven (PDRB) is a Nation Located on the Eastern Shore of the Continent of Napistan or Arctica as some Bremerians call it. It is Napistan's largest Country with a population of 18 Players. Bremerhaven is a member of the IWW serving as it's economic center. Bremerhaven was founded on the 20th of January 2020 by Narwhal_19 and OrcishTimmy.




Anvard, officially the Free State of Anvard, is a country located in Westernmost region of the great Mesa. Anvard was settled by a group of Varathian settlers led by VolutionFs in early December 2019. Currently it hosts a population of about 6 players.






Christianada, officaly the Commune of Christianada is a commune founded on the principles of Christian anarcho-communism. The commune itself is non-denominational so all denominations are welcome. it was founded by comrade_gus on the 14th of April after realizing there was unclaimed land there.

Leaders of the IWW

The IWW's Initially had no official leader as it was formed on an anarchistic basis. Rainofpain125 had made the IWW discord and used this as an opportunity to become leader. Overtime Rain became viewed as the face of the IWW and represented it diplomatically. After a small border conflict with MCSPenguin which led to Rain being pearled the IWW decided they needed to elect someone to properly manage its diplomatic affairs. On the 6th of February the IWW voted to elect a "union organizer" or UO. There would be 2 UOs elected on 2 month terms and elections would rotate so there would be one a month. In the first series of elections ADAM (Coolking1500) and VolutionFs were elected UOs.

Rain still maintained his position of owner of the in game namelayer groups and the discord and proceeded to abuse his power. In an power struggle he was removed from power and banished from the IWW. His role as owner of the namelayer group and the discord server led to the creation of the position of "Server Organizer" or SO. Hiduckhi was elected as the first SO. In April of 2020 the UO system was changed so that two new UOs would be elected every month.

Server Organizers
Photo Name Term Notes
Rainofpain125* Unclear - 15 March 2020 *Never held Title "Server Organizer"

but instead "Supreme Leader".

Hiduckhi 15 March 2020 - 10 May 2020
4788888 10 May 2020 - Present
Union Organizers
Photo Name Term Notes
Adam (Coolking1500) 13 Febuary 2020 - 4 May 2020* *First Term
VolutionFs 13 Febuary 2020 - 29 March 2020
FantasWorm 29 March 2020 - 4 May 2020
VeryStrange 4 May 2020 - 2 June 2020
Narwhal_19 4 May 2020 - Present
Adam (Coolking1500) 2 June 2020 - Present* *Second Term





Farmboyz Cooperative

The Farmboyz Cooperative was established by Adam and Narwhal_19 in February 2020 as a source of income for the IWW. The Cooperative produced and sold Carrots, Slow Arrows, Various Animal Eggs and other Napistani goods at their Civcorp plot from February to May of 2020. The Cooperative also managed XP production for the entire IWW and owned various farms rented out from foreign governments. Notably ones in Carbonic Mushroomland, Acceleradan Unitas, and in Tel Adam. In May of 2020 all farm assets of Farmboyz were merged into the Commune of Yaoyang and their Civcorp plot was put directly under control of the IWW.







The Crab

El Sapo

Trips the Polar Bear


The Civrealms Library Association


Heres a gallery of iww memes.


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   <default>Industrial Workers of the World</default>
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</image> <label>Founded</label> <label>Demonym</label> <label>Government</label> <label>Leader</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Location</label> <group collapse="open"> <header>Demographics</header> <label>Language</label> <label>Cities</label> <label>Population</label> </group> </infobox>