Combat Tag

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Combat Tag is a mechanic which prevents a player from logging out during combat without consequences. When a player is hit by another player, they are marked (tagged) for some duration of time. Any player that logs out while tagged will leave a vulnerable body behind for a period of time that can be attacked and, in particular, pearled.


Whenever a player takes damage from another player, they are marked as combat tagged for a period of time, usually around 30 seconds. If a player logs out while tagged, their body will remain on the server for a period of time, usually around 30 seconds. They can still take damage, be killed, and be pearled while in this state, just as if they were logged in.

When a player logs into the server, they are also usually automatically combat tagged for a short time, usually around 10 seconds.

Players can log out safely (without leaving their body behind) with the /logout command. This command requires a short duration during which the player cannot move or take any other action, usually around 10 seconds.

Command Reference

Command Description Alias
/ct Shows your current combat tag status and timer. /combattagplus
/logout Safely log out without leaving a body behind.