CivWiki:Featured/November 20, 2023

From the Featured Article

The Bedford Farms in Pavia.

Realistic Biomes is a plugin commonly found on Civ servers to adjust crop growth times. Used normally to balance experience production, Realistic Biomes adjusts crop growth and breeding to be dependent on biomes, and light visibility, as well as adjust crop growth times to take hours or days for a crop to be fully harvestable. Optimal growth times usually are around three to eight hours, but are lower in less corresponding biomes, for example, potatoes grow well in winter-themed biomes, like taigas or tundras, but do not grow in hot biomes, like deserts or jungles.

Originally debuting on Civcraft, it became a mainstay of Civ servers to this day, as it slowed player progression down to prevent quick enchantments. Clay can be used to speed up growth times to up to 33%, and glowstone or lamp-like blocks can be used to simulate greenhouse-environments underground. Crop growth is also persistent, meaning that it will continue to grow while chunks are unloaded. Development on the plugin continues to this day and has been used on every mainline Civ server since Civcraft. (Full article...)

Current Events

Pacem's town square on CivMC.
  • Gang Shi and Icenia continued to accuse each other of colluding in each other's business; Icenia accused Gang Shi of deliberately involving themselves in conflicts in the Temporal Isles and engaging in hostile behavior, Gang Shi insisted their actions were of self-defense.
  • Nara and Icenia agreed upon a friendship agreement which agreed upon non-aggression, sharing bountied persons, and international cooperation.
  • The Monument Group announced interest rate restructuring along with other changes to their banking structure and bots.
  • Pavia announced declarations of friendship between Mount Augusta, Gang Shi, Icenia, Amboise, and Griffin, with the latter two also signing a friendship agreement with each other.
  • The Imperial Federation annexed two territories along with the reelection of Mat_Potato_King as chancellor.