Brotherhood of Steel

Revision as of 20:47, 29 June 2019 by RickThePaladin (talk | contribs) (Editing on mobile is a pain. I will work on this when I get home from vacation.)
The Brotherhood of Steel
Their symbol
IdeologyConstitutional Monarchy
High ElderYourAverageRick
Location6700 400


Originally called Freedonia, an anarcho-communist collective created by Joshua_Graham, the nation reached an unknown number of people until it went inactive in around September 2018. In February, Graham returned, and modern Freedonia was born. He travelled across the map, eventually finding Tierra de Conciencia (TdC), where he met YourAverageRick and Godomasta. Due to Godo screwing up the Ravine City rail station's water drop, Graham died, letting TdC keep copies of his book, Rhapsody in Red: The Miracles of Communism.

A land dispute between Carpathia and Aznazia left Freedonia under occupation by TdC, under the name of Tierran Freedonia, until Rick's departure.

After the Gantoe Incident, YourAverageRick left, as he had no nation left to call home, and became the server pariah. Joshua_Graham left a month or two before he did. When YourAverageRick came back next year, he decided to repent for the many atrocities that he committed in the name of TdC's communist regime as their High Inquisitor. And so, the Brotherhood was born.

As of late, the Brotherhood has been making strides to become more economically sound. Rick recently started a chain of bookstores known as Barnaky and Noble. A Freedonia store is in progress with plans to expand to Appomattox, Constantinople, Mount Augusta, and Gabon. They are also able to sell certain ingredients for XP.

As of June 10th, 2019, the Brotherhood of Steel is now an autonomous region of the Republic of Caledonia.


The Brotherhood of Steel is located in the +,+ quadrant at 6700 400. It is connected by rail to Mir, Pripyat, Aznazia, Carpathia, and Caledonia. It borders Pripyat, Aznazia, Carpathia, and Caledonia.

The Brotherhood's capital is divided into districts.

District 1 is named Old Town, and has all the old anarcho-communist buildings, and the Brotherhood's stadium, the Trog Pit (formerly dubbed "The Comrade Dome").

District 2 is the Eastern Campus, which houses all of the Order of Saint Marcus' buildings.

The Brotherhood recently annexed the Hyperion Corporation, a former corporate state (similar to Corvus) owned by Vend3tta__. It is now called "Buena Vista" because the view is killer.

Notable Landmarks

The Trog Pit - Where the Brotherhood forces prisoners to fight like Pokemon for their own amusement.

Freedonia Mall - On the second floor of Freedonia's rail station, there is a mall.

The Wall of Brians - Where the Brotherhood crucifies raiders (that part is a meme, we actually use it for those damn fossil heads)

Order of St. Marcus Guildhall - On the southeast side of town, there is a guildhall for the Order of St. Marcus (WIP).

Brotherhood Settlements

Freedonia - Their capital, former ancom commune (as discussed above). Rick left the name as Freedonia out of respect for Graham.

Buena Vista - Small settlement west of Asiro, once known as Hyperion Corporation.

Unamed Nether Biome - The Brotherhood has a nether biome, the name of which is, as of yet, undecided.


YourAverageRick was the sole leader of the Brotherhood.

Citizenship in the Brotherhood is quite hard to achieve compared to other nations. One must actively contribute to public works projects around the nation, must have a residence, and must have no criminal record in Brotherhood territory. Even then, citizenship is not guaranteed; after submitting an application, members of the Brotherhood vote on whether or not you would make a good addition to their ranks. After that, you're given time to select one of three tracks (Knight-Paladin track, Scribe track, or Inquisitor track) at which point you begin actively serving in the Brotherhood. Citizens are required to contribute to at least one public works project every three months, lest their citizenship be revoked. Members of the Order of Saint Marcus are exempt from this because they're always building stuff for the benefit of others.

The Brotherhood is divided into three branches; the knights/paladins, the nation's military, the scribes, their architects, engineers, librarians, and the inquisitors, who handle the justice system.

Notable members:

YourAverageRick - Former TdC, leads the nation

Hockey328 - 2.0 oldfriend, elder, governor of Buena Vista.

Renrits1 - Unjustfully pearled by Mir, runs the LSIF commune in MTA and is their de facto ambassador to the nation (since they can't do anything else with him) Quit civ due to his pearling.

Foreign Relations


Due to Kaltsburg’s friendliness with their ally, Tierra de Conciencia, and that both nations were largely build oriented, the Brotherhood and Kaltsburg quickly became close friends.

Tierra de Conciencia

After hearing that njordomir was working on reviving TdC, the two were swift to ally.


While relations between the Brotherhood and Icenia were, initially, good, after Rick came to the defense of The Hobbyist amidst the CP drama, and the ClintHorris666 incident (where ChrisChrispie attempted to spy on the Brotherhood), the two became bitter enemies. This hatred would soon increase with Icenians constantly making fun of Rick behind his back and shitslinging in the Brotherhood’s discord.


After contacting Rick on the first day of the Brotherhood’s existence, Brennau and the Brotherhood soon became allies. The two were major trade partners for one another.