The Schizophrenia War

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The Schizophrenia War, or also referred to as the "Neo Partyland-Partyland War," is an currently ongoing meme war surrounding the nation if Partyland. The conflict is essentially LIQUID STEREO versus himself in the form of an evil alt called SOLIDSTEREO.


Partyland was established in late August of 2021 and is a well-known shitposting nation. It quickly gained decent amounts of land thanks to previous ties the nations leader, LIQUID STEREO, had with other nations while in charge of Sussex. Partyland also created the alliance of SUS the day before the conflict began, which would become a important justification for Solid's motives the following day.

The War

The Beginning

On September 29th, an unknown alt appeared online called "SOLIDSTEREO" and began denouncing LIQUIDSTEREO's leadership in Partyland, stating that "Liquid didn't represent true parties." They used the example of the creation of SUS, a new alliance created by Partyland the day prior, as an example of anti-anarchy, which is the "true nature of parties." SOLIDSTEREO proposed the creation of Neo Partyland, a nation true to the nature of partying. This person was subtly revealed to be LIQUIDSTEREO himself that same night in the Partyland discord by saying, "I may or may not have multiple personality disorder." Regardless, Liquid declared war on himself in a reddit post an hour later. Liquid gained the support of most of the members of SUS and NWO, however NebulaSSR responded by announcing their support for Solid and the creation of Neo Partyland.

Solid's Reign of Terror

At around 11pm at night (CST) the same day as the war began, Solid made it to Cringebridge and proceeded to greif the main apartment building in the city, an act which wouldn't be discovered until the next morning. The following day, LivingFungi, the Queen of Jerusalem, logged to catch Solid spamming signs all over Jerusalem saying, "Free Palestine." She attempted to kill Solid after catching him, but he got away by boat and sailed out into the deep sea of the +,+. It is likely this move was to send a warning that those supporting Partyland were not safe from his attacks.