Sneed is an Icenian/UDF psy-op operated by ChrisChrispie following the success of the join Hjalt-Icenian psy op "Cityleon in the Mayfo bunker".


Chuck's Fuck & Suck
Entire Server
Status Ongoing
Icenia Sneed  CivClassic Template:Country data CivMC

Isla la Sneed

Isla la Sneed also known as Island of Sneed is a small sandbar located in the nation of Columbia that is supposedly a broadcast site for silly memes.

Many believe this to be a UDF numbers station though sending hourly updates in coded messages such as "sneed" and "feed" to wepee agents in the nation of Kallos.


Sneed is widely criticized by minemaster933, a notable critic of Icenia and toothpaste man.