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'''[[RainOfPain125]]''', alsoor as he’s commonly known as '''Rain''' or '''Rainie''', is an originalthe founder of The No State Commune on CivClassics and the [[Industrial Workers of the World|IWW]] on [[CivRealms 2.0|CivRealms]]. He’s also a controversial player with a generally negative reputation as most of the server has negative opinions as a result of actions he’s done through out his time on the Civ servers he frequented.
==Civ History==
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===CivRealms ===
[[File:First Sign.png|500x500px|thumb|left|Rain's first sign on CivRealms]]
Rain began CivRealms as aan brandambitious new, skeptical yet adventurous player. Wanting to build, make friends, organize, and unitein his words ''“unite the leftistserver’s communityleftists”.'' His goal on the server was try to ideologically“ideologically "win"win” CivRealmson bythe convincingCivRealms theserver. general player-baseRain thought that Anarchismhe aswould anneed economichelp andin socialorganizing. ideologyThe notconclusion onlywas works,to butbuild a nation that itgathered isenough themembers mostand successfulresources orto preferabledefend systemitself ofif organizingpresented andwith havinga funthreat by others on the server.
In doing so, onOn the 23rd of January 2020 Rain declared23<ref name=":0"sup>Declaration of the Industrial Workers of the World https://www.reddit.com/r/CivRealms/comments/et45rk/hereby_declaring_the_industrial_workers_of_the/rd</refsup>, the2020 [[IndustrialRainie Workers ofestablished the World]]IWW, an organization of anarchist, socialist, and communist nationscountries on the far northern continent of Napistan though the anarchist part is disputed due to later events. Rain Rainie chose this area because he understood that trying to contestcontesting existing claims would probably get him killed, and the large northern islandcontinent of Napistan was largely uninhabitedunclaimed compared to the rest of the world.
Rain not only knew he would need a lot of help to organize. The conclusion was to build a nation that gathered enough members and resources to defend themselves if presented with a threat by others on the server.
When the IWW was declared on the 23rd of January, RainRainie had recruited some players together to join the server and beginbegan to settingset up communes in the arearegion. AndThe thus the CommuneCommunes of [[Tolstoy]] and Vescau (Later rebrandedre-branded as [[Exarchos]]) camewere into existenceestablished. At the time of creation, though, Rain did notdidn’t possess a computerPC and thus could notonly play CivRealms, merely organizing the group andorganize. encouragingEncouraging players to move up to the northern isolated continent to begin their journeyssettlement thereon the continent.
In doing so, on the 23rd of January 2020 Rain declared<ref name=":0">Declaration of the Industrial Workers of the World https://www.reddit.com/r/CivRealms/comments/et45rk/hereby_declaring_the_industrial_workers_of_the/</ref> the [[Industrial Workers of the World]], an organization of anarchist, socialist, and communist nations on the far northern continent of Napistan. Rain chose this area because he understood that trying to contest existing claims would probably get him killed, and the large northern island of Napistan was largely uninhabited compared to the rest of the world.
When the IWW was declared on the 23rd of January, Rain had recruited some players together to join the server and begin setting up communes in the area. And thus the Commune of [[Tolstoy]] and Vescau (Later rebranded as [[Exarchos]]) came into existence. At the time of creation, though, Rain did not possess a computer and thus could not play CivRealms, merely organizing the group and encouraging players to move up to the northern isolated continent to begin their journeys there.
[[File:NEWO.png|400x400px|thumb|right|North-East Waterways Organization, which Rain participated in]]
When Rain was again able to play, he moved to [[Tolstoy]], contributing to mining, and the excavation of a newcanal river that would span the continent andto provide easy travel under the newly founded North-East Waterways Organization, or NEWO, a construction group founded by the creator of Tolstoy, Vajra (IGN Zazorg). Tolstoy started to become the heart of the IWW, the main town that members would stay around and contribute to, up until later on with communes such as [[Bremerhaven]], and at the time is when a lot of recognizable faces of the IWW appeared such as [[EmDubleYou]], [[EnderWorldDragon]] (5492 on Discord), [[ExcaliburSword]] (VeryStrange on Discord), [[Narhwal_19]] (Narwhalo on Discord), [[fantasyworm]], [[Lowtuff]], [[Lannister]], and [[buystamps]].
[[File:AnarchistCommunistAssociation.png|thumb|left|theThe ACA, an anarcho-communist [https://discord.gg/ctkH6qe Anarchistserver Communistrun Association],by aRainie largeand Discordthe communitypotential Rainsource runs.of 1,100attempted membersvoter asstuffing of Julythe 2021IWW Elections.]]
After enough basic organizing had been finished,done and Rain had retrieved his gaming computerPC, he committed tobegun a recruitment campaign, utilizing his alreadya existingnon-Civ communityDiscord the Anarchist Communist Association along with Reddit posts acrossthe manyIWW largequickly andgrew. smallDue anarchist/socialistto subredditsthe thatrecruitment quicklydrive, attractedthe newIWW increased in members tobecause theof IWWit. DueMany towould theargue that Rainie’s recruitment drive, thewas IWWspam grewin considerablysome inaspects, sizesuch fromas wherethe itfact that the post was previouslyreposted to multiple subreddits.
The IWW was overall, a very loose and disorganized group. Not because members did notdidn’t agree ideologically, but because many did notdidn’t fully understand the mechanics present on CivRealms which later lead to the easy bombing of Tolstoy by PartyAnimal. (later revealed to be [[Vanax]]). RainRainie and [[EmDubleYou]] were pearled induring the bombing incident, as Vanax disguised as PartyAnimal. wantedAllies tocame 'purgeand removed the commies'.obsidian Howeverand afreed largeRainie coalitionand ofEms’ fighterspearls. fromThe [[Alexandria]]lasting leddamage byfrom TTasticthe andraid Albyrtcaused andfive other forces arrivedTolstoians to investigatequit and help.the PartyAnimalcity loggedwould beforego coalitioninto forcesa gotperiod toof the bunker, and we were freeddecline.
RainRainie continued to grind and buildwork until he fully understood the RealisticBiomes plugin, now understanding that most of the continent could not grow any crops, he sought to expand the IWW's claims across Napistan to more land that was arable enough to grow carrots.
Conveniently, a named "Greenland" threatened the IWW if it did not leave its surrounding land in the center-south of Napistan on the coast. Only 1-2 days later, the two people who ran Greenland quit the server, but not before giving up their group to a member of the IWW.
TheIn IWWearly thenFebruary inheritedafter a largevote carrotby farm inNarwhal_19, the southIWW arctic.extended Happyits withclaims thefarther details,south Rain decided he wanted to buildgaining a coastalcarrot townfarm nearin the farmsouth toas increasea traderesult. andHowever, accessthis toconflicted arablewith land,farms pickingMCSPenguin ahad spotin thatthe hearea. hadAfter thoughta wasshort onlyborder aconflict, couplethe hundredclaims orwere soadjusted blocksand fromPenguinland thewas farmcreated. RainDespite minedthe hisnegotiations waywith undergroundPenguin, inRainie an effortdecided to buildtry aclearing railroadPenguin's towardsbastions in the newregion. location,After butbeing realizedcaught theby areaPenguin he was bastionedpearled. There areRainie disputesclaims aboutthat thehe eventswas thattrying followed,to butbuild thea factsrailroad arein thatthe Rainarea wasbut attackingthese aclaims bastionhave inbeen theproven areato thatbe was ownedfalse by MCSPenguinother accounts. He was pearled for griefing and attacking thesaid bastioned land for two weeks.
At some point, members of theThe IWW, beingdecided anarchistto whouse arethis opposedtime to authority, started joking that 'they did not elect rain'. Jokes soon turned intocreate a seriousnew discussionrole onconduct whetherdiplomacy, ortrade, notand theorganization ownership overin the entire IWW discordnamed andthe in-game"Union groupOrganizer" shouldor beUO. democratically elected. After a vote, despite Rain being fiercely against the general concept of transferring ownership to someone who could simply destroy or ruin the entire project, it was decided that the position of owner should be democratically elected, which prompted a vote to elect a new Server Organizer.
While Rain was away pearled, members of IWW and Rain came up with the idea to create a new position called "Union Organizer", to which he made. Elections ended with Adam and [[VolutionFS]] working together with Rain to organize and run the IWW.
Many folks including Rain, Freezor, Ian, Pierre, and Hiduck ran for the new position. Initially, the opposition was divided between Ian, Feezor and Hiduck initially. Simultaneously, due to the unfairness of the vote by the Rainites especially as it became evident that Rainie was vote-stuffing by means of inviting new and inactive members from ACA to vote in the IWW election. The result of the discovery of Rainie’s voter fraud attempts led to the Crab Coup. Despite his attempts at ballot stuffing the election results did come in, Rainie had only gotten 20% of the vote compared to the Crab Coalition’s 80%.
At some point, members of the IWW, being anarchist who are opposed to authority, started joking that 'they did not elect rain'. Jokes soon turned into a serious discussion on whether or not the ownership over the entire IWW discord and in-game group should be democratically elected. After a vote, despite Rain being fiercely against the general concept of transferring ownership to someone who could simply destroy or ruin the entire project, it was decided that the position of owner should be democratically elected, which prompted a vote to elect a new Server Organizer.
At the end of the day Rainie did honor the vote and transferred ownership of the IWW. In spite of this he attempted to undermine the new leadership as well as spam shit tier memes. This ended up with him getting banned from the IWW discord. After which he’d end up making a [https://archive.vn/5RMvx long winded post on reddit] which was described by someone outside the Civ community as ''“A Series of Colonel Blimperies on top of one another”.'' It was also received negatively by the IWW and the server as a whole.[[File:ProIWWmeme.jpg|500px|thumb|left|A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the nations that came out of the Duckapore-IWW schism several months after his ousting.]]
Many folks including Rain, [[Feezor]], [[ian]], [[Pierre]] and Hiduckhi ran for the new position. Initially, the opposition was divided between Ian, Feezor and Hiduckhi, however, during the course of the vote the opposition resolved to put their votes behind Hiduckhi. Rain had issues with the results, claiming that the election was rigged as voters were allowed to change their votes upon request, as per the caucus. He claimed that by allowing voters to change their votes, 5492 had collaborated with the opposition to manipulate the results, despite the overwhelming support for the ability to change votes by all but Rain himself. Hiduckhi in the end won the election by 1 vote.
After being democratically defeated, RainRainie was ousted and banned from the IWW after attempting to undermine the new leadership and spamming the IWW discord, characterisingcreating thean IWWexample asof alikeGodwin's toLaw thewhile doing NSDAP/Nazisit. He left Napistan with two of his supporters.
Simultaneously, due to the perceived unfairness of the vote by the opposition especially as it became evident that Rain was vote-stuffing by means of inviting new and inactive members from his personal discord to vote in the IWW election, the Crab group (Led by Ian/5492 and Hiduckhi) transferred snitches and bastions for the event that Rain refuse to abdicate.
Rain ultimately honoured the vote and transferred ownership of the IWW.
====Criticism of the Insurrectionary IWW====
[[File:ProIWWmeme.jpg|500px|thumb|left|A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the nations that came out of the Duckapore-IWW schism several months after his ousting.]]
After being democratically defeated, Rain was ousted and banned from the IWW after attempting to undermine the new leadership and spamming the IWW discord, characterising the IWW as alike to the NSDAP/Nazis. He left Napistan with two of his supporters.
====Norlund Controversy====
[[File:AntiNorlundMeme.jpg|500px|thumb|A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the Norlund government at the time. ]]
After beingleaving oustedNapistan, fromRainie thewould IWW,end Rainup retreatedsettling toin theNorlund. mainland continent,This wandering,was followingsuggested theby a adviceuser ofnamed [[1234fireball]] who suggested to him that he could move into Norlund territory,should startcreate a new town, and then could petition to join the Norlund government asbecome a new autonomy (or "municipality"). Rain went ahead and followed this advice, establishing a new life in the far north-western nation ofwithin Norlund,. which wasHe almostwould theend sameup in climate to Napistan, featuringfounding the sameParis boringCommune snowhoping and hills. Rain chosethat the mostland uselesshe andsettled isolatedin regionthat of Norlund, believing nobodypeople would care about the land and leave him alone,. and beganHe thewould [[Parisalso Commune]],found beingthe approvedBlack intoInternationale thewhile in Norlund. government shortly thereafter.
When the Paris Commune was accepted into the government itself, Rainie would immediately face opposition from the majority of Norlund. Because of Rainie’s previous actions, most of Norlund would complain to the King of Norlund. The thing is, the king didn’t even look into him. So he just accepted the Paris Commune into the kingdom. He would then proceed to post large quantities of propaganda to the point at which it bordered on spam. As a result relations with citizens of Norlund and the Paris Commune would deteriorate further.
Soon Rain founded the [[Black Internationale]], an organization with a heavier emphasis on anarchism and resisting authority. Although he was beginning to get tired of CivRealms, and chose not to mass-advertise the BI as heavily as he did with the IWW. The Paris Commune started to accumulate members, with 10 active members at its peak. It was a mostly underground commune, with a tunnel dug at Y=0 to the factory capital of Norlund, Kannin. From there, Rain and the members of the Paris Commune could start to efficiently progress.
Eventually King Terry of Norlund could no longer play CivRealms. As a result a referendum was held in which ShamelessShamus became the King of Norlund. A few days later the Paris Commune was declared national territory of Norlund by a minister within the Norlish Government. After an argument Shamus pearled Rainie. This was seen as a controversial move at the time within Norlund due to Rainie technically being a Norlish citizen and the pearling being an extrajudicial killing. It would come to be known as ''[[Norlund#The King's Crime|"The King's Crime"]].'' This would result in King Shamus being removed from power within Norlund. His defense is that Rainie was a threat to Norlund.
Rain was almost instantly faced with opposition when the Paris Commune was accepted into the government. The king at the time did not know who Rain was, and accepted him for who he said he was. Much of Norlund protested this as they were already familiar with Rain due to prior actions. Rain subsequently posted large amounts of Anarchist propaganda within the Norlund community, in an attempt to convince Norlunders of his ideology and its legitimacy. Many in Norlund called this out as spam and Rainie's position in the Norlish community worsened.
Around the same time as the bombing of CivCorp on September 25<sup>th</sup>, 2020 the remnants of the Paris Commune decided to fight against Norlund after the government dedicated the area to Newfriend homes on top of the Paris Commune. Because the area wasn’t bastioned the griefing could be executed with ease. The property of countless newfriends and their homes were destroyed as a result of the uprising. With Rainie and the Paris Commune finally getting banned from CivRealms.
Things escalated for Rain when a member of Norlund posted a bounty against him, which was unheard of in Norlund at the time. Some members of Norlund protested this, insisting it was out of order to put a bounty on other Norlund citizens. The person was convinced to remove the bounty, but the damage had been done as the situation was escalating setting the stage for the climax of the escalation to come.
====Involvement in the Paris Uprising====
At some point, the Norlund kingdom dissolved as the king could no longer play CivRealms, dubbed the "[https://civwiki.org/wiki/Norlund#The_Death_of_King_Terry_and_Constitutional_Crisis Death of King Terry and Constitutional Crisis]". In his absence, a referendum was announced on choosing a new owner of Norlund. After the results were tallied, a new leader named [[ShamelessShamus]] become the leader of the Norlund government. In a few days, a minister of Norlund declared in the Discord that the Paris Commune was 'now Norlund national territory' because of 'prolonged inactivity'. By the time Rain got online to protest this decision, the minister was offline.
[[File:RevengeOfParis1.png|thumb|left|A screenshot taken from an anonymous user who participated in the Paris uprising against Norlund authorities, showcasing two signs with defiant wording. ]]
[[File:RevengeOfParis2.png|thumb|The aftermath of the Paris Uprising.]]
CivUniverse 1.0 didn’t last too long, in spite of this Rainie thought it as an opportunity to spread his ideology even further. He would end up joining the small building nation of Wyvern with his friend UnknownKarnij. This stint wouldn’t last for long as a user named Prebanned along with a friend decided to travel to Wyvern and kill Rainie.
Of course this isn’t the end. He left Rainie’s pearl in a random chest in the middle of no where and the pearl would proceed to expire the next day. After this to make sure this didn’t happen again the council of Wyvern evicted Rainie but gave him time to gather his belongings and demolish his house. After this he’d move to a jungle where he’d proceed to build another underground commune named after Woody Gurthie. This town would eventually join the established country of Camertem. After this, he’d visit the Fempire Union. He’d eventually join the voice chat of the Fempire Union where it’s members would give Rainie harsh criticism eventually resulting in Rainie being removed from the group chats and Rainie blocking these people.
Rainie was subsequently pearled by the new king, ShamelessShamus in a highly controversial event Rainie claimed was unprovoked and an act of ambush, though this is disputed by Shamus and others within Norlund. This event was dubbed "[https://civwiki.org/wiki/Norlund#The_King's_Crime The King's Crime]" and caused a small upset in the nation of Norlund. [This portion of the article is missing information, but any that is added back must be objectional/factual and not so biased or opinionated.]
Rain fervently opposed this action in the Norlund Discord. Shamus's defense was that Rain was a threat to Norlund.
Rainie would see CivUniverse as a cespit of toxicity. Though CivUniverse is a controversial server especially since there’s controversy around it’s staff being relaxed in terms of ideology especially when dealing with third positionists. There was also controversy around the CivUniverse discord allowing content that you’d frequently see associated with the further right. Eventually Ian_X12 the server owner would step in but have an “All Extremes are Bad” approach, thus resulting in the muting or banning of both “far right” and “far left” users. This would end up with Rainie leaving CivUniverse.
Fast forward to the 25th of September, 2020, and the infamous Obsidian Bombing of [[CivCorp]] takes place. In the process, Rain is released from his pearl.
===CivClassics ===
====Involvement in the Paris Uprising====
Rainie had rejoined CivClassics on in Late June of 2021. He’d proceed to move to the north east quadrant of the map to build up and eventually establish another IWW, The No State Commune. But the place he chose to set up in was near a nation that held bad blood against him. The Federal Republic of Acadia was originally a country founded prior to the launch of CivUniverse and quickly became known as a newfriend & buildfriend nation and was even involved in the First Coaliton War against New Vegas in CivU. They decided to create a colony in CivClassics and eventually made the move to the server.
[[File:RevengeOfParis1.png|thumb|left|A screenshot taken from an anonymous user who participated in the Paris uprising against Norlund authorities, showcasing two signs with defiant wording. ]]
[[File:RevengeOfParis2.png|thumb|The aftermath of the Paris Uprising.]]
After Rain was pearled, a new settlement was built directly on-top of the Paris Commune by Norlund. Only days later, the members of the Paris Commune came together one final time in an effort to get revenge on Norlund. Rain coordinated obtaining the supplies necessary for the grief of a Norlish newfriend settlement located in the former area of Paris. Rain sent a member of the Paris Commune (who used to be a member of the IWW) on an anonymous alt on a trip to Napistan. This user met up with a high rank of the IWW who escorted them through long corridors and rings of vaults until they arrived at a package, which was transferred to the Commune member. The package was taken back, and contained all the materials necessary to up-end what was now "Paris".
Rainie was known by Acadians as “The National Troll”. It wouldn’t be long until his past caught up to him. He ended up egging on raids mainly because of past grudges against Cortwade and JuniorTide. This would eventually lead to a pre-emptive strike against TNSC (mainly Rainie’s) bunker by Acadian forces to disable it to prevent further use. He was also logboxed by Okx and Ttastic which resulted in him doxing an unrealted builder Owain which led to him being banned from CivClassics.
The other two folks logged on, still inside of the Paris Commune since their last time being online when the pearling had happened. The third arrived and distributed supplies, and they began their work. It turned out that the area was never bastioned, so the grief was conducted with ease. Huge casts of lava were made, on-top of stacks of cobblestone, which would have made removing all of the grief incredibly difficult with the falling-cobblestone feature on CivRealms. Plenty of other parts of the area were destroyed, looted, and generally disrespected, devastating the newfriend population that had settled the area.
Rainie is unlikely to come back as a result of being hated by Acadians, and Consortium (formerly TNSC) who wanted to disassociate from Rainie. This also led to one of Acadia’s biggest political scandals when it was found out that Rainie had made a deal with the two founders of the Workers’ Acadia Party (WAP) by offering him diamonds in return for newfriends to make them part of the WAP. After this was uncovered, numerous factories including a diamond tool factory were broken.
In the end, they had spent two days destroying the assumed unsnitched Paris area. Although due to the established rules on CivRealms, their efforts to grief were in vain as griefing in the form done by Rain and his comrades was banned. All players involved in the grief were banned. Everyone involved, including Rain, was tired of CivRealms at this point and gave up - it was their final act on Realms.
Rainie has been a subject of several controversies in the Civ community and is generally regarded in negative regards at the very least, and at the most majoritarian disdain by the Civ community at large. The first being the IWW election and how he didn’t want to give up power to a democratic election at first. He would also cause minor dramas in between which would escalate into him getting pearled and or kicked from a group in general. With all of this coming to ahead with the Acadia drama in which he would end up doxing someone and getting banned. The very same reason why he claimed he left CivUniverse which everyone would consider to be irony at it’s finest.
Although Universe did not last long, Rain saw it as a new opportunity to create an anarchist group with former members of the IWW, choosing to base in the middle of a dense jungle hoping nobody would find where he was plotting. Although at first, Rain tried to join an existing nation to get a foothold into Universe, joining a small buildfriend nation named [[Wyvern]] with his friend [[UnknownKarnij]] (Milo#2242 on Discord). This did not last long however, as a shitter named prebanned along with another friend stormed into Wyvern, killing Rain with no reason provided besides "because its rain lol", and left, leaving Rain pearled in a random chest in the middle of nowhere, letting the pearl break after a day of not being fueled. Despite doing nothing wrong, the council of Wyvern decided to remove Rain from the town "to stay neutral" and gave him ample time to move his belongings and demolish his house.
So then Rain moved to the jungle, beginning an underground commune that was never declared, named Guthrie Commune (named after Woody Guthrie). Rain at the time also joined another existing nation named "Camertem" in order to have access to factories and potentially to build some cool houses in their nation. However, while swamped with college study and work, he decided to spend his little time visiting a well-established communist nation named Fempire Union, discussing with the owner and members in their public voice chat. Suddenly three members of Camertem joined the voice chat, berating and harassing him verbally. They were asked to leave the voice chat by everyone there and declined. They concluded with removing Rain and UnknownKarnij from Camertem discord and groups. Rain blocked all of them and made sure to steer clear of the crazy folks in Camertem from there on out.
Rain recognized that the server was full of the worst shitters Civ had to offer, and there was a large controversy surrounding the owner Ian_X12. Rain was only shown a small snippet of the evidence against Ian when he first started playing Universe, and decided to give him a fair shot as the server owner. However, the CivUniverse staff team frequently allowed nazis, race-realists, and other alt-right reactionary bullshit to exist nearly unfiltered in the Discord. After enough backlash, Ian stepped in and removed the blatantly racist content, but in return, took an "all sides are bad" approach, abusing to mute Rain for posting Anarchist/Communist propaganda. All of this culminated in Rain giving up on Universe, which luckily for him was a great move considering how Universe turned out. Only later did Rain learn about all the controversies and fucked up things Ian_X12 had said/done, ontop of learning he allowed doxxers, or even well-known pedophiles like TwinkieMiner, to play on his server.
== Beliefs ==
Rainie himself claims to be an Anarcho-Communist & Anarcho-Syndicalist though these two ideologies are not the same as Syndicalism and Communism are methodologically different in their management of economic affairs. Also his actions generally show different results from what would be expected of an anarchist. Rainie’s anarchist leanings have been questioned by a lot of people including people who lean towards more left wing ideologies as many of his actions have been criticized by many people as these actions have seems contradictory to the principles of any anarchist. This includes users such as Hiduckhi who’ve criticized Rainie as being “An Anarcho-Monarchist” and by another user as being “A Stalinist in an Anarchist’s sheets”, “a Caesarist”, “a Closet Despot”, and finally “a Petty Tyrant”. Many would argue that his ideas and beliefs at times are contradictory in nature and or claim that he’s out right lying about his true beliefs in order to gain power using ideology as a velvet glove.
===CivClassics ===
Only time will tell what is in store.
Rain's skin is custom-made by himself, and is a character of himself wearing the highest ranked uniform of his former group, the RoyalArms, hence the letters "RA" on the back of the chest. The lines on the sides of the arm are supposed to represent his rank as HHR-5, or HierHighRank-5 of the RA. There are also golden epaulettes that adorn his shoulders, signifying him as a high rank and/or a military official. Although the RoyalArms is now defunct, he enjoys the skin enough to keep it around.
==See Also==

Revision as of 00:53, 6 September 2021

Rain's Skin (c. July 2021)
Personal Info
Current Citizenships Industrial Workers of the World (Union Leader)

 Acadia (National troll)

Jevoghnya (Honorary)
Known ForIWW Founder, Union Leader
Main ResidenceAcadia (CivClassics)
Known Spoken Languages
  • American English
IdeologyAnarchist Communism
Anarchist Syndicalism
Civ Servers
First Civ ServerCivRealms_2.0
Iterations played onCivRealms_2.0, CivUniverse and CivClassic

RainOfPain125 or as he’s commonly known as Rainie is the founder of The No State Commune on CivClassics and the IWW on CivRealms. He’s also a controversial player with a generally negative reputation as most of the server has negative opinions as a result of actions he’s done through out his time on the Civ servers he frequented.

Civ History


Rain's first sign on CivRealms

Rain began CivRealms as an ambitious new player. Wanting to build, make friends, organize, and in his words “unite the server’s leftists”. His goal on the server was try to “ideologically win” on the CivRealms server. Rain thought that he would need help in organizing. The conclusion was to build a nation that gathered enough members and resources to defend itself if presented with a threat by others on the server.

On the January 23rd, 2020 Rainie established the IWW, an organization of anarchist, socialist, and communist countries on the northern continent of Napistan though the anarchist part is disputed due to later events. Rainie chose this area because contesting existing claims would get him killed, and the northern continent of Napistan was largely unclaimed compared to the rest of the world.

When the IWW was declared on the 23rd of January, Rainie had recruited some players to join the server and began to set up communes in the region. The Communes of Tolstoy and Vescau (Later re-branded as Exarchos) were established. At the time, Rain didn’t possess a PC and could only organize. Encouraging players to move up to the northern continent to begin their settlement on the continent.

North-East Waterways Organization, which Rain participated in

When Rain was again able to play, he moved to Tolstoy, contributing to mining, and the excavation of a canal to provide easy travel under the North-East Waterways Organization or NEWO, a construction group founded by the creator of Tolstoy, Zazorg. Tolstoy started to become the heart of the IWW, the main town that members would stay around and contribute, up until later on with communes such as Bremerhaven.

The ACA, an anarcho-communist discord server run by Rainie and the potential source of attempted voter stuffing of the IWW Elections.

After enough basic organizing had been done and Rain had his PC, he begun a recruitment campaign utilizing a non-Civ Discord the Anarchist Communist Association along with Reddit posts the IWW quickly grew. Due to the recruitment drive, the IWW increased in members because of it. Many would argue that Rainie’s recruitment drive was spam in some aspects, such as the fact that the post was reposted to multiple subreddits.

The IWW was a very loose and disorganized group. Not because members didn’t agree ideologically, but because many didn’t fully understand the mechanics present on CivRealms which later lead to the easy bombing of Tolstoy by PartyAnimal. Rainie and EmDubleYou were pearled during the bombing, as Vanax disguised as PartyAnimal. Allies came and removed the obsidian and freed Rainie and Ems’ pearls. The lasting damage from the raid caused five Tolstoians to quit and the city would go into a period of decline.

Rainie continued to work until he fully understood the RealisticBiomes plugin, now understanding that most of the continent could not grow any crops, he sought to expand the IWW's claims across Napistan to more land that was arable enough to grow carrots.

Conveniently, Greenland threatened the IWW if it did not leave its surrounding land in the center-south of Napistan on the coast. Only 1-2 days later, the two people who ran Greenland quit the server, but not before giving up their group to a member of the IWW.

In early February after a vote by Narwhal_19, the IWW extended its claims farther south gaining a carrot farm in the south as a result. However, this conflicted with farms MCSPenguin had in the area. After a short border conflict, the claims were adjusted and Penguinland was created. Despite the negotiations with Penguin, Rainie decided to try clearing Penguin's bastions in the region. After being caught by Penguin he was pearled. Rainie claims that he was trying to build a railroad in the area but these claims have been proven to be false by other accounts. He was pearled for griefing said bastioned land for two weeks.

The IWW decided to use this time to create a new role conduct diplomacy, trade, and organization in the IWW named the "Union Organizer" or UO. After a vote, despite Rain being fiercely against the general concept of transferring ownership to someone who could simply destroy or ruin the entire project, it was decided that the position of owner should be democratically elected, which prompted a vote to elect a new Server Organizer.

Many folks including Rain, Freezor, Ian, Pierre, and Hiduck ran for the new position. Initially, the opposition was divided between Ian, Feezor and Hiduck initially. Simultaneously, due to the unfairness of the vote by the Rainites especially as it became evident that Rainie was vote-stuffing by means of inviting new and inactive members from ACA to vote in the IWW election. The result of the discovery of Rainie’s voter fraud attempts led to the Crab Coup. Despite his attempts at ballot stuffing the election results did come in, Rainie had only gotten 20% of the vote compared to the Crab Coalition’s 80%.

At the end of the day Rainie did honor the vote and transferred ownership of the IWW. In spite of this he attempted to undermine the new leadership as well as spam shit tier memes. This ended up with him getting banned from the IWW discord. After which he’d end up making a long winded post on reddit which was described by someone outside the Civ community as “A Series of Colonel Blimperies on top of one another”. It was also received negatively by the IWW and the server as a whole.

A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the nations that came out of the Duckapore-IWW schism several months after his ousting.

After being democratically defeated, Rainie was ousted and banned from the IWW after attempting to undermine the new leadership and spamming the IWW discord creating an example of Godwin's Law while doing it. He left Napistan with two supporters.

Norlund Controversy

A meme created by RainOfPain125 to criticize the Norlund government at the time.

After leaving Napistan, Rainie would end up settling in Norlund. This was suggested by a user named 1234fireball who suggested to him that he should create a town and petition to become a municipality within Norlund. He would end up founding the Paris Commune hoping that the land he settled in that people would leave him alone. He would also found the Black Internationale while in Norlund.

When the Paris Commune was accepted into the government itself, Rainie would immediately face opposition from the majority of Norlund. Because of Rainie’s previous actions, most of Norlund would complain to the King of Norlund. The thing is, the king didn’t even look into him. So he just accepted the Paris Commune into the kingdom. He would then proceed to post large quantities of propaganda to the point at which it bordered on spam. As a result relations with citizens of Norlund and the Paris Commune would deteriorate further.

Eventually King Terry of Norlund could no longer play CivRealms. As a result a referendum was held in which ShamelessShamus became the King of Norlund. A few days later the Paris Commune was declared national territory of Norlund by a minister within the Norlish Government. After an argument Shamus pearled Rainie. This was seen as a controversial move at the time within Norlund due to Rainie technically being a Norlish citizen and the pearling being an extrajudicial killing. It would come to be known as "The King's Crime". This would result in King Shamus being removed from power within Norlund. His defense is that Rainie was a threat to Norlund.

Around the same time as the bombing of CivCorp on September 25th, 2020 the remnants of the Paris Commune decided to fight against Norlund after the government dedicated the area to Newfriend homes on top of the Paris Commune. Because the area wasn’t bastioned the griefing could be executed with ease. The property of countless newfriends and their homes were destroyed as a result of the uprising. With Rainie and the Paris Commune finally getting banned from CivRealms.

Involvement in the Paris Uprising

A screenshot taken from an anonymous user who participated in the Paris uprising against Norlund authorities, showcasing two signs with defiant wording.
The aftermath of the Paris Uprising.



CivUniverse 1.0 didn’t last too long, in spite of this Rainie thought it as an opportunity to spread his ideology even further. He would end up joining the small building nation of Wyvern with his friend UnknownKarnij. This stint wouldn’t last for long as a user named Prebanned along with a friend decided to travel to Wyvern and kill Rainie.

Of course this isn’t the end. He left Rainie’s pearl in a random chest in the middle of no where and the pearl would proceed to expire the next day. After this to make sure this didn’t happen again the council of Wyvern evicted Rainie but gave him time to gather his belongings and demolish his house. After this he’d move to a jungle where he’d proceed to build another underground commune named after Woody Gurthie. This town would eventually join the established country of Camertem. After this, he’d visit the Fempire Union. He’d eventually join the voice chat of the Fempire Union where it’s members would give Rainie harsh criticism eventually resulting in Rainie being removed from the group chats and Rainie blocking these people.

Rainie would see CivUniverse as a cespit of toxicity. Though CivUniverse is a controversial server especially since there’s controversy around it’s staff being relaxed in terms of ideology especially when dealing with third positionists. There was also controversy around the CivUniverse discord allowing content that you’d frequently see associated with the further right. Eventually Ian_X12 the server owner would step in but have an “All Extremes are Bad” approach, thus resulting in the muting or banning of both “far right” and “far left” users. This would end up with Rainie leaving CivUniverse.


Rainie had rejoined CivClassics on in Late June of 2021. He’d proceed to move to the north east quadrant of the map to build up and eventually establish another IWW, The No State Commune. But the place he chose to set up in was near a nation that held bad blood against him. The Federal Republic of Acadia was originally a country founded prior to the launch of CivUniverse and quickly became known as a newfriend & buildfriend nation and was even involved in the First Coaliton War against New Vegas in CivU. They decided to create a colony in CivClassics and eventually made the move to the server.

Rainie was known by Acadians as “The National Troll”. It wouldn’t be long until his past caught up to him. He ended up egging on raids mainly because of past grudges against Cortwade and JuniorTide. This would eventually lead to a pre-emptive strike against TNSC (mainly Rainie’s) bunker by Acadian forces to disable it to prevent further use. He was also logboxed by Okx and Ttastic which resulted in him doxing an unrealted builder Owain which led to him being banned from CivClassics.

Rainie is unlikely to come back as a result of being hated by Acadians, and Consortium (formerly TNSC) who wanted to disassociate from Rainie. This also led to one of Acadia’s biggest political scandals when it was found out that Rainie had made a deal with the two founders of the Workers’ Acadia Party (WAP) by offering him diamonds in return for newfriends to make them part of the WAP. After this was uncovered, numerous factories including a diamond tool factory were broken.


Rainie has been a subject of several controversies in the Civ community and is generally regarded in negative regards at the very least, and at the most majoritarian disdain by the Civ community at large. The first being the IWW election and how he didn’t want to give up power to a democratic election at first. He would also cause minor dramas in between which would escalate into him getting pearled and or kicked from a group in general. With all of this coming to ahead with the Acadia drama in which he would end up doxing someone and getting banned. The very same reason why he claimed he left CivUniverse which everyone would consider to be irony at it’s finest.


Rainie himself claims to be an Anarcho-Communist & Anarcho-Syndicalist though these two ideologies are not the same as Syndicalism and Communism are methodologically different in their management of economic affairs. Also his actions generally show different results from what would be expected of an anarchist. Rainie’s anarchist leanings have been questioned by a lot of people including people who lean towards more left wing ideologies as many of his actions have been criticized by many people as these actions have seems contradictory to the principles of any anarchist. This includes users such as Hiduckhi who’ve criticized Rainie as being “An Anarcho-Monarchist” and by another user as being “A Stalinist in an Anarchist’s sheets”, “a Caesarist”, “a Closet Despot”, and finally “a Petty Tyrant”. Many would argue that his ideas and beliefs at times are contradictory in nature and or claim that he’s out right lying about his true beliefs in order to gain power using ideology as a velvet glove.

See Also
