Meridiem Compact

Revision as of 23:59, 20 September 2022 by King Cupar (talk | contribs)

The Meridiem Compact, sometimes called the Meridiem Pact or the Lion's Alliance, is a tri-continental defensive alliance on CivMC consisting of the nations of Hyperborean Confederation, the Imperial Federation, the Pridelands (IF) and Venne.

Meridiem Compact
Lions' Alliance
Two lions, one light gold, one dark, superimposed over each other with a slight shift
Logo of the Meridiem Compact
Two lions, one light gold, one dark, superimposed over each other with a slight shift
Map of the Members of the Meridiem Compact (as of 11 September, 2022)

The alliance covers the entire coastal line of the Meridiem Sea which includes the eastern seaboard of Deluvia and western seaboard of Alenarith. Also within the alliance are the Imperial Federation states of Western Boundary in the south-west of the Western Continent and the CCTT in northern Deluvia.