List of Currencies on CivRealms

Although the standard currency in CivRealms is materials such as stamina or diamonds, some nations have created their own paper currency. These are often fixed to stamina rates and allow for more precise pricing.

Currency Name Conversation Rate Accepted in:
Brines 16 = 1 Stamina Alexandria
Imperial Credit 16 = 1 Stamina Varathia
Kran 16 = 1 Stamina Norlund
Peseta 16 = 1 Stamina Moloka
Astonian Dollar 8 = 1 Gold Block Athai Quarter, Moloka
dESTA 10 = 1 Stamina CivCorp
Mount Augusta Dollar 10 = 1 Stamina Mount Augusta, Municipality of Pacem
Boris Buck (Defunct) 2080 = 1 Stamina Corptopia
Otonabian Rial 10 = 1 Stamina Otonabee
Vibe Check 4 = 1 Stamina Vibeville