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The Kingdom of Salerno
Royal Standard of Salerno
Salerno at its Greatest Extent on December 6th, 2023
Activity levelDissolved (as of January 2nd)
Capital cityAvenio
TerritoriesThe City of Avenio

The Western Territories

The Duchy of Caerdun
CurrencySalernan Lira (official)
Diamond (unofficial)
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
Governing documentBasic Law of Salerno
• King of Salerno
Euro I (maintains title under Commonwealth of Arcandria)
• Prime Minister of Salerno
Rt. Hon. Broski_Biden (until December 20th, 2023)
Preceded byPontifical Administration in Avenio (administrative)
Batavian Kingdom (honorary)
Succeeded byCommonwealth of Arcandria (Salerno dissolved on the 20th of December, 2023)
ReligionCatholic (Official)
MottoFortitudo Eius Rempublicam Tenet
"His Bravery Preserves The State"

Salerno (officially the Kingdom of Salerno) was a short lived semi-constitutional monarchy located on the continent of Karydia of CivMC. It was established on the 5th of December, 2023 by a group of new players, alongside a substantial contingent of former Papal States citizens and administrators. It officially succeeded the prior pontifical administration of the region under Lucius I's Papal States, following the ratification of the Sixth of December Agreement between the two powers. The Kingdom of Salerno was the protecting power of the Brunsvik City State, with relations between the two entities governed by the aforementioned Sixth of December Agreement. The Kingdom of Salerno ceased to exist upon the end of the Post-Nut Clarity War,[1] with many of its citizens emigrating to the new Commonwealth of Arcandria.


Salerno was governed by a semi-constitutional monarchy, with a proactive monarch governing the state alongside a Prime Minister who is, by convention, chosen by the Royal Sejm (the national legislature). The Royal Sejm was composed of noble representatives (life peers), special representatives appointed for their expertise (appointees), and elected representatives (elected representatives). In practice, life peers deferred to the technocratic appointees and elected representatives in the selection of both the Marshal of the Sejm (Speaker) and in the nomination of a Prime Minister, making the Prime Minister an effectively democratically elected position.

Although the Monarch maintained a sizable contingent of reserve powers, most actual authority was exercised by the Prime Minister and their cabinet, who serve while holding the confidence of the Royal Sejm. In particular, a group of former Curial administrators rose to become effectively paramount leaders of the Kingdom, making major decisions for the nation regardless of official laws and roles limiting their technical authority.

Regions of Salerno were governed either by a Royal Governor (appointed by the Crown with the advice of the Prime Minister) or by a noble landholder appointed by the Crown. The sole exceptions to this are the City of Avenio (governed by a magistrate appointed by the Prime Minister) and the Dukedom of Caerdun (governed by both a Duke and Royal Governor in a similar system to the national government).


Salerno inherited the property, equipment, and membership of the Pontifical Palatine Guard following the Sixth of December Agreement, which formed the basis for the Salernan standing army (known as the Royal Guard), based out of the Lexington Bunker (named in honor of one of the Catholic Church's residents) in central Salerno. The Lexington Bunker in particular was disabled by an Imperial Federation force at the end of the Post-Nut Clarity War, allegedly with DGP support,[citation needed] which marked the effective dissolution of the Salernan Army.

Salerno was a combatant nation in the Post-Nut Clarity War, fighting with its Gang Shi/Butternut allies following the DGP's first strike on the Gang Shi bunker. Salernan Royal Guards achieved one of the only kills of the war (despite not securing the pearl) and saw active combat on the Yoahtl Skybridge, which saw a great number of Salernan fighters pearled. Following the end of the war, Salerno was subject to raiding by allegedly DGP-funded IF forces, which contributed to the Salerno population's decision to emigrate to the new Commonwealth of Arcandria.

Salerno's decision to join the war was internally controversial, with many Salernan officials initially against the decision to join the war on the same side of Lambeau fighters who once stole the lands of the Catholic Church. However, eventually, all Salernan officials closed ranks and agreed to support the war effort (which was short lived, culminating in the rapid defeat of the Gang Shi/Butternut alliance).

After the war Salerno's Caerdun territory was forcibly de-claimed[2] and was split up between Northfort and Baile after those nations had discussed it with Icenia.[1]

Economics and Culture

The Salernan economy was moderately advanced, with most important factories provided for public use by the Salernan government. Salerno operated primarily off of a command economy, with all economic decisions made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Much of Salerno's economy, like the previous Papal Administration, was based off of trade with Gang Shi (with relations initially established by controversial Papal representative Carter_t23), which contributed to Salerno's controversial decision to back Gang Shi in the Grasslands Gambit war.
