Important dates of CivClassic 2.0

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Some days on CivClassics are celebrated annually, some are server wide while others are nation specific.


  • Founding Day (Icenia) is on the 11th of March and is Icenia's aniversary of being re-established on CivClassics.[1]
  • Minemaster Day is officially celebrated in Mount September by law on the 23rd of March[2], celebrating the player Minemaster933.
  • Birth of Civcraft 1.0 and the civ genre as a whole on the 24th of March.[3]



  • Birth of CivClassics on the 2nd of June.[3]
  • Jah Day on the 18th of June celebrated primarily in Icenia to remember XXXTentacion with events normally occuring in Jah Park.


  • Columbia Day on the 3rd of July.[4]
  • End of the Infinity war on the 19th of July.


  • Lusitania was founded on the 2nd of September of 2017[5]

